Love yourself

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Okay ARMYs, first of all I can't breath properly like WTF Bighit did you just released. When I saw that six girls I want to kill PD NIM oh just kidding haha. So I have some theories and question in my mind that I can't answer by myself about the teasers.

First, I think that girls are the reason why they are devastated on I need U era. Look, there is no reason why they are look so hopeless that time. Then maybe the first is the effect and now are the cause.

If you notice, their theme is "Love Yourself" so meaning the girls will be removed. And the part 4 teaser are not clear because it's not enough to see the ending. In part 3, All of them has a conflict with that girls.

As you can see, it's pretty clear that Love Yourself film will not end happily. in other words, All of them will be broken hearted.

This theory is just popped out on my mind so I have no idea if this explanation will be fit on that Highlight reel...

So we go to Jungkook, he already healed. So he is not confined anymore, he find the girl he met on the Hospital but then, there is no people at the bed. In that case maybe that love is just Infatuation, meaning it's not the true love.

Then of course Taehyung, he saw the girl who stealing at the convenience store, then he stop the girl. I think he reminisced​ the day he doing that. Then the girl he saw, they became friends then they spray on the wall and the police saw them. He gave up for that girl, so he is the one who will go on jail. I think the next is, the girl will forget Taehyung in Jail.

Jimin, he is inlove on Hoseok's girlfriend but Jhope didn't know that Jimin is inlove with that girl. Then when they are dancing, he didn't mean to smack the girl and she fainted. Jimin has a wound on his arm, but why it's bleeding too much? Then maybe he will never catch the girl because she only loves Jhope.

Let's move on to Jhope, it's a Love triangle. When that incident happen, he run the girl to the hospital. But I think there will be a conflict, the girl will be having Amnesia and she wouldn't recognize Hoseok.

Namjoon, he saw the girl he admiring. Maybe they have a relationship before and they don't have a closure. So when Namjoon look at her, she looked away. And maybe they will never getting back again.

Then for Suga, in my opinion he is always drunk when he got home, then one time her girl was following him but he pushed away the girl. And she felt betrayed, so i think the girl will give up on Suga.

And the last Jin, we already saw that the girl died. But we are not sure, but i think that is the fate of his love story. 

That's why the theme of their comeback is Love Yourself, because now they know that you must love yourself first before anyone else, so that when you are tempting to love someone, you will know how to handle it.

That theory is just my opinion, so the decision is yours. Im not posting this for you to based on this theory. I just want to share what is on my mind.

But the real is, this is the continuation of HYYH album. We didn't see the ending of it right? So they gave us what will happen next.

Thank you for reading this lame chapter, sorry if you're not satisfied. Kamsahamnida!

I love each and everyone of you☺

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