~That Still Small Voice~

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–[Fairy Tale World]– (A crowd is gathered around a puppet show. While they are distracted, a young boy pickpockets various people. He goes unnoticed and sneaks away. Later, the boy empties out the coins he has stolen. His parents are with him.) Martin: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Careful! Careful! Myrna: Don't let those coins roll away. Martin: No, they might...disappear. (The father does a magic trick. He makes a coin disappear and then suddenly reappear.) Martin: Whoa, whoa. Look at that! (Jiminy pulls out a small cage with a cricket inside.) Jiminy: Oh, a cricket! I love crickets! Myrna: Crickets are trouble. Noisy bugs. Jiminy: But they get to do whatever they want! Hopping from place to place... They're free. Myrna: You're free. Martin: To do what we want. Myrna: To be who you are. Martin: And you are who you are. Jiminy: Well, maybe I want to be something else. Maybe I don't want to steal. Maybe I want to be good. Martin: All that from a cricket. Myrna: Told ya – trouble. Martin: Good is another word for weak. Myrna: Let us do the thinking for you. Martin: That's what parents are for. Myrna: To help you. Martin: You are who you are and there's no changing you, Jiminy. Right? Jiminy: Right. Martin: Right. Problem solved. –[Real World]– (Henry and Archie are in Archie's office having a session.) Henry: You weren't always a cricket. Archie: I weren't always- Oh, right. Because, um... Because you think I'm Jiminy Cricket. Why... Why do you... Why do you think that, Henry? Henry: It's just because of who you are. Archie: And what am I? Henry: You're a conscious. You help people see right from wrong. Archie: so, all the crickets in Storybrooke – they were once people, too? Henry: There aren't any crickets here. Listen. Archie: Maybe it isn't light enough. Henry: There's never been crickets here. You've just never noticed. Archie: So, you think that's proof that there's a curse? Henry: Yes, but I know it's not enough. I'm looking for more. Archie: So, Henry, look. I asked you this once before and you said you'd think about it. Why do you think it's so important that this is real? Henry: It... It just is. Archie: Alright. Well, keep thinking about that answer, Henry. Cause I think there's something buried there. ———– (Emma and Graham are at the station. Emma holds up a uniform.) Emma: A tie? You know you don't have to dress a woman as a man to give her authority. Graham: so, you think you can get people to do what you want in that red coat? Emma: I'm getting you to do what I want right now. Graham: Well, at least wear the badge. Go on – take it. If you really want to be a part of this community, we have to make it official. (Emma takes the badge from Graham. When she clips it onto her belt, there is a violent shake. All of the phones at the station start ringing.) ———– (The entire town is gathered around what appears to be the entrance to a tunnel. Regina then arrives by car.) Regina: Everyone! Step back, please! Ruby: Is that a crater? Marco: No, there were tunnels – old mines. Something collapsed. Regina: Sheriff, set up a police perimeter. Marco, why don't you help with the fire department? Miss Swan, this is now official town business. You're free to go. Emma: Well, actually, I work for the town now. Graham: She's my new deputy. Regina: They say the Mayor's always last to know. Graham: It's in my budget. Regina: Indeed. Deputy, why don't you make yourself useful and help with crowd control? (Regina steps away and stands in front of the crowd of people.) Regina: People of Storybrooke, don't be alarmed. We've always known this area was honeycombed with old mining tunnels. But fear not. I'm going to undertake a project to make this area safe – to rehabilitate it into city use. We will bulldoze it, collapse it, pave it. (Henry emerges from the crowd.) Henry: Pave it? What if there's something down there? Regina: Henry. What are you doing here? Henry: What's down there? Regina: Nothing. Now step back. In fact, everyone! Please, please step back. Thank you. (Regina picks a piece of glass up off the ground and puts it in her