Chapter 2

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Klaus' POV.

Caroline looked marvelous in the dress that I sent her. I thought with a small unoticable smile.

The Salvatore brothers and the Bennett witch were hovering around the doppelganger. Damon and Bonnie looked kind of nervous but Damon hid it better, this caused me to furrow my brows in confusion. Were they nervous because they couldn't get the last casket open.

I hope they didn't, not in a bad way but in a way that would be less painful.

Elijah and mother were on the balcony that over looked the dance floor, Elijah looked like he was about to announce the dance that we were supposed what dance that we're to preform when the doors thundered open. The hall became wearily quiet everyone was looking at the door, there were many emotions playing on their faces: shock, awe, jealously, admiration, and many more.

"I see you've started the party without me, mother." A voice from behind me making me stiffen.

I haven't heard her voice in almost a thousand years, though that's partially my fault. She was the first person that I put into a coffin, I sighed as I slowly turned around to face my sister.

She was standing in the doorway wearing a gray dress that reached the floor and her hair was curled slightly as it was draped over her shoulders, her make-up was rose gold lip gloss and gray smokey eye eye-shadow. She looked stunning.

"Bella, my darling I'm so happy that you made it. Even if you were late." Mother said sweetly with a silky smile as Bella smirked.

"Well you know me. I love to be fashionably late." Bella stated as she walked towards the middle of the dance floor.

"Yes you were always the rebellious one." Mother said with a sigh. 

Bella stood there with a smirk on her face as her gaze flowed over the crowed that was staring at her in a daze, her gaze landed on me. We locked eyes and even though she was smiling, her eyes gave away her feelings: sadness. This made me sigh.

"Well are we going to finish this ball?" Bella asked ginning. 

"We'll start with a centuries old waltz." Elijah declared before everyone stood in a circle with their partners.

Bella was dancing with Damon two people to my right and I tuned into their conversation.

"Thanks for getting me out of that coffin." Bella said and Damon just grinned like an idiot.

"It's no problem. Do you think that your mother will actually do that linking spell?" Damon asked and Bella sighed.

"If my mothers capable of anything it's the destruction of all vampires." Bella said to him and this made my eyebrows furrow a bit.

What were they talking about.

(Don't really know the dance so just go with it.)

The girls twirled two people to their right and Bella landed in my arms.

"What are you talking about?" I asked and she sighed.

"Mothers going to link all of us then have Finn sacrafice himself to kill all of us." She said not looking into my eyes.

"We have to stop her." I growled out lowly.

"Not yet she still has to talk to Elena first then we can stop her. Just don't drink anything that's handed out before her grand speech, pretend to drink it."

I saw Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah nod their heads.

"Ok." I said with a nod before twirling her back towards Damon.

I turned into the conversation that Damon and Bella were having. Only out of curiosity.

"For a lady that's been stuck in a box for a thousand years you can really dance."  Damon stated with a smirk.

I saw Bella roll her eyes from the corner of my eyes.

"I'm a quick study." She stated simply.

"Is that so?" Damon asked with a smirk and I narrowed my eyes at them-him.


"Well I know something that you would love to be a quick study for."

I growled lowly.

"Damon I can not be compelled. Besides how do you know that I like men for all you know I could like women." Bella stated with an raised eyebrow.

"Well, I, uh." He stated before growling playfully at Bella which made her giggle slightly.

"This has been lovely, Mr. Salvatore." Bella said as she curtsied to Damon- who bowed to her.

"Very, Miss. Mikaelson." Damon stated before watching Bella make her way towards Bonnie.

I made my way to Damon.

"Stay away from her Salvatore." I growled at him.

Damon glared at me.

"She can choose who she wants to or doesn't want to be around Mikaelson." He growled at me.

"Will the both of you knock it off. We have more pressing matters. Elena just went upstairs." Bella whispered to us with a slight hiss.

This made both Damon and I bow our heads slightly in shame.

Before I knew it everyone's attention was being called to the terrace where mother stood holding up a champagne flute.

"Champagne is being passed out. Once everyone has one I would like to say a toast." She started before waiting a little while and then continuing. "I am happy to be here with my family whole again and this time nothing will tear us apart. Cheers!"

With that everyone, beside my sibling except for Finn all drank their champagne. Bella, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and I all pretended to drink ours. I chanced a glance at the terrace and saw mother smirking. To bad for her though because things aren't going to go as planned. Especially not with us one step ahead of her schemes. We just need to figure out what else she has planned.

I just can't believe that I almost fell for her act and then came Bella, saving the day as usual. Though she's been in a box for almost a thousand years my siblings and I know that the one person we can trust unconditionally no matter what happened or happens is Bella. Our older sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2022 ⏰

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