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"Mam I am afraid there is no chance of survival, you are going to die of Lung Cancer", the man said as he stared at me his eyes full of pity, I sighed I new this day had been coming but still it was a lot to take in, I was going to die, die from cancer, such a mundane death, and I didn't even have anyone to give my millions to.

"So Mam, who is to receive your stuff, it has been brought to my attention you do not have a will, am I right?", the man asked, I pondered on this question for a minute unsure what to answer, how to say I knew no one, but then I remembered something.

"Yes sir I do not have a will but I do have someone I would like to give my Money to. Sir there is a man that lives on my street, he sleeps at the bench near my house, I wish for him to have everything", I said.

"Are... are you sure mam", the man asked he had an interesting expression on his face like he wanted to laugh but then also stay business like.

"Yes sir I mean what I said", I answered, I had been a stuck up snob my whole life, but finally I was going to do something for someone else, die in my eyes as a hero.


It was dark, I curled up as small as I could to sleep on the bench outside the snob's house, she had come early, after months of her being away, I thought she was going to tell me to shoo like she usually did, but instead she smiled.

"Excuse me are you The homeless man on Swallow Rd", a man in an expensive suit asked.

"Yes, yes", I replied.

"Miss Ember Silveriron of 17 Swallow Rd, passed away 2 hours ago, on her will she stated that she was leaving everything to the Homeless man on her street", the man said, I froze, I was going to be a millionaire, and then I paused, no I wasn't, I was going to use my newfound money to help other homeless people, I didn't need to be a millionaire.

"Sir if you could just please sign here to say you agree", the man said.

"Yes of course", I replied as I signed the slip, I was now officially a millionaire.

"Sir may ask how you are to spend this money", I looked up at the man he looked genuinely curious, so answered.

"I am going to help other homeless people like myself", I replied.

"Miss Silveriron would have been proud if she was still with us", the man said as he bowed his head and walked off, he then turned around and said,

"Good luck, and may you live a long and happy life". I got up and walked to Miss Silveriron's house, my house and opened the door slowly and my life as a millionaire began.

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