pocket.) Henry: What was that? Regina: Henry, enough. Listen. This is a safety issue. Wait in the car. (Henry leaves the area.) Regina: Deputy Swan, Sheriff – cord off the area. (Henry is sitting in Regina's car. When he gets a chance, he gets out and whispers to Archie.) Henry: Hey, Archie! Over here. (Henry, Emma and Archie all gather by a police car.) Henry: This requires all of Operation Cobra. Both of you. Archie: I didn't realize I was in Operation Cobra. Henry: Of course you are. You know everything. We can't let her do this. What if there's something down there? Emma: They're just some old tunnels. Henry: That just happen to collapse right after you get here? You're changing things. You're weakening the curse. Emma: That's not what's happening. Henry: Yes, it is! Did you do anything different today? Cause something made this happen. (Regina walks up to the three of them.) Regina: Henry, I told you to wait in the car. Deputy, do your job. (Henry and Emma both leave in different directions. Archie goes to leave, but Regina calls after him.) Regina: Dr. Hopper. A word, please? Okay. We're done with this. Archie: Uh, excuse me? Regina: My son. We need a new treatment plan. Everything I do he thinks is part of some horrible plot. I can't cover up a safety hazard without him thinking I'm hiding something. How am I hiding something terrible in an old mine? How is any of this logical to him? Archie: He's got an amazing imagination. Regina: Yes, that you let run rampant. Archie: Well, I think it would be wrong to rip away the world he's constructed. I'd rather use it to try and gain- Regina: Sometimes, I think you've forgotten. You work for me. You're an employee. And I can fire you. This is my town. You will lose your office, lose your house, I can cut you down to size until you're a tiny, shrunken, little creature and this, will be the only roof over your damn head. (Regina holds up Archie's umbrella.) Archie: What would you have me do? Regina: You take that delusion out of my son's head and you crush it. –[Fairy Tale World]– (In a field, several caravans are parked. Many people are outside preparing and many tents are set up. Jiminy and his parents are there as one of the entertainers.) Myrna: Come on, Jiminy. Oh, I remember this place. Looks like it's been a good year. Martin: Yeah, you can tell by all the fat people. Myrna: Maybe we can run the elf tonic scam again. Jiminy: Can't we just... Can't we just put on a show? We make enough on the ticket sales. Do we have to steal, too? Martin: We don't need to, but it's nice. We steal from them, and they steal from someone else. Myrna: It's called an economy. Martin: We're a vital part of it. Jiminy: I want to change... I want to quit! Myrna: Oh, this again! Martin: Well, you can't leave now. Myrna: We're getting old. Martin: It's my hip. Myrna: My liver. Martin: I've got lumps in strange places. Myrna: I've got burning sensations. Martin: You better stay with us. Myrna: Just until we die. Martin: Now, be a good boy and set up. ———– (Jiminy is setting up for the puppet show. It's raining. A young boy with an umbrella approaches him.) Boy: Puppets! Wow, what a great job you have! ...You don't like it? Jiminy: No. No, I don't. Same show, same fairs every year. Boy: Then why don't you do something else? Jiminy: This is just who I am. What? Did you just come out here to watch us set up? Boy: No, I came out here to listen to the crickets. Jiminy: Oh, crickets. Why, I haven't listened to the crickets in a while. Hey, you better get home. You're going to catch a cold. Boy: So are you. Here, have my umbrella. I don't live far. I can't wait to see the show! (The boy gives Jiminy his umbrella and runs off.) –[Real World]– (Archie is in his office, seemingly deep in thought. Marco then walks in.) Marco: Hey, Arch! Archie: Marco? What are you doing here? (Marco makes an eating gesture.) Archie: Oh, lunch. I'm sorry, I forgot- I got another patient. Another time? Marco: Sure, of course. (Henry runs around Marco and into the room.) Marco: Hey! Have a good session, Henry. (Marco scruffs Henry's hair and then leaves. Henry and Archie both sit on the couches.) Archie: Hey. Henry: Are you recruiting