~The Pilot~

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There was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know. Or think we know. One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen. Our World. This is how it happened... –[Fairy Tale World]– (Prince Charming rides on a horse along a long stretch of land towards a forest. In the forest, he meets several dwarves gathered around a glass coffin.) Doc: You're too late. (Camera pans to Snow White lying inside the coffin.) Prince Charming: No. No! Open it. Grumpy: I'm sorry, she's gone. Prince Charming: At least let me say goodbye. (The dwarves remove the lid of the coffin. Prince Charming kisses Snow White, which causes the spell she was under to be broken. A pulse of magic spreads throughout the land. She wakes up and gasps.) Snow White: You... You found me. Prince Charming: Did you ever doubt I would? Snow White: Truthfully, the glass coffin gave me pause. Prince Charming: Well, you never have to worry. I will always find you. Snow White: Do you promise? (Scene switches to their wedding.) Prince Charming: I do. Priest: And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity? Snow White: I do. Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. (There is a round of applause. Snow White and Prince Charming lean in for a kiss, but are interrupted. The Evil Queen enters.) Evil Queen: Sorry I'm late. (The Evil Queen approaches the couple. Two guards try to stop her, but she pushes them out of the way with magic.) Doc: It's the Queen. Run! (Snow White draws Prince Charming's sword and points it at the Evil Queen.) Snow White: She's not the Queen anymore. She's nothing more than an evil witch. Prince Charming: No, no, no. Don't stoop to her level. There's no need. (Prince Charming takes the sword from Snow White.) Prince Charming: You're wasting your time. You've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding. Evil Queen: Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift. Snow White: We want nothing from you. Evil Queen: But you shall have it! My gift to you is this happy, happy day. But tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do. (The Evil Queen turns around and heads for the door. Prince Charming calls after her.) Prince Charming: Hey! (The Queen turns around. Prince Charming throws his sword at her, but she dissipates before it hits her. The remaining people at the wedding nervously talk amongst themselves, and Prince Charming and Snow White hug. The camera zooms out to show the prince and Snow White as illustrations in a book.) –[Real World]– (A young boy, Henry, is seen with the book containing Snow White and Prince Charming on his lap. The boy is on a bus that is headed to Boston.) Woman: That a good book? Henry: This? It's more than just a book. Woman: Oh? Announcement: Boston, South Station. Thank you for riding Greyhound. (Henry exits the bus. He finds a taxi and knocks on the window.) Henry: Uh... You take credit cards? Taxi Driver: Where to, chief? ———– (A woman, Emma, exits an elevator and enters a fancy restaurant. She looks around until she finds her date. The man goes to shake her hand.) Man: Emma. Emma: Ryan? You look relieved. Man: Well, it is the internet. Pictures can be... Emma: Fake. Outdated. Stolen from a Victoria's Secret catalogue. So... Man: So... Um... Tell me something about yourself, Emma. Emma: Oh. Ah, well, today's my birthday. Man: And you're spending it with me! What about your friends? Emma: Kind of a loner. Man: And, you don't like your family? Emma: No family to like. Man: Oh, come on. Everyone has family. Emma: Technically, yeah. And everyone knows who they are? Ready to run yet? Man: Oh, not a chance. You, Emma, are by far, the sexiest, friendless orphan I have ever met. Emma: Okay. Your turn. No wait, let me guess. Um... You are handsome, charming... Man: Go on. Emma: The kind of guy who – and now, stop me if I get this wrong – embezzled from your employer, got arrested, and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail. Man: What? Emma: And the worst part of all is your wife. Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out, and how do you repay that loyalty? You're on a date. Man: Who are you? Emma: The chick who put up the rest of the money. Man: You're a bail bondsman. Emma: Bail bondsperson. (The man flips the table, spilling everything on Emma. He runs out of the restaurant.) Emma: Really? (The man runs across the street, while dodging traffic, to his car. Emma calmly walks towards the man's car. The man starts the ignition, but the car won't move. He opens the door to look out, and sees a boot. Emma catches up to him.) Man: You don't have to do this, okay? I can pay you. I got money. Emma: No, you don't. And if you did, you should give it to your wife to take care of your family. Man: The hell you know about family, huh? (Emma slams the man's head against the steering wheel.) Emma: Nothing. ———– (Emma arrives home to her apartment. She opens a box with a cupcake inside. She put a single, star-shaped candle on top and lights it. She leans on the counter and stares at it.) Emma: Another banner year. (She closes her eyes, makes a wish, and blows out the candle. The doorbell rings. She answers the door, only to find the boy from the bus.) Emma: Uh? Can I help you? Henry: Are you Emma Swan? Emma: Yeah. Who are you? Henry: My name's Henry. I'm your son. ———– (Henry pushes past Emma into the apartment.) Emma: Whoa! Hey, kid! Kid! Kid! I don't have a son! Where are your parents? Henry: Ten years ago. Did you give up a baby for adoption? That was me. Emma: ...Give me a minute. (Emma goes into the bathroom to compose herself. Henry yells from the other side of the door.) Henry: Hey, you have any juice? Never mind, found some. (Emma exits the bathroom. Henry is seen drinking juice straight from the bottle.) Henry: You know, we should probably get going. Emma: Going where? Henry: I want you to come home with me. Emma: Okay, kid. I'm calling the cops. Henry: Then I'll tell them you kidnapped me. Emma: And they'll believe you because I'm your birth mother. Henry: Yep. Emma: You're not going to do that. Henry: Try me. Emma: You're pretty good. But here's the thing – there's not a lot I'm great at in life. I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower. I can tell when anyone is lying and you, kid, are. Henry: Wait... Please don't call the cops. Please, come home with me. Emma: Where's home? Henry: Storybrooke, Maine. Emma: Storybrooke? Seriously? Henry: Mmhmm. Emma: Alrighty, then. Let's get you back to Storybrooke. –[Fairy Tale World]– (A castle is shown in the forest. Snow white stands near the door of a balcony. A bluebird flies off her finger. She is visibly pregnant.) Prince Charming: What's wrong? Snow White: Nothing. Prince Charming: You're thinking about what the Queen said again, aren't you? Snow, please. I can't keep having this conversation. You have to let it go. We're about to have a baby. Snow White: I haven't had a restful night since our wedding. Prince Charming: That's what she wants – to get in your head. But they're only words. She can't hurt us. Snow White: She poisoned an apple because she thought I was prettier than her. You have no idea of what she's capable of. Prince Charming: What can I do to ease your mind? Snow White: Let me talk to him. Prince Charming: Him? You don't mean... Snow White: I do. Prince Charming. No, no, no. It's too dangerous. Snow White: He sees the future. Prince Charming: There's a reason he's locked up. Snow White: Can you promise me that our child will be safe? Can you guarantee it? Because he can. Prince Charming: Alright. For our child. –[Real World]– (Emma and Henry are driving in a car.) Henry: I'm hungry. Can we stop somewhere? Emma: This is not a road trip. We're not stopping for snacks. Henry: Why not? Emma: Quit complaining, kid. Remember – I could have put your butt on a bus. I still could. Henry: You know I have a name? It's Henry. (Henry is reading the book from earlier.) Emma: What's that? Henry: I'm not sure you're ready. Emma: I'm not ready for some fairy tales? Henry: They're not fairy tales. They're true. Every story in this book actually happened. Emma: Of course they did. Henry: Use your superpower. See if I'm lying. Emma: Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true. Henry: That's exactly what makes it true. You should know more than anyone. Emma: Why's that? Henry: Because you're in this book. Emma: Oh, kid. You've got problems. Henry: Yep. And you're going to fix them. –[Fairy Tale World]– (The illustration of the torch in the book zooms in to an actual dungeon. A guard, Snow White, and Prince Charming are walking through a tunnel leading to the dungeon.) Guard: When we reach the cell, stay out of the light. And whatever you do, do not let him know your name. If he