Fire vs. Water!

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Later that day, miJ and Jim woke up to soft footsteps. They both feigned being asleep, but were unaware that Toriel was leaving something in their room.

"Oh... they are both asleep." Toriel then set two plates down and left the room.

"hmm... seems suspicious," miJ whispered.

"Uhh... what exactly do you mean by that," Jim replied."

"SSH! anyways, why would she leave pie, check on us, and mutter something OUT LOUD," miJ hissed back.

"You don't trust her, right? Also what I find suspicious is why she so badly dreaded you going to the basement. Now, isn't that suspicious," Jim said back. "Anyways, let's leave the room and say hi to Toriel."

miJ agreed, and they walked out into the hallway.

"Oh," Jim exclaimed while brushing his hair. "let's look at that locked room."

Jim and miJ snuck over and examined the door.

"Under renovations, huh?", Jim said. "Let's pick the lock!"

The lock didn't budge even slightly.

"Well... um... should we say hi to Toriel, then?"

"I dunno. I'm going to go back to our room." miJ then left, leaving Jim alone, like how he was when he first fell down into the underground.

miJ returned and said, "We forgot the pie. Oh, also, let's go to the basement! We don't need the pie."

Jim walked to the basement. miJ followed close behind.

The two walked on for what felt like awhile, but finally came up to a door.

"Oh! Is this the exit to the-"

miJ was cut off when wall of fire blocked the door off.

"Jim? Did you do that?", miJ asked.

"Why would I block off our way out? Do I LOOK stupid?"


Jim and miJ both froze when they heard Toriel's voice.

"Do not leave."

miJ glared at Toriel and said with an evil tinge in his voice, "Why, of course NOT, MA'AM."

Jim took this moment to move the fire with s bit of difficulty and slip out the door.

"miJ... all of the other human children have left the Ruins because I let them. It was the same for all of the previous 5. They come, they go, they die. You naive child... if you think that the world outside of the Ruins is peaceful, you are wrong."

This made miJ defiantly say, "I can survive anything."

Toriel shook her head and said "Fine. I see. Then, prove it. Prove to me that you can survive the outside world."

The room darkened around miJ and Toriel, and the PEW PEW noise sounded.

miJ ignored the blackboard, because he didn't care. He was going to prove to his opponent, one of the only monsters that he respected so far, that you can do anything with love.

miJ then dropped his comb, the only weapon that he used for battles, and pressed the MERCY button.

"I don't care about what you think. I just want you to let me leave and follow my friend."

Toriel said nothing, and fired a pattern of fire magic at miJ.

miJ created several small circles of water and deflected the fireballs. Again, miJ pressed the MERCY button.

"Look, Goatmom, you should be happy that I haven't had the nerve to kill you yet."

Toriel's expression swiftly changed, and during her turn, the fireballs didn't even come. miJ noticed her having a slightly frightened expression.

miJ pressed the MERCY button again, and replied "Now, let me leave before I do feel like ending you."

Toriel nodded and let him leave without a single word. She then walked away silently.

miJ decided to walk through the door, but saw that Jim wasn't in sight.

"Where is he?", miJ wondered. He walked down the path, and saw Jim engaged in a fight in the same flower from the start, Flowey.

"Jim! I'll help!" miJ brandished his comb and transformed it into weed killer.

Flowey, totally absorbed by trying to take Jim's soul, didn't notice miJ sneaking up behind him. Once miJ was close enough, he shot the weed killer.

"AAAAGH! WHAT... Oh. It's YOU.", Flowey said. "Did you SERIOUSLY think that that would hurt me? Haha! You IDIOT."

miJ put his comb back and said "Eh, whatever. JIM USE MAGIC NOW!"

Jim quickly shot a mass amount of fire at Flowey, making him shoot across the room, loudly screaming while doing it.

"Good job, miJ," Jim said. "Let's go."

The two exited the Ruins.

Please comment and let me know if there's anything that I can improve on! Thanks for reading!

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