Chapter 6 .•By the River•.

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Once we got back and Lula went into her room, all of the boys ran up to me and immediately started teasing me.
"Would you shut up we're not even official!... Hey where's Yugyeom?" I asked knowing he would usually be the first to tease me.
"I don't know after you and Lula left he left too and hasn't been back since." Youngjae said.
I hope he isn't upset with me, that I took out Lula and all. He's been kinda lonely lately, and being the youngest everyone makes fun of him which doesn't help.
I walked to the park where we all usually go. To my expectation Yugyeom was sitting on a bench next to the river.
"Yugyeom what's up why aren't you at the dorms?" I asked sitting next to him.
"...How could you?" He said quietly.
"What?" I asked confused.
"You knew I liked her how could you embarrass me like that?"
~Flashback to the night before~
"Lula is so cute." I said.
"Yeah I wanna ask her out tomorrow for ice cream." Yugyeom said.
~End flashback~
"Dude I'm so sorry I forgot. But I don't really know what you want me to do I mean if I break up with her then she'll think that you're off limits to her." I said. Yugyeom is so innocent he won't know how to please a girl and besides, I want her to myself.
"I guess so." He said wiping the corner of his eye.
"Come on let's get back to the dorm." I said helping him up from the bench.

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