knows your name, he will have power over you. Rumpelstiltskin. Rumpelstiltskin! I have a question for you. Rumpelstiltskin: No, you don't. They do. Snow White and Prince Charming... You insult me. Step into the light and take off those ridiculous robes. (Snow White and Prince Charming reveal themselves.) Rumpelstiltskin: That's much better. Prince Charming: We've come to ask you about the... Rumpelstiltskin: Yes! Yes! I know why you're here! You want to know about the Queen's threat. Snow White: Tell us what you know. Rumpelstiltskin: Ooh, tense, aren't we? Fear not! For I can ease your mind. But... It's going to cost you something in return. Prince Charming: No! He's just a waste of time. Snow White: What do you want? Rumpelstiltskin: Oh... The name of your unborn child? Prince Charming: Absolutely not! Snow White: Deal! What do you know? Rumpelstiltskin: The Queen has created a powerful curse. And it's coming. Soon, you'll all be in a prison. Just like me, only worse. Your prison, all of our prisons, will be time. Time will stop, and we will be trapped. Someplace horrible, where everything we hold dear, everything we love, will be ripped from us while we suffer for all eternity. While the Queen celebrates, victorious at last. No more happy endings. Snow White: What can we do? Rumpelstiltskin: We can't do anything. Snow White: Who can? Rumpelstiltskin: That little thing, growing inside your belly. (Rumpelstiltskin gestures to Snow White's pregnant belly. The prince slashes his hand away with a sword.) Prince Charming: Next time, I cut it off. Rumpelstiltskin: Tsk tsk. The infant is our only hope. Get the child to safety. Get the child to safety and on its twenty-eighth birthday, the child will return. The child will find you and a final battle will begin. Prince Charming: We heard enough. We're leaving. (Snow White and Prince Charming head for the dungeon's exit.) Rumpelstiltskin: Hey! No! We made a deal! I want her name! We had a deal! I need her name! I want her name! Prince Charming: Her? It's a boy. Rumpelstiltskin: Missy... Missy... You know I'm right. Tell me, what's her name? Snow White: Emma. Her name is Emma. Rumpelstiltskin: Emma... –[Real World]– (Emma and Henry finally arrive in Storybrooke.) Emma: Okay, kid. How about an address? Henry: Forty-four Not Telling You street. (Emma stops the car in the middle of the road and gets out. Henry gets out, as well.) Emma: Look, it's been a long night and it's almost... 8:15? Henry: That clock hasn't moved my whole life. Time's frozen here. Emma: Excuse me? Henry: The Evil Queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the Enchanted Forest here. Emma: Okay, the Evil Queen sent a bunch of fairy tale characters here. Henry: Yeah, and now they're trapped. Emma: Frozen in time, stuck in Storybrooke, Maine. That's what you're going with? Henry: It's true! Emma: Then why doesn't everybody just leave? Henry: They can't. If they try, bad things happen. (Someone calls out to Henry. A man with a dog approaches Emma and Henry.) Archie: Henry! What are you doing here? Is everything alright? Henry: I'm fine, Archie. Archie: Who's this? Emma: Just someone trying to give him a ride home. Henry: She's my mom, Archie. Archie: Oh. I see. Emma: You know where he lives? Archie: Yeah, sure. Just, ah, right up on Mifflin street. The Mayor's house is the biggest one on the block. Emma: You're the Mayor's kid? Henry: Uh, maybe. Archie: Hey, where were you today, Henry? Because you missed your session. Henry: Oh, I forgot to tell you. I went on a field trip. Archie: Henry. What did I tell you about lying? Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything. Emma: Oookay. Well, I really should be getting him home. Archie: Yeah, sure. Well, listen. Um. Have a good night and, uh, you be good, Henry. Emma: So that's your shrink. Henry: I'm not crazy. Emma: Didn't say that. Just, he doesn't seem 'cursed' to me. Maybe he's just trying to help you. Henry: He's the one who needs help because he doesn't know. Emma: That he's a fairy tale character? Henry: None of them do. They don't remember who they are. Emma: Convenient. Alright, I'll play. Who's he supposed to be? Henry: Jiminy Cricket. Emma: Right, the lying thing. Thought your nose grew a little bit. Henry: I'm not Pinocchio! Emma: Course you're not. Because that would be ridiculous. –[Fairy Tale World]– (Everyone is gathered around a table at the castle. Prince