Chapter 17 .•Fly•.

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I woke up the next morning with a pounding headache Yugyeom rolled over to face me and opened one eye at a time and smiled as soon as he saw me.

"Hey." He said in his slightly deeper morning voice.

"Hi." I said back sighing.

"So this is it huh?" He said sitting up.

"Let's just try to enjoy today." I said.

I got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Yugyeom soon after came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder.

His hair was still messy from just waking up and I could see his forehead and although I liked it down his forehead made his face look so much more real and I was in love with it. He then started kissing my cheek repeatedly and then in longer increments.
And then my neck, more and more intense each time.

I dropped my tooth brush feeling like I had no control over my body.
I tugged on his shirt indicating that I wanted him to take it off. Which he did.

He then lifted me up from under my thighs and pushed my onto the sink counter.

I ran my fingers through his thick soft hair as I slowly took my black lace panties off.

Yugyeom looked down and I watched him turn red from his neck to his face in shock and then grabbed my hands and pinned them over my head still with our lips moving together.

He then took his pants off, quickly putting a condom on, struggling in the process and shoved himself into me leaving me breathless.

The only thing I could manage to say was "faster".

"Anything for you princess." He said back smiling in the least innocent way possible.

He'd never called me princess before but god was I enjoying it.

Our lips were so close and touching but we were so engrossed in each other that we couldn't focus on kissing.

As he finished hitting my G spot the last few times we both let out moans, mine much louder than his.

I then heard the door to the room open, luckily the bathroom door was closed.

"YUGYEOM?" Bam Bam called.

"Shit...YEAH?" He called back while we both quickly put our clothes back on.

"We gotta go." Bam Bam said through the door.

"Okay I'll be ready in a sec." Yugyeom said.

After I heard Bam Bam walk out and the door clicked shut I looked at Yugyeom and we both laughed relieved that he didn't walk in on us. He then gave me a long peck before walking out the bathroom.

We all drove to the airport together and I rested my head on Yugyeom's shoulder the way there.

We walked up to gates where I couldn't go any farther. Jackson hugged me and said goodbye first and then the rest of them did the same. They all boarded the plane but Yugyeom stayed behind and gave me one last hug.

"I can't believe I was lucky enough to have someone like you love me, please tell me that this is just a bad dream." He said tearing up.

"Yugyeom, I've been dancing my whole life but not once have I ever flied, with you it's all I ever feel. You make me feel like a bird set free and once you leave I'm scared I'm going to be caged again." I said choking back my tears.

"I love you so much, and even if it is over for us as a couple, I'm still going to Skype you everyday as a friend I don't care I love you too much not to." He said looking down.


"Goodbye Lula, I love you."

"I love you more, have a safe flight and text me when you land."

I watched him walk onto the plane until his figure was too small to recognize. I then sat in the airport for 20 more minutes as I watched the plane fly away until it went into the clouds and left me back where I started, a ballerina with a choreography project to finish.

Fly ✈︎❤︎YugyeomWhere stories live. Discover now