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"Do I ever cross your mind?"

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"Do I ever cross your mind?"

The thought was hard to suppress as the lyrics slipped out of his mouth and into the full arena. As he sang, he looked into the crowd and seemed to only notice the camera flashes and the fading sound of the fans screaming. Everyone seemed to notice him, everyone seemed to love him. Everyone but the one he loved. Shawn started to slip out of reality as the lyrics continued to fall mindlessly from his mouth. All he could think about was her. The emotions he felt when thinking about her were addictive. But she was only his best friend. Shawn slowly started to gain rational thought as the crowd started to scream again. He had finished the song and he hadn't even realized it. He was in too deep and there was nothing he could do about it. Shawn thanked the crowd and jogged off stage. That was the last show of the tour. It was finally time to go home and confront his feelings.

A knock on the door interrupted Shawn's silent thoughts. His heart began to race with each step he took to the front door. His hands began to shake as he thought about everything that could go wrong. But he kept walking. He kept walking because he loved her, and he wouldn't go another day without letting her know how important she was. Shawn held a shaky hand to the door knob as he gained the confidence to open it. Shawn swung the door open and saw her. Her smile reached her eyes in a second as she saw her best friend. She embraced Shawn in a hug as he smiled into her hair at the feeling of the girl in his arms.

"Shawn, I missed you so much." She sighed genuinely. As Shawn looked into her eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat. There was something different about the way she was looking at him. Something was missing, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was. Shawn smiled at her quickly and moved to let her into the apartment.

"God, you don't even know how much I missed you. I'm gonna have to take you with me on my next tour" Shawn smiled, pulling her in for another hug. "You can go take a look around the apartment while I get the movie ready." Shawn gestured to the radiantly new apartment that proudly showcased the CN Tower through the glass windows.

"Yeah, sure." she started to walk around, observing the lot with curiosity. Shawn smiled to himself as he watched her look around the room with bright eyes. She was completely alluring and he couldn't get enough of her. "Shawn, this place is beautiful." She complemented in awe

"Thank you, my mom helped me pick it out" She laughed at the thought of Shawn going house hunting with his mother.

"You really are a mama's boy. Your mom did a really good job though." She stifled another laugh.

"Are you talking about me or the house?" Shawn said smugly.

"I'd say both." She winked while surprising a laugh. He missed these moments with her, the little jokes they would tell. He missed being able to let loose like this.

"I'll be sure to tell her that. The movies ready by the way." Shawn spoke after a minute of silence.

"Cool. What did you pick this time?" She asked as she plopped down on the sofa beside Shawn.

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