Charming is leading the discussion.) Prince Charming: I say we fight! Jiminy: Fighting is a bad idea. Giving into one's dark side never accomplishes anything. Prince Charming: Then how many wars has a clear conscience won? We need to take the Queen out before she can inflict her curse. Doc: Can we even trust Rumpelstiltskin? Prince Charming: I've sent my men into the forest. The animals are abuzz with the Queen's plan. This is going to happen unless we do something. Snow White: There's no point. The future is written. Prince Charming: No. I refuse to believe that. Good can't just lose. Snow White: Maybe it can. Prince Charming: No. No, not as long as we have each other. If you believe him about the curse, then you must believe him about our child. She will be the saviour. (A noise is heard. Guards enter, dragging behind them a piece of a tree. The Blue Fairy also accompanies them.) Prince Charming: What the hell is this? Blue Fairy: Our only hope of saving that child. Grumpy: A tree? Our fate rests on a tree? Let's get back to the fighting thing. Blue Fairy: The tree is enchanted. If fashioned into a vessel, it can ward off any curse. Geppetto, can you build such a thing? Geppetto: Me and my boy, we can do it. Blue Fairy: This will work. We all must have faith. There is, however, a catch. The enchantment is, indeed, powerful, but all power has its limits. And this tree can protect only one. –[Real World]– (Emma and Henry arrive at a large, white house. They head through the gate and up the walkway.) Henry: Please don't take me back there. Emma: I have to. I'm sure your parents are worried sick about you. Henry: I don't have parents. Just a mom and she's evil. Emma: Evil? That's a bit extreme, isn't it? Henry: She is. She doesn't love me. She only pretends to. Emma: Kid... I'm sure that's not true. (A woman, Regina, opens the door to the house and rushes towards Henry and Emma.) Regina: Henry! Henry... Are you okay? Where have you been? What happened? Henry: I found my real mom. (Henry runs into the house.) Regina: Y-you're Henry's birth mother? Emma: Hi... Graham: I'll just go...check on the lad. Make sure he's alright. Regina: How would like a glass of the best apple cider you've ever tasted? Emma: Got anything stronger? ———– (Emma and Regina have moved into the house. Regina comes in with two glasses and pours out the cider.) Emma: How did he find me? Regina: No idea. When I adopted him, he was only three weeks old. Records were sealed. I was told the birth mother didn't want to have any contact. Emma: You were told right. Regina: And the father? Emma: There was one. Regina: Do I need to be worried about him? Emma: Nope. He doesn't even know. Regina: Do I need to be worried about you, Miss Swan? Emma: Absolutely not. (Regina nods. Sheriff Graham comes downstairs.) Graham: Madam Mayor, you can relax. Other than being a tired little boy, Henry's fine. Regina: Thank you, Sheriff. (Sheriff Graham leaves and Emma and Regina head to a different room.) Regina: I'm sorry he dragged you out of your life. I really don't know what's gotten into him. Emma: Kid's having a rough time. It happens. Regina: You have to understand. Ever since I became mayor, balancing things has been tricky. You have a job, I assume? Emma: Uh, I keep busy, yeah. Regina: Imagine having another one on top of it. That's being a single mom. So I push for order. Am I strict? I suppose. But I do it for his own good. I want Henry to excel in life. I don't think that makes me evil, do you? Emma: I'm sure he's just saying that because of the fairy tale thing. Regina: What fairy tale thing? Emma: Oh, you know. His book. How he thinks everyone's a cartoon character from it. Like his shrink is Jiminy Cricket. Regina: I'm sorry. I really have no idea what you're talking about. Emma: You know what? It's none of my business. He's your kid. And I really should be heading back. Regina: Of course. (Regina lets Emma out. As Emma walks down the walkway to her car, she looks up to the second story window and sees Henry. He closes the curtain and turns off the light. Emma is driving along road out of Storybrooke. She looks over and sees Henry's book on the seat.) Emma: Sneaky b*st*rd. (When she looks back to the road, there's a wolf in front of her car. She swerves to avoid it and ends up hitting the Storybrooke entrance sign.) –[Fairy Tale World]– (Geppetto and Pinocchio are seen carving the magical wardrobe out