2~ Notes.

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"I told Jas to text me, but she still hasn't said anything. Do these last this long?" I asked Camila.

"I remember in my old school they waited until the end of the day to announce it, maybe they do the same here? Or they could still be counting the votes?" You suggested, not sure which of the two were correct.

"Or maybe she lost and her humiliation has kept her from messaging you back." Camila shrugged while staring at the computer screen.

"I like how we took this class for an easy A and it's still the most boring class there is." You said, choosing to ignore Camila's comment.

"I'm about to nap." Camila admitted.

"Well maybe it'll pick up soon? Who knows. I mean it's only September." You spoke while googling pictures of famous people.

"September starts tomorrow silly. It's August thirty first." Camila mumbled.

"Look at me getting ahead of myself." You tried to joke around but was met with silence. You grumbled to yourself realizing your best friend had been ignoring you to sleep. You then began working in a powerpoint presentation due three weeks from now.

"Hey, uhm. Y/n, right?" I heard someone ask. I turned around to make eye contact with them politely and was met with one of the popular girls who'd been Camila's previous best friends. I'd never understood why they had a falling out if everything was going great for them.

"Yes, how can I help you, Ally?" I asked her sweetly. Camila had told me that she'd most likely been the 'mom' of their group. I was more than happy to be met face to face with her than any of the other girls.

"I was wondering if I could ask you some questions, it's for my powerpoint." Ally spoke while still standing.

"Yes of course. Sit down, please." I said while gesturing toward the chair beside me. She smiled and took the seat while muttering a quiet 'Thank you'.

"Well I know this might be a bit personal, but knowing that we live in constant change, how do you feel about the new LGBTQ laws being proposed?" Ally asked.

"Well, I'm not sure how to express my views. I do like to see this growth that America has taken, in order to make these laws possible. But why should they be laws? It's our fault we need laws to accept everyone in our country. I don't understand how straight people don't need laws to be with the opposite gender, so why should laws be put in place for people of the same gender to be together?" I state truthfully.

"Okay, the rest of these will be based on personal preferences. I'm trying to connect these together somehow, I still haven't found how, but if you're completely honest with these questions, I'm hoping my charts connect." Ally smiled while going down to the next question.

"Most people say, that when represented with the opportunity between Vanilla, Chocolate, and strawberry icecream, they'd choose chocolate. Is this true for you, why or why not."

"I don't like chocolate, it's too rich for me. If anything I've always loved strawberry, I like how it's not plain like Vanilla, but a subtle and sweet flavor, but not as strong as chocolate." I smiled at her.

"Okay, what is your preference on school lunches?"

"Ever since I was young my mother packed my lunch. But from what everyone else says, it's a hit or miss."

"Alright last but not least. Red, Yellow, or Blue?" She asked.

"Primary colors? Alright, Blue. Red reminds me of uneasy things like war, fire, anger. Yellow just reminds me of pee. But blue reminds me of the sky, the ocean, how mellow and toned down the color is." I answered while scratching my neck.

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