Part 6

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The next morning we all got our gear ready for our mission. I was kinda embarrassed about what happened yesterday so I try not to talk to Hana very much. When we get inside of the ship I sit dow next to Lucio. Luckily there where only two seats on each side. I try not to look at Hana but she keeps on staring at me but when I look at her she looks away. Wait a second. I lean over and whisper to Lucio, " hey do you think maybe Hana likes me." Lucio looked at Hana for a second. "Bro to be honest I think she has a mad crush on you," he said winking at me. My face turned red. The room went quiet. I had this weird feeling that something wasn't right. The next thing I knew the bottom of the ship was blown off. We went flying out of the ship. "Hana," I yelled reaching for her hand. But she was knocked out. I couldn't see Lucio or Lena anywhere. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close. We hit the ground making a huge crash sound. I could barely move. I heard footsteps moving towards us. "Help please," I said as my vision went a little blurry. "Well well well if it isn't the sparrow himself," the sound came from a dark silhouette. As the person emerged from the dust I knew exactly who it was. It was the chief commander of the shimada clan, Heikito. I got up setting Hana down. "So you found me, well I guess it wasn't that hard considering me joining overwatch," I said as I unsheathed my sword. -Writers note-(this is basically a version of the story where Hanzo never killed Genji) I dashed towards him missing. "Looks like your a bit beat up. Oh well I guess that'll just make it easier for me to kill you!" He ran towards me jumping over me and attempting to stab me in the back. I quickly jump out of the way holding my injured arm. "I may die here but I'm not going down without a fight!" We began clashing swords as sparks flew threw the air. "G-genji," Hana said barely moving her arm out. I was distracted by her voice which left me open allowing Heikito to stab my left shoulder. "Your time is up sparrow, any last words," he said holding a knife up to my neck. "First I'd like you to do something for me considering I am a former member of the shimada clan." He paused for a moment. "Very well, what is your request." I look over at Hana. "Promise me that you won't hurt her, just kill me and then let her go." Hana sits up a little with a tear in her eye. "No Genji you cant just give up," Heikito starts laughing. "It's fine, I guess I had this coming." I chuckled a little bit. I closed my eyes, "Do it." Hana screamed, "No!" Heikito slit my throat as blood shot out everywhere. Well I guess this is it, I guess this is the end. I saw a light. "So you give up, after everything you've been through you die like this." The voice was coming from the light. "Yeah I guess it wasn't the way I wanted to go out but there isn't much I can do." I thought about Hana and how she probably feels right now. "I shall give you one chance to live but if you die once more, it's over." I couldn't move. "Thank you," I said with a tear in my eye. I began moving away from the light. The next thing I new I was back right where I was before. Heikito was walking away, "Hey dickhead how about a rematch." He quickly turned around to see my glowing green. "What impossible!" Hana had her hand covering her mouth. I ran towards him faster than I have ever ran before, stabbing him in the heart. "How," he said as I kicked him away. I put my sword away and the green flames went away. I quickly ran over to Hana. "Are you alright," I said picking her up holding her closely. She wrapped her arms around my neck at kissed me. A ship landed behind us. "Are you guys alright!" Lena jumped out running towards us. When we got to HQ I asked Commander Morrison if me and Hana couldn't have a short leave of absence. So yeah me and Hana got together and bought a house in Numbani. From then on we continued to do missions together bla bla bla love story.

The end.

(I'm probing going to be doing either another fan fic or an overwatch highschoool thing. Thank you guys for all your support!) x GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now