of the enchanted tree. In another part of the castle, Snow White stands on a balcony.) Snow White: I don't want to do this. Prince Charming: It has to be you. Snow White: I'm not leaving you. Prince Charming: It's the only way. You'll go in there, and you'll be safe from the curse. Snow White: He said it would be on her twenty-eighth birthday. Prince Charming: What's twenty eight years when you have eternal love? I have faith. You'll save me as I did you. (They kiss. When they break apart, Snow White looks distraught.) Prince Charming: What is it? Snow White: Baby... She's coming. ———– (Grumpy is watching the castle. He sees something and kicks Sleepy, who is sleeping next to him.) Grumpy: Get up! Get up! Look. (A dark smoke is seen in the distance. It rapidly covers the land and is progressing towards the castle. Grumpy frantically rings a bell.) Grumpy: The curse! It's here! –[Real World]– (The camera zooms in on Emma's eye as she wakes up. She looks around her and realizes that she's in jail. There is another prisoner there with her. Whistling is heard in the background.) Leroy: What are you lookin' at, sister? Marco: Hey, Leroy! Manners. We have a guest. So you are, uh, Henry's mother? How lovely for him to have you back in his life. Emma: Actually, I was just dropping him off. Leroy: Tch, don't blame ya. They're all brats, who needs 'em. Marco: Well, I'd give anything for one. My wife and I, we tried for many years. But, uh, he was not meant to be. Leroy: Well cry me a river. (Sheriff Graham enters the room and unlocks Leroy's cell.) Graham: Leroy! If I'm going to let you out, you need to behave. Put on a smile and stay out of trouble. (Leroy smiles sarcastically, and leaves.) Emma: Seriously? Graham: Regina's drinks are a little stronger than we thought. Emma: I wasn't drunk. There was a wolf standing in the middle of the road. Graham: A wolf. Right. (Regina enters and calls for Sheriff Graham.) Regina: Graham! Henry's run away again. We have to... What is she doing here? Do you know where he is? Emma: Honey, I haven't seen him since I dropped him at your house. And, I have a pretty good alibi. Regina: Yeah, well, he wasn't in his room this morning. Emma: Did you try his friends? Regina: He doesn't really have any. He's kind of a loner. Emma: Every kid has friends. Did you check his computer? If he's close to someone, he'd be emailing them. Regina: And you know this how? Emma: Finding people is what I do. Here's an idea. How about you guys let me out and I'll help you find him. ———– (The three of them are in Henry's room. Emma is searching through Henry's computer.) Emma: Smart kid – cleared his inbox. I'm smart too. A little hard disk recovery utility I like to use... Graham: I'm a bit more old fashioned in my techniques. Pounding the pavement, knocking on doors, that sort of thing. Emma: You're on salary. I get paid for delivery. Pounding the pavement is not a luxury that I get. Huh. His receipt for a website – whosyourmomma.org. It's expensive. He has a credit card? Regina: He's ten. Emma: Well, he used one. Let's pull up a transaction record. Mary Margaret Blanchard... Who's Mary Margaret Blanchard? Regina: Henry's teacher. ———– (There's a classroom full of younger kids. It appears to be an art class and they're making bird houses. The teacher is holding a bluebird.) MMB: As we build our bird houses, remember – what you're making is a home, not a cage. The bird is free and will do what it will. This is for them, not us. They're loyal creatures. If you love them and they love you, they will always find you. (The bell rings.) MMB: We'll pick this up after recess. No running! (The kids file out of the classroom, while Regina shoves through them. Emma trails behind her.) MMB: Miss Mills. What are you doing here? Regina: Where's my son? MMB: Henry, I assumed he was home sick with you. Regina: You think I'd be here if he was? Did you give him your credit card so he can find her? MMB: I'm sorry, who are you? Emma: I'm his... I'm his... Regina: The woman who gave him up for adoption. Emma: You don't know anything about this do you? MMB: No, unfortunately not. (Mary Margaret looks through her wallet. She notices that her credit card is missing.) MMB: Clever boy... I should never have given him that book. Regina: What in the hell is this book I keep hearing about? MMB: Just some old stories I gave him. As you well know, Henry is a special boy. So smart, so