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Charlie's POV

I woke up around three-four o'clock in the morning only to find Leo awake yet again. I tried talking to him and finding out whats going on but he wouldn't budge. He's been isolating himself a lot lately and frankly it's beginning to scare me. He's so fragile even though he may not come across as it, but I've known him for so long. He's my best friend and I just know these sorts of things.

I decided to drop it and went back to sleep, but before I did so he whispered a quick sorry To me, which I couldn't help but feel bad about. He shouldn't be sorry, he shouldn't be apologising. If anything I should be, I have a feeling that me hanging out with Chloe a lot lately might be bugging him...

8:30 AM my alarm goes of. I fiddle around to try and find my phone to turn it off but can't seem to find it. My senses are still cloudy from the late night. As I'm about to get up so I'm actually able to see what I'm doing, Leo stretches his arm across me and swipes the alarm across. I can tell he's extremely tired by the fact that once the alarm is off, his arm stays lying across my back and becomes dead weight.

I contemplate waking him up or leaving him to sleep. I guess his arm is pretty warm, I could do with a little more sleep too.

I'm woken up to the sound of the shower running and a cold spot on my back from where Leo's arm lay earlier.


I call out to him.


He yells back in his familiar strong accent.

"Don't use up all the hot water! I need a shower too and I don't want to freeze my balls off like last time!"

I hear a faint chuckle muffled by the water and nothing more. I check my notifications whilst I wait. There are three new texts from Chloe.

Chloe💕:Hey boo, morning Xx
Chloe💕:I just found the cutest little restaurant that you need to see.
Chloe💕: Your taking me there tonight after the show Xx Love you.

I type a quick response.

You: That sounds great, I'd love too but do you think we could do it another night? I was thinking of doing something with Leo tonight..

Almost instantly after I hit send she replies.

Chloe💕: Aww babe that's so sweet, I would offer for him to come along but I don't want him feeling like a third wheel. So its settled, you'll pick me up at 7 tonight. Wear something nice. Gotta fly but I'll see you then. Bye boo Xx.

Okay great. So that worked. I don't know what I'm gonna tell Leondre. He'll probably be pissed... Well its okay, he'll get over it, he always does, I think.

The sound of running water stops and he walks out, towel around his waist, phone in hand and fingers running though his hair.

"So what are our plans for tonight? Video games? Movies?"

He asks,still scrolling through his phone. And so I turn him down yet again. I can't help but feel bad, but he has other friends, right? He can just hang out with them?  I could have sworn he brought someone along on tour with us, but its early and my mind is still groggy so I can't quite remember.


Oh, I must have been staring into space.

"Yeah umm... About that, Chloe texted me just now and said she wanted to go to this restaurant or something and I trie-"

He cut me off before I could finish.


That was blunt, almost like he expected it, I would say that maybe it was okay because he didn't want to do anything, but that can't be right as he seemed really keen about two minutes ago... I try to explain.

"I did try to tell her that we had stuff p-"

He cut me off again. Is he really that annoyed? Its just one night right?

"Charlie its okay... I'm due for some more writing anyway..."

I give him confused look and am about to speak when he grabs some clothes from the drawer and head to the bathroom.

He quickly gets dressed and ruffling his hair he slips his phone into his pocket and grabs his room key.

"I'm going out for a bit. I'll see you later."

I don't know why I bother doing authors notes seeing as noone's  gonna ever read my stories but you know its whatever, I know this chapter felt even shorter then the other one idk I was gonna keep going but for the way the next chapter/part is going to start I needed to end it here, not that anyone cares but jut thought I'd say in case anyone does magically end up reading this okay byeee...

Word count: 835

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