Comfort Series - Sleep

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shawn mendes x reader

request: Hi so I was thinking maybe you could do a series o of something like this, the two I came up with were showering with Shawn + sleeping with Shawn. Not in a sexual way at all, but in a way about the simple little things just to comfort someone. I thought of this from "talk me down" by troye Sivan, so like just being in the presence of the one you love to calm you down. I feel like dating Shawn would consist of that a lot with how crazy things get for him

The wind was blowing harshly in the sunset. The picnic blanket was trying it's best not to fly away into the grassy horizon. We giggled as most of our things had been knocked over by the cool air. The goose bumps on my body were prominent now. I smiled as we started to pack up our things, coming to a mutual understanding that our date was most definitely over. We wrapped the objects in the blanket and placed them in the basket. The walk to the car was filled with warm laughs and graceful glances of admiration. Leaving the green landscape behind us, we reached the car.

"So, how was it? I mean before the wind almost blew everything away." Shawn chuckled at the end of his sentence. I entered the car and buckled up as Shawn started the engine. I felt the warm air from the vents lightly fanning my face. My goose bumps had retreated.

"I though it was absolutely fantastic. Your gourmet peanut butter and jelly sandwiches were divine. Definitely my favourite part." I watched in admiration as the car started to move through the isolated road lined with beautiful evergreens. Even though the sun was setting, the sunlight was still peering between the leaves. The enchanting sight was almost something from a movie.

"I know. It's almost like I'm a master chef or something" Shawn joked. His laugh was absolutely captivating, a true sign of happiness.

"Absolutely, maybe you should retire from music and open up a restaurant." I teased.

"Shawn's PB and J Sing and Stay" Shawn suggested.

"Sing and stay?" I questioned in fascination.

"Yeah. It'll be a karaoke restaurant" Shawn replied.

"A karaoke restaurant that only sells peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You never fail to amuse me, Shawn." I smiled while leaning my head on the window, watching the mesmerizing trees fly by.

"I can say the same about you" Shawn replied, his eyes focused on the road.

"How long until we get home?" I yawned, the temptation of sleep captivating me.

"An hour. Are you tired already?" Shawn questioned

"Maybe. Are you tired?" I glanced over at him

"No, the sun just started setting." Shawn pointed out.

I carefully listened to the sound of his voice. The music was playing softly in the background and the atmosphere of the car was warm. Maybe even cozy. I could feel my eyes fluttering shut as I started to feel drowsy. The sound of Shawn's voice fading away.

I was woken up by a gentle shaking. My eyes slowly opened and I noticed it was dark. I felt a cold breeze on my face as I tried to gain my full consciousness. I was still sitting in the passenger seat of the car, but Shawn wasn't in the drivers seat. I looked out the window and noticed that the car was parked in our driveway. The passenger door was open. I looked out the door and noticed Shawn leaning against the car door. I unbuckled my seat belt and Shawn turned his focus towards me.

"Are you awake now?" Shawn asked softly as he watched me in bliss

"Yeah." I nodded while stretching my legs.

"But are you fully awake?" Shawn eyed me expectantly.

"Yes, Mendes. I am fully awake. Now move out of my way, it's cold and I wanna go inside" I laughed while playfully pushing him out of the way.

"Okay. Bossy." Shawn joked.

We walked together towards the door. Shawn pulled out the house keys and unlocked the front door. We entered the front door and took off our shoes with little to no conversation. I walked up the stairs as Shawn put away our picnic supplies. I walked into the bathroom and started to get ready for bed. Shawn entered the bathroom as I finished washing my face.

"I didn't know you were so tired. You were asleep the whole car ride." Shawn teased

"Maybe the picnic wore me out" I suggested in a playful tone.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas as Shawn brushed his teeth in our bathroom. I walked over to the bed in a dazed manner. I crawled into the sheets and my body was instantly warmed up by the soft blankets. Shawn was quick to climb in after me. I grinned as I felt his arms wrapping around me. His body was pressed against my back and his breath felt like feathers tickling my neck. The sound of our soft breathing filled the dark room. The only sources of light were the moon beams shining through the window and onto our bodies.

"Shawn?" I whispered whilst turning my body so I was laying my head on his chest.

"Yes darling?" Shawn replied softly.

"Thank you." I spoke.

"For what?" Shawn asked

"For being the best boyfriend that I could ever ask for. Also, the picnic was amazing. The wind was a nice touch"

I smiled as Shawn started to laugh his angelic laugh. His chest vibrating under my head.

"You're welcome. But I think I was the lucky one. I could have asked anyone to be my girlfriend and I'm glad I chose you." Shawn confessed in an alluring tone

I peered up at the boy that held my heart. He looked charming as he watched the night sky through the window. The room was silent once again and my mind started to wander.

"Do you ever think about the future?" I pondered. Shawn looked down at me.

"I don't know. Do you?" He inquired

"Sometimes. But it's a little overwhelming, you never really know what's going to happen. You could have everything planned out, but then something might happen that could change the course of things." I explained

"Do you have anything planned out?" Shawn questioned

"I don't know. But all I want is a happy life," I revealed. "What about you, Shawn?"

"What about me?" Shawn repeated in a thoughtful manner.

"How do you imagine your future? Do you think you'll ever open up 'Shawn's PB and J Sing and Stay'" I laughed

"I still want to make music. Be even bigger than I already am. But you never know. If that doesn't work out then I'll definitely open up 'Shawn's PB and J Sing and Stay'" Shawn confessed.

I giggled at Shawn's response. I loved how we were so comfortable with each other. We could be ourselves around each other, there were never any secrets. Our dynamic was truly something to be proud of.

"I hope we'll still be together in the future" I whispered to myself

"Me too. I couldn't imagine my life without you" Shawn replied, wrapping me tightly in his arms.

"I'm really glad you're a part of my life. Goodnight, Shawn." I whispered, closing my eyes with a smile on my face

"Goodnight" He muttered before becoming engulfed in sleep

What a boy.

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