creative, and as you might be aware, lonely. He needed it. Regina: What he needs is a dose of reality. This is a waste of time. (Regina turns to leave, knocking over a stack of books.) Regina: Have a nice trip back to Boston. Emma: Sorry to bother you. MMB: No it's... It's okay. I hear this is partially my fault. Emma: How's the book supposed to help? MMB: What do you think stories are for? These stories are classics. There's a reason we all know them. They're a way for us to deal with our world. A world that doesn't always make sense. See, Henry hasn't had the easiest life. Emma: Yeah, she's kind of a hardass. MMB: No, it's more than her. He's like any adopted child. He wrestles with that most basic question they all inevitably face – why would anyone give me away? ...I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean in any way to judge you. Emma: It's okay. MMB: Look, I gave the book to him because I wanted Henry to have the most important thing anyone can have. Hope. Believing in even the possibility of a happy ending is a very powerful thing. Emma: You know where he is, don't you? MMB: You might want to check his castle. –[Fairy Tale World]– (Camera pans into a tower window. Screaming can be heard. Snow White is in labour.) Snow White: I can't have this baby now! Prince Charming: Doc, do something. It's going to be okay. The wardrobe is almost finished, just hold on. (The Evil Queen and her cohorts and seen traveling through the forest towards the castle. Geppetto enters the room with Prince Charming and snow White.) Geppetto: It's ready. Doc: It's too late. We can't move her. (Baby Emma is born. Snow White is holding her, while the prince looks on.) Snow White: The wardrobe... It only takes one. Prince Charming: Then our plan has failed. At least we're together. Snow White: No. You have to take her. Take the baby to the wardrobe. Prince Charming: Are you out of your mind? Snow White: No, it's the only way. You have to save her. Prince Charming: No, no, no. You don't know what you're saying. Snow White: No, I do. We have to believe that she'll come back for us. We have to give her her best chance. (Snow White and the prince kiss Emma. Prince Charming takes the baby.) Snow White: Goodbye, Emma... (Prince Charming takes a sword near the door and enters the hallway. He fends off two of the Queen's guards, but is injured himself, and heads toward where the wardrobe is kept. He places the baby inside the wardrobe and kisses her forehead.) Prince Charming: Find us... (Two more guards enter the room. One appears to mortally wound the prince. The guards break open the wardrobe, but discover that it's empty and the baby is gone.) –[Real World]– (Henry is sitting alone on his 'castle', which is actually a wooden castle-shaped slide at a playground. The playground is along the shore. Emma walks up behind him, carrying his book.) Emma: You left this in my car. (She gives him the book. They look across to the clock tower.) Emma: Still hasn't moved, huh? Henry: I was hoping that when I brought you back, things would change here. That the final battle would begin. Emma: I'm not fighting any battles, kid. Henry: Yes, you are. Because it's your destiny. You're going to bring back the happy endings. Emma: Can you cut it with the book crap. Henry: You don't have to be hostile. I know you like me – I can tell. You're just pushing me away because I make you feel guilty. It's okay. I know why you gave me away. You wanted to give me my best chance. Emma: How do you know that? Henry: Because it's the same reason Snow White gave you away. Emma: Listen to me, kid. I'm not in any book. I'm a real person. And I'm no saviour. You were right about one thing, though. I wanted you to have your best chance. But it's not with me. Come on, let's go. Henry: Please don't take me back there. Just stay with me for one week. That's all I ask. One week, and you'll see I'm not crazy. Emma: I have to get you back to your mom. Henry: You don't know what it's like with her. My life sucks! Emma: Oh, you want to know what sucking is? Being left abandoned on the side of a freeway. My parents didn't even bother to drop me off at a hospital. I ended up in the foster system and I had a family until I was three, but then they had their own so then they sent me back. Look, your mom is trying her best. I know it's hard and I know sometimes you think she doesn't love you, but at least she wants