Lula~ a ballerina who finds that she has become a back up dancer for the K Pop group Got7.
Yugyeom~ a boy in a K pop group who finds that he's fallen in love with a ballerina.
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I woke up on the couch in the living room as all of the memories of yesterday flooded back in my brain. I sat up scratching my pounding head.
"So when were you gonna tell me?" I heard a deep voice say behind me.
I quickly turned around thinking I was alone but obviously not...
JB was sitting at the dining table with blood shot eyes not making eye contact with me.
"Tell you what?" I asked knowing exactly what he meant.
"That you're pregnant." He said in a steady tone. I immediately started crying.
"When were you gonna tell me?" He yelled with tears in his eyes too but from anger more than sadness.
I didn't answer him and stood up. I barged into Jackson room.
"Lula what's wrong?" Jackson asked taking out his earbuds.
"How could you? You promised you wouldn't tell anyone!" I yelled at him.
"What? I didn't!" He said standing up.
"Then how does JB know?" I asked wiping my tears.
"I didn't tell him- shit." He said putting his hand on his head.
"So you did?" I said feeling betrayed.
"No I called my mom last night for advice, she would never judge you and I didn't know who else to ask, JB must have over heard our conversation I'm so sorry." He said walking towards me.
I turned away from him and walked back to where JB was.
"JB I'm so sorry I just didn't know what to do and I didn't know how you would react-"
"Save it, you're getting an abortion." He said cutting me off frankly.
"Do you want me to lose my job? If management found out you were pregnant I would be fired immediately and so would you!" He said yelling again.
"But I can just lie and say that it's from my non existent boyfriend back home in New York or something, and then they would only let me go for maternity leave." I said pleading to him.
"Are you serious? Do you think anyone will believe that? I'm not letting my son or daughter live in a lie of who their father is. You're getting an abortion you have to." He said firmly.
"You know what JB? It's not really your choice and anyways we're done, never speak to me again unless it's business related." I yelled. And with that I stood up and walked out the door.
The tears streamed down faster and faster. Yugyeom opened the door and walked out right after I slammed it behind me.
"Lula wait!" He said catching up to me.
"What? Do you want to judge me too? Cause I've just about had it with all of you!" I said angrily.
"No I-."
"Just leave me alone!" I said cutting him off and getting in the car driving away to god knows where.
The tears in my eyes made everything blurry and it was impossible to see. I slammed the steering wheel hard in frustration with my palms. As I got on the highway I couldn't control myself and the only thing I could see was the glossiness of my tears. As I attempted at wiping them away I noticed a truck come out of nowhere from the lane next to me. And that's when everything went black~