11~ Date Night

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"So have you figured out where you'll take her yet?" Dinah asked while they video chatted on their phone. All four girls had been linked together to discuss how to approach the situation.

"I texted her today saying it'll be a date like no other." Lauren admitted, propping her phone up with a book. She started combing her fingers through her hair while looking at the mirror above.

"You're dressed casual. Is it a movie date?" Normani asked while taking a popcorn bag out of the microwave and heading out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"But that would defeat the purpose of 'a date like no other'." Ally spoke up, she too had her phone propped against something while she read a book, slowly she took a finger to turn the page.

"What is it? Some hot air balloon?" Dinah asked.

"Yes Dinah. A hot air balloon date, at night. When every possible hot air balloon place is closed." Lauren replied back sarcastically.

"I didn't order the attitude." Dinah scoffed.

"Only thing I'm asking for are pictures." Normani shoved pieces of popcorn into her mouth, watching a movie on her television.

"I mean, I guess." Lauren shrugged and stood up, debating if she should take her phone with her, she decided against it and walked into her closet to get a pair of converse.

"Are you telling us where you're taking her?" Dinah asked, knowing Lauren was within hearing range.

"No, if it's a secret for her then it's a secret for y'all." Ally replied as if it were obvious.

"I feel so attacked right now, and that wasn't even meant for me." Normani spoke while placing her hand on her chest to emphasize her feelings.

Lauren had come back, snickering lightly, with a pair of heels that matched her casual outfit. She had started putting them on when her phone buzzed, the immediately looked up to read the message.

Princess Y/N 🤗👑: This destination surprise is starting to freak me out. Are you taking me off to a country road where you'll murder me?

"What did she say?" Dinah asked, face close to her camera.

"Ew Dinah, you have Bats in the cave." Ally admitted while closing her book, making sure to place a bookmark in.

"My bad." Dinah chuckled and dug a finger in her nose.

"Dinah!" The three girls exclaimed at the same time.

"Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you guys, always mean and shit." Dinah huffed before heading off toward her bathroom, her phone in her left hand.

"To answer your previous question, thats none of your business." Lauren playfully stuck her tongue out.

"It kind of is, you know? This whole bet thing was my idea." Dinah scoffed and seemed to throw away s tissue paper. She lathered her hands in soap and washed her hands.

"I gotta go guys. Have to pick her up." Lauren admitted while grabbing her phone. Her face was now the only thing in view.

"Bye Lo-Lo." Normani smiled while waving.

"Have fun." Dinah stated plainly.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't!" Ally warned.

Lauren simply chuckled, waved back at her friends, and hung up. She sighed while heading over toward her door and grabbed the handle.
"New car, here I come." She then opened the door and headed downstairs to grab her car keys.

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