Can i ask you something

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Jonathan pov

(Me and Sock have been dating for a long time and today's the day I will ask him to marry me.) "Hey Jonathan?" Asked a sad looking lil "Am I ugly?" Jonathan was surprised that this girl was asking this question. " No you are a gorgeous girl! Never think anything less of it!" lil smiled. "Thanks Jonathan! Oh and good luck to night!" Jonathan looked up at this. "What do you know?" Lil spoke up. "I over heard you talking to your self last night how you are going to ask Sock to marry you." Jonathan was happy lil supported this. "Thanks lil!" Jonathan yelled. "Ok now you just have to make sure that nothing bad happens tonight.

Sock pov

"LIL!!!" Held a panicky Sock. " HELP ME!!!" Sock could not tie a tie to save his life. Lil came in and helped him. "So Sock hope you have a great night you look amazing! You are going to be so happy!" Sock looked at the strange girl. "Thanks Lil for saving my life!" Sock told the purple haired girl. "No problem Sock! Tell me about what happened after your date ok?" Sock agrees and started looking for his hat.

"Sock come on I got a reservation at Olive Garden!!! We got to go!" Sock didn't reply. Jonathan ran up the stairs to try and find him. "Sock? Where are you?" I stepped on something. It was Socks hat! He never leaves without it. "Sock?" Jonathan went in to Socks room and saw the scariest thing ever. He saw Sock but he could not get him. No matter what he tried he could not do anything. The last thing Jonathan saw before passing out was a Cheshire Cat smile surrounded by darkness.


"JONATHAN FOR THE LOVE OF THE CHEESE LORDS WAKE UP!!!" Jonathan was awake and alive. He didn't understand what happened but when he saw sock he started crying. "Sock please don't let me go!" Sock held Jonathan for a long time. "Shhh Jonathan shhh it's ok I promise. Sshhhh." Sense this is happening lil went into the kitchen and started to make some sandwiches. Because there was no way they where leaving the house now.

Jonathan told Sock what he saw and Sock listened and still hugged Jonathan. "It felt so real!!! I was so scared with out you sock! And I had a regret when I saw you dead in that dream." Sock got curious. "What exactly is this regret of yours Jonathan?" Jonathan took a deep breath but be for he could do anything lil came in with sandwiches. Lots and lots of sandwiches! Jonathan's second favorite thing.

They ate the sandwiches and then Jonathan asked to have the room alone with sock.

Jonathan held Socks hands and spoke. "My regret was not telling you I love you. Not giving you a flower or a stuff animal but who needs that"... * Jonathan got down on one knee and pulled out a golden ring.* ... "when all you have to do is say yes to one ring."

Sock was speechless. He was so excited he answered so fast. "Yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!" Jonathan put the ring on Sock and picked up the love of his life!

Both boys were excited this was the best night ever! And nothing will change the answer to this!

Both boys were in Socks room snuggling like always. They were talking n love and happy and they can't wait for the wedding.

???? Pov

Soon Sock you will be mine! And your boyfriend will be gone forever! And we will be happy like we used too.


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