~The Heart is a Lonely Hunter~

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SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Granny's Diner. Graham throws a dart.

Sidney: Nice shot, chief. I betcha 20 bucks you can't do it again.
Sheriff Graham: Next round's on him.
Ruby: Emma, what can I get you?
Emma: Nothing. (Graham throws a dart.) What the hell? You could have hit me.
Sheriff Graham: I never miss. You've been avoiding me... since last night when you saw me ...
Emma: Leaving the mayor's? And, yes, that is a euphemism. I'm not avoiding you, Graham. I just have no interest in having this conversation. It's your life, and I really don't care.
Sheriff Graham: If you don't care, then why are you so upset?
Emma: I'm not upset!
Sheriff Graham: If that were true, you'd be at the bar with me having a drink and not running away. Can we please talk about this? I need you to understand.
Emma: Why?
Sheriff Graham: I don't know. Uh, maybe so I can understand.
Emma: You need analysis, go talk to Archie.
Sheriff Graham: I wanna talk to you.
Emma: Well, your bad judgment is your problem, not mine.
Sheriff Graham: You don't know what it's like with her. I don't feel anything. Can you understand that?
Emma: A bad relationship? Yeah. I understand a bad relationship. I just don't wanna talk about yours.
Sheriff Graham: Look, I know you and Regina have your own issues, and I should've told you about that before you took the job.
Emma: Yeah, why the secrecy? We're all adults. You can do whatever you want.
Sheriff Graham: 'Cause I-I didn't want you to look at me the way you are now.
Emma: Why do you care how I look at you?
Sheriff Graham: Because...

Blurred impressions of a forest. As the scene becomes clear a wolf with eyes of different colors - one red, the other one blue, appears briefly.

Emma: What? (kisses her) What the hell was that?
Sheriff Graham: Did you see that?
Emma: How much have you been drinking? That was way over the line.
Sheriff Graham: I'm sorry. I just...?
Emma: (angrily) What? You what?
Sheriff Graham: I need to feel something.
Emma: Listen to me, Graham. You are drunk and full of regret. I get it. But whatever it is you are looking to feel, I can tell you one thing.You're not getting it with me.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Sheriff Graham standing in front of the Mills House. Sheriff Graham knocks on the door.
Regina: Graham.
Sheriff Graham: Is Henry asleep?
Regina: Yes. Why? (Sheriff Graham enters and kisses her passionately.)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Palace. Snow White places a white rose on her father's coffin. The Evil Queen watches her.
Snow White: Goodbye, father.
Evil Queen: (approaches her, touching Snow's shoulder.) I'm so sorry, Snow.
Snow White: I loved him so much.
Evil Queen: (putting an arm around Snow) So did I do. So did I. The loss I feel for my husband must be nothing compared to the loss you feel for your father. (Snow sobs.) If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I may only be your mother trough marriage, but I'm here for you dear. Truly and forever.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Dark Palace. The Evil Queen's chamber.
Magic Mirror: Congratulations. Your revenge is almost complete.
Evil Queen: One down. One to go.
Magic Mirror: She has no idea, does she?
Evil Queen: That I'm responsible for his passing? She sought comfort with me. Sickening. I could have ended her miserable existence right there. Believe me, it was tempting.
Magic Mirror: It would have sated your soul.
Evil Queen: The kingdom is still loyal to her. They would turn on me. They don't know the wretchedness inside of her as I do. They don't know what she did to me. We must be delicate in this next phase. Her demise must be handled with care.
Magic Mirror: Perhaps one of your knights, your Majesty.
Evil Queen: No. I need someone adapted murder. Bereft of mercy.
Magic Mirror: Someone with no heart.
Evil Queen: Now you understand.
Magic Mirror: Well, in that case you need a huntsman.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Somewhere in a forest. The Huntsman kills a stag.
Huntsman: You have died so that I may live. Forgive me. Your sacrifice is honorable. Thank you. (A wolf approaches him). Don't worry boy, you won't go hungry tonight.

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