Geppetto for Operation Cobra? Archie: You think Marco's Geppetto? Henry: Sure. He's Jiminy Cricket's best friend and Marco's yours. Archie: Henry... Henry, look. W-We really need to talk about this, okay? Henry: I know you're not convinced, but I know where I can get proof. (Henry unzips his backpack and shows Archie what's in it.) Archie: What is this? Flashlight? Candy bars? Oh, wait, Henry. Henry, you do not want to go down there. Henry: Emma's here and stuff's happening. I have to look at it. Archie: Henry, Henry. Stop. Stop. There is no proof. Look, all of this – all of this – is a delusion. Do you know what a delusion is? Henry: I... I think so. Archie: It's something that's not real. And... And not healthy. And I thought that you'd outgrow this, but Henry, you know... Now it's turned into a psychosis. Do you know what a psychosis is? Th-that's when you can longer tell what's real and if that continues, then... Then I have to lock you away. Henry, look. This has to stop for your own good. You got to wake up. This nonsense must end. (Henry storms out of Archie's office.) ———– (Mary Margaret and David are playing hangman in David's room at the hospital.) MMB: I don't know. M? David: Mmhmm. Two of them. Get it yet? MMB: Yes. And I'm completely mortified. I almost hanged on my own name. David: Don't worry – I would never have let you hang. I would've added toes, a hat, maybe a horse. MMB: Is this a game you played a lot? Uh, before? David: I don't know. MMB: It'll come back. They're sending you home in a week. They have to think you're progressing, don't they? David: Physically. MMB: Well, you're making new memories just fine. David: Maybe I'll like these better. MMB: Okay, play again? (Kathryn enters with a box.) Kathryn: Can I guess, too? MMB: Oh, Mrs. Nolan. I, uh... Oh, it's noon already. I didn't realize. I should go. Kathryn: Good day, Miss Blanchard. (Mary Margaret gets up to leave. She goes to sign out, but can still overhear the conversation. Kathryn shows David a picture of a dog.) Kathryn: Honey, I brought more pictures. Maybe it'll jog something. It's our old dog – Ajax. Remember? David: Yeah... Yeah, Ajax. ———– (Mary Margaret and Emma are at Mary Margaret's apartment.) MMB: I'm the worst person in the world. Emma: Really? In the whole world? MMB: If Kathryn was horrible it'd be easier, but she's so...nice. Emma: And what, exactly, would be easier? MMB: Nothing. Emma: Nothing's a good idea. You're smart – you know not to get involved with a married guy. It's not worth the heartache – trust me. (There's a knock at the door.) Emma: I'll get it. (Emma answers the door. Henry is there and is clearly upset.) Emma: Kid? What happened? Come on. ———– (Emma knocks on the door of Archie's office. When he doesn't answer, she lets herself in.) Emma: Archie! Archie! What did you do? You told me not to take the fantasy away. You told me it would devastate him. Archie: Of course, if therapy stops working, you adjust it. Emma: Is it her? Did she threaten you? What could be strong enough to drown out your own conscious? Archie: I do not need to defend my professional decisions to you, okay? (Emma's phone rings.) Emma: Hello, Madam Mayor. Nice work. Regina: You with him? Emma: Yes, I'm with Dr. Hopper and guess what? You left your fingerprints all over him when you tried- Regina: Not him – Henry. Is he with you? Emma: I dropped Henry at your office an hour ago. Regina: Well, he's not here. Emma: I don't know where he is. Archie: Oh... I do. (Henry is seen at the entrance to the mine. He turns on his flashlight and enters the tunnel.) –[Fairy Tale World]– (Rumpelstiltskin is in a room and is spinning straw into gold. Jiminy enters and places a bag on top of a table.) Rumpelstiltskin: Thank you very much. And the names? To whom did these treasures belong? (Jiminy takes out a list and places it on top of the pile. Rumpelstiltskin throws him a strand of gold thread.) Rumpelstiltskin: Gold thread – for your thievery. Thank you. You can go. But you want something else, don't you? Something with magic. (Rumpelstiltskin places a gold thread in a bowl, along with another potion. It begins to glow.) Jiminy: Every year, I'm stuck in