
335 18 38

Okay, here are the judges. Check this every few days if your judge isn't here yet. Please follow them.

Action - whiteflash_027
Adventure - Annaannie2001
ChickLit - IIindependentgirlII
Fanfiction - @onceinalifetime8
Fantasy - Marie_rocks
General Fiction - Immanuelking1
Historical Fiction - RedheadedReader03
Horror - xdemonicangel_
Humor - Tencutepuppies
Mystery / Thriller - Captain_Prime
Non-Fiction -
Paranormal - Kitty_Jaeger
Poetry - -AlliisonArgent
Romance - ecargeinna9
Science Fiction - Ghost_Of_Petra_Ral
Short Story - Infinite_Flame004
Spiritual - iJesusFreak
Teen Fiction - miss_hothead
Vampire - Ashleighsagerose
Werewolf - chloe_the_monster

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