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She sat silently on the bed watching her mate sleep. She enjoyed being able to sit and not be scared. Her mate would protect her. Wouldn't he?

He grunted and shifted a little, before his eye's fluttered open. " Good morning " He said and she sent a small smile at him. " Are you hungry? " He asked untangling himself from the blankets. She gave him a small nod. He got of the couch showing of his 8 pack, she couldn't help but stare at the nice view. " Take a picture it will last longer " He smirked. She smiled and hopped of the bed into the bathroom.

She played around the bathroom, popping the bubbles that formed. her fun was cut short as she had to go for breakfast. She got out of the bathroom and wiped herself, putting on a torn shirt and some baggy trousers. She brushed her teeth, then through her hair into a messy bun.

Once she was sure she was ready, she took a deep breath and left the bathroom. Vincent was ready and looking through a book. "Let's go " she whispered so low that only because of wolf hearing he heard. He stretched out his hand but pulled it back once he noticed she won't hold it.

He sighed running a hand through his hair. He lead her down the many flights if stairs before reaching the kitchen. He pushed the door open and there stood Annie and Carlos on a full blown make out session. Carlos was kissing her mark while Annie was enjoying the pure bliss.

Vincent coughed a little making them pull apart. " My mate and I would like to eat without such a scene" Vincent said. Annie and Carlos eyes widened in realisation before bowing down " Luna" the both said making her giggle.

She wasn't fit to be a Luna I mean, she killed her own mother, for no reason. She couldn't help a giggle that escaped her lips. She quickly covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing. All heads turned to her and she immediately stopped laughing fear taking over. " Please don't hit me" She begged putting her hands in front of her.

They shot her confused glances, "Why would we hit our Luna " Annie said pulling her brunette hair into a high ponytail. Olivia didn't give them a respond she just sat down on the table and waited silently for her food. The smell of bacon hit her nose. Vincent dropped a plate of bacon and scrambled eggs in front of her. "Eat up" he said.

He left her to do some work. They had spotted three rouges on their border last night. He had not been focusing on his pack that much since she came. He sighed running a hand through his hair and started typing and reading through some notes. Olivia had soon finished her food and was now roaming around the pack house. She noticed that there were a lot if kids running and playing with their parents and she loved it.

"Rouge " The gamma Xander said launching at her. She stood there frozen as his body collided with hers. She stumbled back and fell on the ground blacking out. A small crowd had now gathered for the small fight , which couldn't be considered a fight. " What happened here ?"  Vincent boomed. They all gulped and turned around to face a very pissed of Alpha.


Authors note : you can thank me later.

Not edited

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