that damn wagon. I want to be free. I want to... I want to be someone else, but something keeps holding me back. Rumpelstiltskin: Something? Or Someone? Jiminy: It's my parents. Rumpelstiltskin: Then I have exactly what you need. This will set you free. Pour it, sprinkle it, put it in their curds and whey... Anything will work. (Rumpelstiltskin holds up a vial containing the potion. Jiminy goes to take it, but Rumpelstiltskin pulls it back.) Rumpelstiltskin: Ah! But you have nothing more to give to me. Tell you what – after the potion has done its work, leave them where they are and I'll come collect them. It'll be my fee. Jiminy: What will become of them? Rumpelstiltskin: Worry you not. They'll be in safe hands and you'll be free. (Jiminy takes the vial and leaves.) –[Real World]– (Emma and Archie are at the entrance to the tunnel and calling Henry's name. Archie's dog is also there with them.) Emma: Henry! Archie: Henry! Emma: Henry! Archie: What do you got there, Pongo? Emma: I don't think he's here. Archie: I think he is. (He finds one of the candy bars that Henry had in his backpack. He holds it up.) Archie: Candy bar. He had these with him. ———– (Henry has a flashlight and is searching the mine. He comes across a piece of glass that is similar to the piece that Regina found earlier. Suddenly, the mine starts to shake and begins to collapse.) ———– (Emma and Archie feel the ground starting to shake.) Archie: Henry! Emma: Archie! Archie: Henry, it's not safe! Emma: Henry! Archie: Henry! (Archie enters the mine. Just as he gets in, the entrance collapses.) Emma: Archie! Archie! Henry! ———– (Archie lights a match. He begins to walk farther into the tunnel.) Archie: Henry? Henry? (Henry jumps out from around a corner.) Henry: Archie! Archie: Henry! Henry: You're here to help me! Archie: No, Henry, listen. We got to get out of here, okay? Henry: So, you're still against me? Archie: Henry, there's no time for that. Come on, Henry! Come on! Henry: You don't believe me? You'll see. You'll see! (Henry runs deeper into the mine.) Archie: Henry! Henry – Henry come back! Henry! –[Fairy Tale World]– (Jiminy and his parents approach a house.) Jiminy: Look, can't we skip this tonight? I mean, we don't need the money. Myrna: Everything isn't about money, Jiminy. It's about the principle. Martin: A commitment to excellence. Myrna: Excellence at stealing money. Martin: Now go ahead and take the 'Elf Tonic', Jiminy. (Myrna knocks on the door. A young couple answers the door.) Myrna: Oh, such beautiful young people! Jiminy: Pardon me, uh... Do you have a place in your heart for an honest man and his elderly parents? Man: Of course. Come in. Woman: I'll heat up some broth. (Myrna and Martin push past the couple and into the house.) Myrna: Oh, we love broth! Martin: Oh, what a beautiful home! Myrna: Your cobbles are so even! Martin: Oh, and that's real fact. ———– (Jiminy, his parents and the couple are sitting down and eating at the table.) Jiminy: Thank you for your kindness. Myrna: I just can't get it out of my mind. That family... Martin: Terrible way to go. Woman: What? What happened? Myrna and Martin: Plague. Myrna: The next town over. We just passed through. Woman: The plague? Myrna: Well, a plague, certainly. Man: Is it coming here? Are you okay? Martin: Oh, us? No, we're immune. Myrna: We have Elf Tonic. Martin: Made by elves, from elves. Myrna: Four out of five court physicians recommend it. Martin: Fifth one died before he could try it. Myrna: Well, you have it, right? Smart folks like you? Woman: We've never heard of it. Myrna: Oh no! Martin: Oh, dear god! Jiminy: Oh no, you're going to die. You need Elf Tonic. Myrna: Oh, I wish we had extra! Martin: We don't have extra! Jiminy: There is no extra. Woman: we could pay you. Martin: We have a tiny bottle. Myrna: But we need that for ourselves. Man: What can we give you? Woman: Surely, there must be something here you would want? Myrna: I'm sure we could come up with something. ———– (There are several bags of stuff by the door. Jiminy's parents each take a bag.) Myrna: Well, I guess we should start loading up. (Myrna and Martin leave the house.) Jiminy: Here you go. (Jiminy gives the 'Elf