you. Henry: Your parents didn't leave you on the side of a freeway. That's just where you came through. Emma: What? Henry: The wardrobe. When you went through the wardrobe you appeared in the street. Your parents were trying to save you from the curse. Emma: Sure they were. Come on, Henry. –[Fairy Tale World]– (Snow White gets up and goes to the room with the wardrobe. She sees the prince on the ground, who appears to be dead.) Snow White: No, no! No! No! No! Please... Please come back to me. (She kisses him twice, attempting to revive him. The Evil Queen enters the room.) Evil Queen: Oh, don't worry dear. In a few moments, you won't remember you knew him, let alone loved him. Snow White: Why did you do this? Evil Queen: Because this is my happy ending. (The two guards enter.) Evil Queen: The child? Guard: Gone. It was in the wardrobe, and then it was gone. It's nowhere to be found. Evil Queen: Where is she? Snow White: She got away... You're going to lose. I know that now. Good will always win. Evil Queen: We'll see about that. (The ceiling breaks apart. A twister starts to form in the room.) Snow White: Where are we going? Evil Queen: Somewhere horrible. Absolutely horrible. A place where the only happy ending will be mine. (The windows shatter. The dark smoke fills the room, and they are whisked away.) –[Real World]– (Emma brings Henry back to Regina. Henry runs inside and goes upstairs.) Regina: Thank you. Emma: No problem. Regina: He's seemed to have taken quite a shine to you. Emma: You know what's kind of crazy? Yesterday was my birthday and when I blew out the candle on this cupcake I bought myself, I actually made a wish. That I didn't have to be alone on my birthday. And then, Henry showed up. Regina: I hope there's no misunderstanding here. Emma: I'm sorry? Regina: Don't mistake all this as invitation back into his life. Emma: Oh... Regina: Miss Swan, you made a decision ten years ago. And in the last decade, while you've been... Well, who knows what you've been doing. I've changed every diaper. Soothed every fever. Endured every tantrum. You may have given birth to him, but he is my son. Emma: I was not... Regina: No! You don't get to speak. You don't get to do anything. You gave up that right when you tossed him away. Do you know what a closed adoption is? It's what you asked for. You have no legal right to Henry and you're going to be held to that. So, I suggest you get in your car, and you leave this town. Because if you don't, I will destroy you if it is the last thing I do. Goodbye, Miss Swan. (Regina heads back to the house, but Emma calls after her.) Emma: Do you love him? Regina: Excuse me? Emma: Henry. Do you love him? Regina: Of course I love him. (Regina goes back into the house. She steals the book from Henry's room. She holds the book as she stares into a mirror looking angry.) ———– (Mary Margaret is volunteering at a hospital. She puts vases of flowers next to patients' beds. She puts one next to a comatose patient, named 'John Doe', who is revealed to be Prince Charming. Elsewhere, Henry looks out the window of his room at the clock tower, which still hasn't changed. Meanwhile, Emma heads to Granny's Bed and Breakfast. Inside, Granny and Ruby are arguing.) Granny: You're out all night, and now you're going out again. Ruby: I should have moved to Boston. Granny: I'm sorry that my heart attack interfered with your plans to sleep your way down the eastern seaboard. Emma: Excuse me? I'd like a room. Granny: Really? Would you like a forest view or a square view? Normally, there's an upgrade fee for the square but, as friends do, I'll wave it. Emma: Square is fine. Granny: Now, what's the name? Emma: Swan. Emma Swan. (A man, Mr. Gold, has entered the inn, but no one has noticed until he speaks.) Mr. Gold: Emma. What a lovely name. Emma: Thanks. (Granny passes Mr. Gold a roll of bills.) Granny: It's all here. Mr. Gold: Yes, yes, of course it is, dear. Thank you. You enjoy your stay...Emma. (Mr. Gold exits the inn.) Emma: Who's that? Ruby: Mr. Gold. He owns this place. Emma: The inn? Granny: No, the town. So, how long will you be with us? Emma: A week. Just a week. Granny: Great. (Granny takes a key from the wall and hands it to Emma.) Granny: Welcome to Storybrooke. ———– (Henry is still watching the clock tower. When Emma takes the room key, the clock starts moving. He smiles.) –[End]–

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