I watched her from far away, thinking "Wow. She is a mess. I like that." I have know clue why I liked it, I just did. The way she always knew what to do, what to say, what to wear. No matter how chaotic everyone and everything was, including her, she was always calm. She was always hanging out with her friends, and she had a lot of them.

     I wanted to be her friend. To hang out with her, laugh, talk, cry. Do all the things friends do. I should know what those are, but I really don't. I had friends, but at the same time, not really. They were my friends when they were up to it, and complete jerks any other time. But more about that girl later.

     There was one person though, who I thought really truly cared. Then I found out they were lying. We had such great times together, so it was awful to just forget about that. I know usually just sit alone, and read, while everyone else hangs out with their friends. But I'm okay with that. Sorta. I like reading, and I like quiet, so I deal with it.

     Then one day I saw them. By them, I mean one person with they/them pronouns. They were really cute, and the nicest person I had ever met. Dirty blonde hair that was cut short, dark green eyes. Androgynous (Which I like, by the way). On multiple occasions I tried to to talk to them, but every time I started to, I freaked out, and tried to "politely" run away. It never worked. I always embarrassed myself.

     After a while though, I was able to actually have a conversation with them. They were very interesting, and I think they might have liked me. I was always really shy, and so were they. We talked about everything. Mostly gay stuff though. Which makes sense, considering we were both super gay. I knew that, cause I had seen them multiple times at GSA during school.

     Now. Back to the girl from the beginning. You want to know the catch about her? Well here it is. That girl was me. Yes, I know what you are thinking. What are you talking about? Well it's true. That girl used to be me. Me when I was happy.  And then I met the other one.

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