Tonic' to the couple.) Man: Thank you. Woman: Thank you. ———– (Jiminy joins his parents outside, who are loading the bags onto their caravan.) Jiminy: Those are good people. They... They would never have hurt us like that. Myrna: And that's where they went wrong. Martin: It's better to be the kind of people who take. Myrna: Instead of those that get taken from. (Jiminy takes out the other vial.) Jiminy: I'm sorry. You've given me no other choice. (Jiminy splashes Rumpelstiltskin's potion on his parents. Nothing happens.) Myrna: How frail do you think we are, son? Martin: Rain water won't hurt us. I'm pretty good at sleight of hand, Jiminy. Jiminy: You switched them? If this was the Elf Tonic... Martin: Oh my! We must have given whatever you had to that family. Myrna: Oh, I hope it wasn't dangerous! ———– (Jiminy goes back into the house and it appears to be empty. The vial containing the potion is emptied on the floor. He then notices two puppets sitting off to the side, who resemble the couple. Jiminy is in shock and his parents enter.) Martin: Oh, look at that! Myrna: New puppets for the act. (A young boy enters the house. It's the same boy who gave Jiminy the umbrella.) Boy: Mama! Papa! Who are you? Mama? Papa? What did you do to them? What did you do to them? –[Real World]– (Archie is searching for Henry in the mine. He finds Henry shining his flashlight down a hole.) Archie: Henry? Henry? Henry! Henry! Henry, Henry! You got to slow down. Henry: There's something shiny down there. Archie: Henry, this is seriously dangerous. We got to get out of here. Henry: It could be something. Archie: Henry, look at me! Look at me! I'm frightened for you, Henry. Henry: Because you think I'm crazy? Archie: No! No, because we are trapped underground in an abandoned mine, Henry. And there is no way out. ———– (The town is gathered, once again, around the entrance of the tunnel.) Marco: Archie's smart. He will keep the boy safe until we get to them. (The ground starts to shake.) Marco: Watch out! Regina: Stop! Stop! You're making it worse! Emma: I am trying to save him! You know why he went down there in the first place, don't you? Because you made him feel like he had something to prove. Regina: And why does he think he has anything to prove? Who's encouraging him? Emma: Do not put this on me. Regina: Oh, please! Lecture me until his oxygen runs out! ———– (Archie and Henry are still navigating the mine. They hear barking.) Archie: Henry, do you hear that? Henry: It's Pongo! Archie: Follow the noise! ———– (Emma approaches Regina.) Emma: We have to stop this. Arguing won't accomplish anything. Regina: No, it won't. Emma: What do you want me to do? Regina: Help me. ———– (Archie and Henry come across an elevator shaft.) Archie: It's loudest over here. Henry: What's... What's this? Archie: Looks like...an old elevator. ———– (Regina and Emma are still talking.) Regina: We need to find some way to punch through the ground. We need something big. Emma: Like what? Marco: Explosives. ———– (Archie investigates the elevator.) Archie: It's to get the mine workers in and out. It goes all the way to the top. That's why we could hear Pongo. Henry: Can we make it work? Archie: Let's give it a shot. ———– (The workers lay down the lines for the explosives. Everyone clears out of the area.) Emma: Okay. We're all clear. ———– (Archie turns the wheel that moves the elevator. It moves slightly.) Archie: Come on! (Henry helps Archie move the elevator.) ———– (Everyone positions themselves.) Regina: Blow it. (The explosives are set off, but end up causing the elevator to fall farther down the shaft. Emma runs to the entrance of the tunnel to check the results.) Regina: Did it work? Emma: It didn't open. Graham: Then what did it do? ———– (Mary Margaret is leaving the hospital for the day. She says goodbye to a patient.) MMB: Have a good day. (David enters the room.) David: Hey! Where you going? MMB: Home. I'm done for the day. Shouldn't you be resting? David: Ah, actually, Dr. Whale wants me to start physical therapy. I'm supposed to walk thirty minutes a day on a treadmill or outside with an escort. But they were kind of short on personnel because of that thing