Love and Lucky

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Training wasn't as hard today. Just a bunch of running and weights.
I saw this spiky haired guy walk by. He had a lot of piercings on his face.

Is that Gajeel?...I promised Levy...

I saw Gray walk by. "HEY GRAY!" I yelled running to him. "Is that guy over there Gajeel?" Gray nodded and left.

I walked up to him super awkwardly just to use up my time. Natsu came to me and patted my back.

"Princess you must change into your royal princess gownnnnn." Natsu said in a high pitched voice.

I stared at him with an annoyed face. "Whaaaattt??" He said. "Does the princess need help?" He said smirking tugging at my shirt sleeve. I slapped his hand away.

"Natsu don't flirt with her!" Gajeel yelled crossing his legs. "Just hurry up you girls take forever to get ready!"

I raised his hand about to slap him...but I do take a while.

I went to the locker room and changed into a blue and white dress. When I come out I saw Loke waiting.
"Ms heartfilia." He said as he sarcastically bowed.

I laughed and went outside with everyone else.
Natsu's face was red. He was wearing a black T shirt with red brown pants. He looked..nice. "Natsu are you sure you're not sick?" I said as we walked to separate cars. " look nice Lucy."

Before I could say thanks Gray came over and opened his car door for me.

At Love and Lucky, I was actually having a good time. I thought this was gonna be some uncivilized group of senior jocks but they make great conversation.

We were deciding what to have for dessert but the waitress gave Natsu a lava cake with heart sprinkles. He looked at it and gave it back to the waitress.

"I didn't order this.." he said awkwardly.
"This is from the girl over there." The waitress said pointing to Lisanna.
Natsu made a face of disgust and passed it to me.
"Here Lucy can have it." I felt my face get hotter. He looked down as his face turned brighter as well.

Eventually I ate it. It was good...I guess.

I saw Lisanna glaring at me. I ignored it.
Later I got up to refill my water. When I was walking back Lisanna walked over to me and slapped the water out of my hands.

"What're you doing?!" Now I have to clean this up!" I grabbed a napkin. Thank god it was a plastic cup. As I bent over to pick up the cup Lisanna dumped water all over me.

I stood there for a second shocked at what just happened. It was so..cold. I looked up at her and she walked away.

"How dare you accept that dessert from sick and twisted!" Then she slapped my face. Hard.

I felt sick. In my heart and also I was wet and cold.
I went back to my seat with a bruised cheek and wet hair. I didn't sit down. I stood there...just doing nothing.

"Guys..I...I think I'm gonna go home now. Good night." Then I turned around and left. It was even colder outside since it was January.

"Lucy wait!" I turned around and saw Natsu running towards me.
He cupped my bruised cheek. "What happened?"

I looked down and started shaking.
I promised I wouldn't cry in front of Natsu again. He would call me cheerleader. Softy. Girly...weak.
But I couldn't help it.

"'s so cold."I started sobbing.

"You're body's cold Lucy? Then don't walk by yourself! I'll take you home in my car!"
I cried more. "Not my body Natsu. Lisanna's heart is so cold..."

Natsu wrapped me in a tight hug. I could feel him shaking. "Please Lucy..don't cry for something that's my fault."

I felt so safe in his arms but at the same time I knew it would make me get beat up again. I hugged him back anyway.

I stopped crying. In fact I felt better. Still physically cold though. I shivered and started walking again.

Natsu grabbed my hand. "I'll drive you home." He smiled so sweetly almost giving me a toothache. He lightly but slowly kissed my bruise on my cheek and took me to his car.

I went to sleep that night feeling so flustered and happy but also confused. "I feel like a obviously do like him...but do I wanna be in a relationship with him? Eh I'll just sleep on it.

(Time skip 2 am)
*beep beep
Why is my phone ringing at 2 am?

I picked up groggily. "Hello?"

"Lucy....did I wake you up?"
"Natsu? Oh uh no you didn't. Why're you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"I um..I can't sleep. Can we take a walk together?" Natsu said fumbling with his words.

I smiled. "Sure. Meet me in front of my apartment?"

"Uh ya hehe ok thanks Lucy!" He yell-whispered.

I got up and washed my face. Then I brushed my hair. I usually go to school with it braided or tied up but I just let it down today.

I put on some clothes and went outside. I saw Natsu waiting for me and I smiled. I could see his blush even in the dark. He embraced me in a strong hug.

"Lucy...I'm so scared" my eyes widened as he whispered that into my ears.

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