Chapter 4: Confrontation

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I woke up the next morning, sun shining in through the balcony doors. I looked at my clock, and the time read 9:30am. I took a deep breath and stood up. I went in my closet and grabbed a pair of black short shorts and a red tank top. I went and took a shower. The shower felt nice but the only thing that I could think about was the kiss between me amd Christine. As I stood there and the water hit my face, I closed my eyes and I could see it reply. Her coming close and stopping inches away from my face. Then me leaning in to meet her lips. Her lips. They were so soft, and as the lips tasted so sweet. I opened my eyes and sighed. I finished my shower and then got out. Once I finished dressing I went down stairs and into the kitchen where ny mother was cooking eggs and bacon and my father was reading the paper. I walked over to the table and sat next to my dad.

"Good morning kiddo. How did you sleep last night?" He said with a smile.

I looked over at him. " I slept ok I guess." I said.

My mom put down a plate with my breakfast in front of me and I started to eat. As usual it was really good. I love when mom cooks. As I was sitting eating, when the text alert on my phone went off. I looked at my phone and it was from her.

'Hey we need to talk about last night.'

I took a deep breath and responded.

'We do but I rather talk in person. Meet me at the boardwalk at the tip northern tip of the city. Ill be waiting for you on the docks. Be there for 9.'

I looked at the message for couple minutes and then hit send. I shut my phone off and then put my phone down and continued to eat. After breakfast I went to the living room and turned on the TV. Shorty after my parents joined me. We spent the next couple hours watching some movies that was on. The day was pretty relaxed. After the second movie I got up and went up to my room. i looked at my clock and it was only 3 pm. Time was going by pretty slow. I was eager to know what Christine had to say. What could she possibly say? What is she gonna say about our kiss? All these questions just kept running through my head. I was getting more and more anxious. I just wanted it to be time to meet with her. I had to figure this all out. This confrontation was needed. I've never been so confused. All this thinking mad the time fly by. Next thing I new I was being called back downstairs for dinner. i went downstairs and sat down at the table. after i sat down my mom put down a plate of pork Chops, rice and steamed brocoli.I Smiled at my mom and thanked her for The food and then began to eat. It was so good. The pork chops were moist and flavorful. The rice was nice and fluffy and the broccoli was jt perfect. I alway loved my moms cooking, She was really good at it. I was able to quickly eat the food that was given to me and then Put my plate in the sink And then I went upstairs to my room and looked at my Alarm clock read 7:30 pm. I decided that I Wasn't gonna Wait any longer. so I decided that I was Genna head over to the docks early. I Couldn't Just sit around anymore. sitting around waiting Was Just driving me up a wall so I went in my closet and grabbed a Pair of my black skinny Jeans and a White tank top. I Put them on and then I Put On a brown thin leather Jacket. In a more wicket pace, my black All-star converse shoes, were slipped on. As I was finishing up, I took a quick look into my mirror to check how I looked then to grabbed my keys. I rushed down the stairs and and to the door.

"Mommmm, I'm going out for a bit, I will be back later. "

"OK honey. Be safe and try out to late. I love you" She said as she poked her head out from the kitchen.

"I love you to mom. See you later."

Closing the door behind me, I ran and hoped into my car starting it up and backing out of the driveway. As I drove down the road, all I could do was think about her and what she wanted. Is it about that kiss? That kiss, that she stayed and I finished. Why did I do that? I'm not a lesbian. I can't be! It's not normal, and I'd be made fun of for sure. And what would my parents think? All these th oughts just kept on racing through my mind, and before I knew it I was pulling into the empty parking lot of the boardwalk. The clock had now read 8:15pm. I was still quite early but I decided to start walking to the docks. It was quiet and peaceful the sun was starting to set. AS I walked towards the docks, there was a nice Cool breeze made My hair gently sway. It felt nice. After a few minutes OF WalKing down the boardwalk, I finally reached the docks. I Walked to te end of it and sat at the edge, whet I began to patiently waited for Christina to arrive. It began to feel like ever, And the longer I waited the more nervous I became. I looked down at my Phone and the time showed to be 9:20PM.

One Last Breath: (Lesbian) [first draft]Where stories live. Discover now