that happened at the mine. MMB: Oh... David: So... Maybe if there was a volunteer willing to help? ———– (Mary Margaret and David are by the water.) David: I'm trying to remember this place. It's like... It's like I woke up in some strange land. MMB: Is there anything coming back? What about when you're with her? You remembered your dog. David: Yeah, I lied. MMB: You did? David: She's so loving and I didn't want to disappoint her. But none of it feels right. You know, a dog named Ajax? Who would name their dog that? None of it makes sense. None of it... None of it feels real. MMB: That sounds lonely. David: Actually, one thing does feel real. You. MMB: What? David: I know it's crazy, but I swear you're the only thing in this whole place that feels... That feels right. ...Kathryn. MMB: Right. David: Kathryn! You're here. (Kathryn is behind them with a basket.) Kathryn: I know it's outside of visiting hours, but, uh, I needed to see you. I made some cranberry muffins. They used to be your favourite. MMB: Well, I should leave you two. (She goes to leave.) David: Wait, Mary Margaret! See you tomorrow? (Mary Margaret nods, then walks off.) ———– (Everyone is still gathered around the mine.) Regina: What was that? What the hell was that? You said you could do this! Emma: Madam Mayor! Regina: They could have killed my son! Emma: I know, but this isn't helping. Marco: If we knew exactly where they were, we could drill down to them. Maybe... Maybe rig something to bring them back up. Graham: But drill where? (Emma lets Pongo out of the fire truck.) Emma: Come on buddy! Regina: What are you thinking we- Emma: It's Archie's dog. He's found something. Look! This is where they must be. What is it? (Graham and Marco move aside a piece of metal. Underneath is a grate.) Emma: What is that? Graham: It's an air shaft. ———– (Henry and Archie are sitting in the elevator.) Henry: I'm really...really, really sorry. Archie: It's alright. Henry: I just wanted to find proof. Archie: You know, it's really alright, Henry. And um, um, I'm sorry, too. Look, I... I don't think you're crazy. I-I just... I just think you got a very strong mother, who's got a clear idea of a path that she wants you to be on and when you step off that she... She gets scared. And, you know, it's natural. But it's also natural for you to be able to be free to think the things that you want to think. So, anyway. I... I didn't mean those things I said and I never should have said them. Henry: Then, why did you? Archie: I guess I'm just not a very good person. I'm not the man I want to be. (The elevator suddenly shifts farther down the shaft.) ———– (Marco puts a hook attached to a trunk around the grate.) Emma: Okay. Alright – gun it. That's good! Alright, we got it. Alright. (The grate is pulled off and everyone looks down the shaft.) Regina: So, what's next? ———– (Henry and Archie are still sitting in the elevator.) Henry: I think you can be him. I think you can be a good person. I mean, you're Jiminy Cricket. Archie: Henry. Henry, Jiminy Cricket was a... He was a cricket, okay? And he was a conscious. And... And I hardly think that's me. Henry: But before he was that, he was a guy who took a long time to figure out the right thing to do. Archie: That kind of sounds like me. Henry: Now it's harder for you because of the curse. To hear the voice inside of you. To be who you want to be. (The elevator jerks, again, and moves farther down the shaft.) ———– (Everyone is gathered around the air shaft.) Marco: You need to lower someone straight down, or the line will collapse the side of the shaft. Graham: I've got a harness. Regina: Lower me down. Emma: Oh, no way. I'm going. Regina: He's my son. Emma: He's my son, too. You've been sitting behind a desk for ten years. I can do this. Regina: Just bring him to me. ———– (Again, Henry and Archie are in the elevator.) Archie: Hey, can I ask you again? Henry: Ask what? Archie: Why do you think it's so important that your...your fairy tale theory is true? Henry: I don't know. Archie: Give it a shot. Henry: Cause this can't be all there is. Archie: I understand. Henry: I thought if I found proof... But I didn't find anything. Archie: Well, that's