Surgery (Hope)

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Request from: Infinitefanfic

        Hope's shoulder has been really bothering her for the past couple months and she's kind of feeling a bit out of it, but it was nothing the big bad keeper couldn't handle, right. Wrong. Hope had been killing herself at practice to try and maintain her starting position and the constant diving and falling to the ground was getting to her already pained shoulder.

Hope's POV
        I'd been trying to push my shoulder under the rug for some time now, but I think people are starting to notice that unmistakable grimace every athlete gets when they're playing with an injury on my face.

"Solo! What is wrong with you today? You look like you've eaten a bag of limes over there." Dawn yells at me from a ways away while we were walking back into the locker room.

"Oh nothing really, it's just my shoulder has been acting up a little." I reply and Dawn glares at me as if to say I should've said something sooner. She demands to take a look, and just at first glance her eyes go wide.

"That my friend, is in need of surgery." Dawn says seriously. I knew it was coming, but the truth is, when I got the surgery a while ago I was less in to my career, there was less on the line and less to be scared for, but I was still terrified. Yep that's right, the mean bitchy Hope solo scared of a little surgery. What was I going to do now, at my peak? There is so much to risk, too much to lose. I knew it would come to this, but I was still prolonging the inevitable.

        Now, weeks later, I'm here in Seattle Grace Hospital preparing for a surgery that holds my future in the balance, and I'm all alone. I'm sure the team heard about it, but I guess they were just busy. It's understandable, really, we're busy women.

"Miss Solo? We're going to bring you to surgery now, okay?" The nurse said as she got ready to roll me down the dreary gray halls.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I say, just as I say it though, I hear a familiar voice.

"HOPE! WAIT!" It was Carli screaming from down the hall slightly out of breath for a world renown center mid.

"Woah Carli what are you doing here?" I asked my best friend.

"Did you really think I'd let you go into surgery thinking that you're all alone?" Carli laughs and then let's the nurse wheel me away.

The surgery that holds the power begins.

---while this is happening----


Carli: ok guys I'm here and she's in surgery! She's gonna be so surprised!

Alex: I'm so excited it's like a surprise party!!!

Tobin: Wait what's the plan? Al and I are getting the balloons rn

Ali: you guys bring the balloons... Ash and I picked up the present and we're on our way to the hospital now

Ashlyn: ^

Carli: I'm surprised we were able to pull this off honestly

Alyssa: lol same^

Mal: I think you guys should have some faith in the younger generation

Sydney: you tell em sister! Oh and I remembered the flowers!

Kling: yeah ok Mal

Kelley: Kling be nice... did you get the cookies

Moe: yes Kling and I got the cookies

Press: and Julie and I just landed we'll be there any second with the streamers

Julie: ^ we couldn't find plain streamers so we got congratulations streamers

Pino: yeah cuz "congrats on living through a routine surgery and having to take some time off of soccer"

Becky: shut it Pino if anyone can do it Hope can

Carli: Great stuff everyone, try to get here soon, the surgery is supposed to end in an hour and we have to decorate!!!!

------After surgery-------

Hope's POV

        I get rolled into the room after being told that the surgery was a success, and all I want is a nap.
        "Surprise!!!" The whole Women's national team is standing in my hospital room with smiles and gifts. It looks like a party and my fatigue is suddenly gone. I look at all the girls' faces and can swear I've never felt more loved. I open the present that the girls got for me; it was a gold locket with the picture of us with the World Cup trophy on one side and the other side was engraved with the words "Hope for Hope". They said they knew it was cheesy but those were the only word that could fit while still getting the message across. They told me how strong I was and how much they loved me and couldn't wait to have me back.
        "This is not the end Hope Solo. Don't you dare think for a second that it is, we need you." Becky says to me and I couldn't be prouder. Syd gave me the flowers and I almost started to cry, I was so lucky to be a part of something so great and I can't wait to come back for it. They tell me they are going to rotate staying in Seattle with their club schedules to take care of me andhelp me recover quicker, I can't help but
think it's the cutest thing ever. This team is my home and I am forever grateful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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