BTS Games

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So, i know all of you are familiar with this game, right? All you can do is pick a paper coz im sure you can't memorize it so sudden. Then no peeking of course☺


1. Name of your crush?

2. Your birthday?

3. Pick what do you want here⬇

4. Your Bias?

5. His Birthday?

6. Your favorite stuffs?

7. Your favorite month and Date?

8. What is your favorite name?

9. Black, violet, white or none?

10. *Unicorn

Here is the answer🌟

1. The reason why you two broke up.

2. The date when you broke up.

3. There is where you broke up.

4. He is your boyfriend.

5. The date when you two go back to relationship again.

6. He gave that to you to forgive him.

7. When you two got married.

8. The name of your first child.

9. White, he will be the one who will die first. Violet, you are going to die early. White, no one you two are fucking aliens.

10. Your reincarnation☺

How was that? Is it good or nah? Just comment ur answers guys. Sorry for this non sense chapter hehe.

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