~Desperate Souls~

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SCENE: Enchanted Forest. Past. Rumplestiltskin spinning. Baelfire entering.

Baelfire: Papa, Papa! They've come for Morraine. (Rumplestiltskin grabs his crane and he and Baelfire leave the tent)
Morraine's Father: No! No! Please!
Morraine's Mother: (sobbing) No! No! No!
Morraine's Father: No. No. Please! Please!
Morraine's Mother: No. Don't take her! No. You can't take her. She's my baby. Don't take my baby.
Hordor: Nonsense. She is a fine, strong girl. She'll make a fine soldier.
Morraine's Father: It's a mistake. She's turning fourteen. ONLY FOURTEEN.
Hordor: AT THE ORDERS OF THE DUKE! The Ogre Wars have taken their toll this season. More troops will turn the tie.
Baelfire: They lowered the age again, Papa.
Rumplestiltskin: I know.
Hordor: Take her. She'll ride with me.
Morraine's Mother: No!
Morraine's Father: No, you can't have her.
(Morraine's Mother tries to attack Hordor with a knife. The Dark One strangles her and the father using magic. She is forced to stop.)
Hordor: The Dark One seems to think I can. (He and Morraine leave on horseback)
Baelfire: My birthday is in three days. They'll come for me in three days.
Rumplestiltskin: We'll find a way. We'll find a way. (putting a protective arm around Baelfire)
Morraine's Mother: (whines) No!

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Mr. Gold Pawnbroker & Antiquities Dealer. Door bell rings. Emma Swan enters the shop.
Emma: Gold? In here?
Mr. Gold: (to himself) Well, it is my shop...
(Emma enters the back of Gold's shop. She smells something unpleasant.).
Emma: Whoa! What is that?
Mr. Gold: Now, this is lanolin used for waterproofing.
Emma: Smells like livestock.
Mr. Gold: Well, it is the reason why sheep's pelt repel water.
Emma: It stinks! Uhm. If there was a reason why you called the Sheriff's department. If you wanna talk about that quickly or... outside.
Mr. Gold: Yes. (stands up, coming around his table) I just wanted to express my condolences, really. The sheriff was a good man. You're still wearing the deputy's badge? (Emma looks down surprised.) Well, he's been gone for two weeks now. And I believe after two weeks of acting as sheriff the job becomes yours. You'll have to wear the real badge.
Emma: Yeah, I guess... I'm just not in a hurry. So, uhm... thank you for the kind words. (prepares to leave the shop.)
Mr. Gold: (following) I have his things.
Emma: (turning around startled) What?
Mr. Gold: The sheriff. He rented an apartment that I own. Another reason for my call really, I wanted to offer you a keepsake.
Emma: I don't need anything.
Mr. Gold: As you wish. I'll give them to Mayor Mills. Seems like she was the closest thing he had to family.
Emma: Not sure about that.
Mr. Gold: No love lost there, I see. Look, I feel that all of this stuff is heading directly for the trash bin. You really should take something. Look! (picks up the Sheriff's jacket) His jacket?
Emma: (shaking her head) No.
Mr. Gold: LOOK. (shuffles through the stuff bringing a radio set to light) Your boy might like these, don't you think? You could play together.
Emma: (shakes her head again) I don't...
Mr. Gold: No, please. They grow up so fast.
Emma: (taking them) Thanks.
Mr. Gold: You enjoy these with your boy. The time together is precious, you know. (Emma looking at him questionably) That's the thing about children: Before you know it, you lose them.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Henry's Castle. Emma approaching Henry.
Emma: Brought you something. Thought we could use them together for Operation Cobra. (sitting down beside him)
Henry Mills: (upset) Thanks. (Emma nudging Henry with her shoulder.)
Emma: Oh, come on. What's up? You've been ducking me for weeks.
Henry: I think we should stop Cobra stuff for a while. You don't play with the Curse. Look what happened to Graham.
Emma: Henry, I told you they did an autopsy. It was totally natural causes.
Henry: Okay, whatever! You don't believe? Good. That should keep you from messing with it. And getting killed.
Emma: You're worried about me?
Henry: She killed Graham because he was good. And you're good.
Emma: Henry.
Henry: Good loses. Good always loses. Because good has to play fair. Evil doesn't. She's evil. This is probably best. I don't wanna upset her any more. (hands back the radio set to Emma and leaves the playground castle.)

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