not true. I was lost and you found me, right? Henry: You mean, you remember? Archie: No, Henry. I... I don't remember, but I-I do remember the kind of person I want to be. I just got to listen harder. (Pieces of rock fall through the grate at the top of the elevator. They look up and see a light.) Henry: Wh-what's that? Archie: I think that's the rescue. Emma: You guys okay? Archie: Yeah, we're... We're okay. Emma: Hang on, Henry. Okay, that's good. Stop. Archie: Here you go. Up. (Archie passes Henry up to Emma.) Emma: Come on. I got ya. Okay. Okay, I got him. Archie: You got him? Is he safe? (The elevator starts to shake.) Emma: Archie? Archie: It's going to fall! Emma: I'm sorry! Archie: It's okay! Emma: Archie! (The elevator falls down the entire shaft. Archie appears to have fallen as well, but ends up saving himself with his umbrella that is hooked to Emma.) ———– (Emma, Henry and Archie are pulled out of the elevator shaft. Regina takes Henry aside. Marco grabs Archie and hugs him. Once Emma is unhooked, she runs over to Regina and Henry.) Emma: You okay? Regina: Deputy, you can clear the crowd away. (Regina pushes Emma away and sends Henry off. Nearby, she finds Archie.) Regina: Thank you, Dr. Hopper. Archie: I, uh... I have something to say. I'm going to continue to treat Henry, and I'm going to do it my own way. Regina: My relief at his safety hasn't changed a thing, Dr. Hopper. You will do as I say, or you will- Archie: Or will what? You'll ruin my life? You'll do your worst? Because I will always do my best. Regina: Don't test me. Archie: Oh, I don't need to. Because you're going to leave me alone and let me do my work. In peace. Regina: Really? Why's that? Archie: Because someday, Madam Mayor, you may find yourself in a custody battle. And you know how the court determines who is a fit parent? They consult an expert. Particularly one who has treated the child. So, I suggest that you think about that. And you allow me to do my work. And let me do it the way my conscious tells me to. –[Fairy Tale World]– (Jiminy is outside by himself. He looks up and sees a star. He closes his eyes.) Jiminy: I wish... I wish... (The Blue Fairy appears.) Blue Fairy: I hear your wish – you don't need to wish it so loudly. But it is not possible. I cannot bring back the boy's parents. Jiminy: It's my fault. I have to make it right. I... I would trade my life to make it happen. Blue Fairy: What's done is done. There may be another way. Jiminy: Tell me. Please. Blue Fairy: The little boy? He will grow up to face many challenges. Do you want to help him? Jiminy: I can't get away from these people. They're my parents. They're who I am. Blue Fairy: But if you didn't want to be that, what would you like to be? (The sound of crickets is heard in the background.) Blue Fairy: I hear your wish. (The Blue Fairy transforms Jiminy into a cricket.) Blue Fairy: How do you feel? Jiminy: Free. Blue Fairy: Find the boy, Jiminy. You will live as many years as you need to help him. Just find him. Jiminy: How will I? I don't even know his name. Blue Fairy: His name is Geppetto. –[Real World]– (It's now nighttime, and most of the town is still at the mine site. Emma and Henry are Watching Archie and Marco talk.) Emma: Is that Archie's father? Henry: No, they're just old friends. Emma: You really scared me. Henry: I'm sorry. (Archie and Marco walk over to them.) Emma: Gentlemen. Well, come on. Your mom wants to take you home. Henry: Hey! Listen. (The sound of crickets is heard in the background.) Archie: Crickets. Henry: They're back. Things are changing. ———– (Mr. Gold walks through his pawn shop. The puppets of Geppetto's parents are sitting on the counter. At the hospital, Mary Margaret passes in her letter of resignation. At the mine site, everyone is talking and drinking. Off to the side, Regina stands near the elevator shaft. The grate has been placed back on top of it. She takes the piece of glass – the piece she picked up earlier – out of her pocket. She looks at it briefly, then drops it through the grate. It falls down the shaft until it lands on top of what appears to be Snow White's glass )

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