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I always loved family get together they were the perfect opportunity to make havoc and break the rules, the best bit about this one was it was my brother's 18th and I had some great tricks up my sleeve.

The day started as I planned the big rush to get out the door and get on the boat as soon as possible, this was the best time to do all the trick or to prepare for them at least. So, I got up an hour early and started my work. First, I got my younger sister's stuffed toys and placed them in my bed so it looked like I was asleep. I then, went outside and attached some speakers to the tree on a verge, connecting them to my brothers I-Pod I put the speakers on loud volume and played a recording of him screaming like a girl. I then ran round the side of my house and climbed through my window and then bolted to my brother's room, everyone was in there telling him off for screaming and I just grinned through the doorway.

We got out the house 5 minutes earlier than I hoped to so the speakers were still up, luckily no one noticed them, if Dad were around he definitely would have he always had a sharp eye but he died when I was 3. As we climbed into the car I saw a bit of light reflect of the tree branches and my stomach dropped I had left my Sun Glasses in the tree, it was clear I wasn't the only who saw them as my Brother stared hard at me but said nothing.

We arrived at the dock in no time and with little stress, we then got out the car and joined the queue with the tickets in my hands. Little did they know I actually had 6 pieces of blank paper in my hand, when a big gust of wind game by I let the papers fly, my, mother started screaming at me telling me I had wasted all that precious money. I stared at her looking confused and said

"but the tickets are in your pocket", and sure enough when my mother looked in her pocket there they were.

We were almost at the front of the queue when my brother said

"Mum I left something in the car can I go get it",

Mum sighed but said

"All right but be kick". And so off he went known of us were really worried after all he was 18. We didn't start to panic until the boat left the dock and he hadn't joined us (he'd left his phone with Mum so she couldn't contact him).

It was 3 in the afternoon and I was sitting down reading a book when my mother came up to me and said

"Honey when the boat was leaving did you see him in the carpark anywhere". I opened my mouth and suddenly I remembered something...

Earlier in the morning when the boat was about to leave I remember seeing a blue Mercedes Benz pull up and two men got out one with a pole he had hit a boy standing near by with it and then they had dragged him into the car and driven off. It took me about a second to realize who the boy was, my brother. I looked at my mother's anxious face and said,

"yeah I saw him running as fast as he could to get on the boat". As soon as my mother left I jumped up and ran to the back of the boat, and took of my T-shirt and and pants, I was now in my bathers. I slowly walked to the side of the boat and climbed over the railing. I took a deep breath, I wasn't strong swimmer and had a phobia of heights. I looked around at the boat and then at my family, they hadn't noticed me, I had to save my brother, I had to jump now or never. I took one last breath and then jumped.

For a split second I couldn't breathe, I screamed but my voice was drowned out by the deafening sound of the wind. It was like a thousand pins pricking me at the same time as I went deeper and deeper into the water. I was getting pulled under and spat out I tried to get as much air in my lungs but I it wasn't enough black spots where covering my vision due to lack of oxygen. On the last time I was dragged under deeper into the dark depths of the murky water below. I was caught in a rip underwater. I started to panic I tried to swim up the current was sucking me under, I was running out of oxygen I knew I needed to stay calm but I couldn't. The water kept dragging me down until I went unconscious...

They never found the body of Clove Maria Anderson and have never been able to piece together why she jumped of the boat or why the ship was sailing in such dangerous waters without warning the passengers. The ship ending up hitting a rock and sunk taking everyone but the captain who escaped on the lifeboat, the captain turned out to be Dave Smith a notorious criminal who was Agnes and Lily's (Clove's younger twin Sisters) Father, who worked with Jerald Anderson, Clove's real father. As for Mathew (Matt) Anderson, he was abducted by Jerald Anderson (His father) and Dave Smith and murdered that night from being pushed of a cliff into rough waters below.

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