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Leondre's POV

I roll over to see charlie's bare back towards me, he's still asleep. I quietly unplug my phone and  check the time. 3:43 AM. No wonder he's still asleep, I mean, it is still dark outside.

I don't understand why I can't sleep though, we had a big day recording, I should be completely drained, but I'm not, physically anyway, mentally I'm out of it. I decide to scroll through my phone for a bit to pass the time. Instagram, Facebook, twitter, pretty much the same as when I went to bed, only about four hours ago, (yes I had a late night, again...) Seeing as nothing too important is new I figured I might as well play a game instead.

About half an hour later charlie rolls over.
I quickly turn off my phone disregarding the fact that I'm in the middle of a game, and roll to my side pretending to be asleep.


Whispers his soft voice.

"What are u doing up?  That's three nights in a row now."

I don't know why I bothered, charlie can always tell the difference between me faking and really sleeping, when I think about it he can pretty much tell the difference between fake and real anything I do lately. Although, sometimes he doesn't notice when my smiles are forced...

"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you..."

I reply quietly.

"Its not my sleep I'm worried about, its yours, don't think I haven't noticed the bags under your eyes recently."

He's speaking louder now. Since there's no one  else in the room and we're both pretty much awake now, he probably doesn't see the point in whispering further.

"Oh... Well, its not my fault, I try to sleep, I really do, I guess I just have too much on my mind for it to rest..."

I reply. He's laying on his back now, with his hands on his chest and his head tilted so that he's facing me.

"Oh yeah? I guess touring is getting a bit stressful now that I think about it."

Nope, not quite. I must have had a look on my face after hearing his guess, judging by what followed.

"Okay, so that's not it. What is it? Come on Leo you barely talk to me about anything other then music lately. What's on your mind?"

He questions, rolling to his side now so he's up close with me. I feel my face go hot. I lower my head. He has a point, I don't talk to him about how I'm feeling anymore, but I have an explanation, the only thing wrong with said explanation is that I can't give him the explanation because then if I do, he'll get worried about me and his focus won't be entirely on our careers. If I tell him that I'm feeling upset and not my normal self lately, then it will just lead to more questions and especially now that we're on tour, I need him to be fully set on improving our music.

I must have been deep in thought for a few minutes, because his warm and very soft hand rests on my shoulder, shaking me slightly.

"You okay?"

"Huh? Yeah just, just thinking. Sorry..."

I close my eyes for a moment and when I open them back up Charlie's face is right in front of mine, our noses practically touching.

"What is it then?"

He whispers. My face is once again hot as the mixture of his cool breath and soft words seep into me.


I whisper back. I look him dead in the eyes for at least two minutes before I realise I'm staring, but it's okay because he didn't say anything, instead he just looked straight back. I cough awkwardly and roll over, being careful trying not to let our faces touch, however the tips of our noses do nip each other slightly before I've fully moved. His touch always makes me happy, so I can't say I'm disappointed in my poor attempts to avoid all contact between us.
I'm now on my other side, facing the wall, with my back towards him.

"It scares me how closed off you are from me now days..."

And just like that the conversation was over. There was some slight ruffling of the bedspread before there was just silence, and I could no longer feel his closeness. I assume he moved over, probably annoyed with me for not talking to him.


I whisper before finally drifting off to sleep.

Short chapter or whatever you want to call this I know but I'm just getting started. The ones in the future will be longer (maybe) although there probably will be some where there are only a few sentences or words, only when there's tension between people though... ANYWAYS if anyone at all did for some reason read this, I hope you enjoyed and I know its starting off boring but it will get better (hopefully) and feedback is always good soooo... Yeh ((I doubt anyone will actually read this ever but you know, if you did then thankyou byeeee))

Word count: 863

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