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"- Into it, I'm into it." Camila finishes the last line of the song as the person in charge of the desk turns the volume down.

"How did that sound Camila?" A female asks from the other side of the glass as she pushes up her slipping glasses.

"I already told you guys I love the music, it's not what I was looking for at all, but it fit better with the lyrics I had." Camila answered truthfully while exiting the booth and slipping her headphones off.

"Do you feel like theres something I need to fix?" The young woman asked her again while writing her own notes on the notepad.

"Of course not! You rock at what you do, but the real question is how I did." Camila asks while taking a seat between the two.

"Well honestly I liked it, the whole process took a shit ton of time but it came together." The guy spoke.

"Definitely great. Now lets hear it being played back Tony." The girl smiles widely as he nods and presses the play back button.

"Ohhh I'm not a psychic but I see myself all over you-ooo
Ah-oooooh I'm sick on you, sick on you, but you're the medicine too-ooo"

Just then Camila's phone began to ring, in any other circumstance she would have ignored it, but she had asked Jasper to call her to tell her about the news they'd gotten about the baby's gender.

She hadn't received a call the day of the appointment like she'd wanted, but she had been extremely busy and couldn't take any time away to call anyone.

"Awe booo!" The girl spoke while thumbing down Camila's phone. Tony had stopped the music so Camila could hear better.

"Sorry guys but I've literally been waiting forever for this call, I'll be back" Camila excuses herself from her small group and exits the room into the hallway.

"Yellow?" Camila speaks again

"Mila- there- it's gone. The baby is gone." Jasper speaks from the other end.

"Woah woah woah. Gone? What do you mean by that?" Camila's voice is quickly changed from a relaxed and tired baby toward one of full awareness.

"They couldn't find the heart beat- baby is gone. I- I can't-" Jasper cut herself off while holding back her cries.

"Jasper, breathe. How is Y/n/n?" Camila asks in a stern voice.

"She won't sleep,she won't eat, she's just- it's like she's there but hiding." Jasper explains the nonsense as best she could.

"I'll be there soon." Camila speaks and hangs up the phone. She didn't wanna hear Jasper protesting about her career being important, Y/n was more important. Suddenly her own tears started to fall. She slumped back on the padded bench in the hallway and began crying her heart out for the little baby who didn't get the chance to live.

"Come on sweetheart." Y/n's mom came through the door of her bedroom to wake her daughter, although there was no point as she had been up since 3 in the morning after going to sleep at 11pm.

All Y/n could do was stare at her mother as she slowly opened the blinds to her room. Her father was the next one to come in and pick her up from her bed. It had been obvious that the two of them had been crying the night before, but they remained strong for their daughter.

He had carried her into the shower where they'd recently gotten a chair for her to sit in since she didn't feel like doing anything herself anymore.

"Alright sweety, we are going to wash your hair and get you ready for today." Her mother spoke as her father left to wake Jasper.

"Alright kiddo, wake up." He spoke as he opened his other daughter's door.

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