"I love you", john said with Nikki wrapped in his arms." And I love you",Nikki repeated. John was leaving for a tour in Florida, his home while Nikki was about to go to a taping of Raw in San Diego, her home. But being across the county never affected their very strong love for each other. But sadly he still had to go Mark Carrono was calling and texting him left and right. Disrupted by his phone they parted lips and let go of each other. It was Jane Geddes this time."Hello."
"John where are you your gonna be late you and Bryan (Daniel Bryan) both."
"I know I'm on my way Nikki and I were just.......",Jane had cut him off.
"Ok, just get here when ever you can you have a radio interview......please."
"Ok I'll try my best to get there on time."
As john hangs up Nikki does the cutest pout john has ever seen."Oh come on don't do this to me", john says hoping to cheer Nikki up a little."But I won't see you for another week....and we only spent two or three days together and then one of us has to leave", she said with a whinny voice." I know baby but no matter what I will always love no matter how states or countries are between us",Nikki smiled and kissed him one more time before he got out the range rover he had got her and boarded his plane.
*Back in Aberdeen, Washington*
"Bye bye",Bri said as she was leaning against the door way giving Bryan a kiss good-bye."Bye.........I'll miss you so much."
"I know, why do they need you all the way in Florida?"
"I have to do a tour and some interviews remember.......but I promise I'll still make it up to you though."
"I'll take you to a very romantic dinner. I'll give you a very romantic massage. And then after that we could.......",Bri had cut him off.
"Hehehehhe, Ok but you have to go now, they both laughed one more time before she closed the door and then of course locked it. Now it was just her for a couple of hours.
When Nikki got home she found a text from Bri since she had left her phone at home. And after that she found herself having a conversation with her.
Bri:Hey Nikki I'm on my way to house I'll be there in a couple of hours.
Nikki:Ok. Is Bryan coming or is he on the tour?
Bri:He is on tour. Is john?
Nikki:Yea boo boo's on tour too. So it's just me.
Bri:Oh ok see soon you then❤️.
Nikki:You too.
Hello turns out that I'm doing total divas now and will be adding AJ Lee in there too. Sorry if this chapter was little short the chapters will be longer in the future.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤
Total Divas
FanfictionTotal divas cast: ~ A.J. Lee ~ Bri Bella ~ Nikki Bella ~ Kelly Kelly ~Naomi ~ Eva Marie ~ Mickie James ~ Paige