Important Note- Please Read (UPDATED)

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***Update on the bottom in bold!***

Hello everyone!! I know I've been pretty MIA these days and I haven't been giving attention to the story the way I should have, but I have had a very stressful summer getting ready for senior year and applications for college, so Wattpad hasn't exactly been a priority.

Anyways, the reason for this note is that I've been mulling an idea for this story over and over again in my head that I figured I should ask all of you about. Many of you have expressed concern and weirdness over the fact that Sam and Noah are related and that Amy, Noah's wife, is also Haley's sister.

Therefore, I propose this. I'll leave The Secret Singer as is, but I'll make this story change so that Sam is someone different than he is in tht book and has no affiliation to Noah. I'll change his last name, give him different parents and so on. Would that be better for all of you?

Please comment how you feel and I will post this again after a few days when I'm confident I've gotten comments from everyone who wants to speak. Thank you! ;-)


I have heard and counted the comments that have come my way on the subject, and it seems that most of you decided that it's best to keep the story the way it is.

Big relief for me, of course, since that means no extra work for me! ;-)

As for when the chapter will come, as I'm sure many of you will ask, I can't give you a definite answer. I would love to say a surefire date with all my heart, but please understand that Wattpad is so far on my priority list I can barely see it. I'm drowning with the newly opened college applications, scholarship applications, and summer work to prepare for a very hard senior year full of AP classes, an internship, and tons of clubs and commitments.

That being said, I'm not giving up on this book. It's still very special to me, and I will try my best to give all you special and loyal readers something good, ok?

Love you, my wonderful chocolatiers! :-*

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