so this is what happens...

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Me and a few of the born initiates of dauntless sit at the long table, in the dining hall.

TRIS! buzzed in my head who is she?

i sort of had enough of the initiation simulations and blah blah blah... i wanted to drop out i didnt care becoming factionless my mom evelyn was there so who cared.

i didnt drop out imideatly i had to wait till i had a job from the dauntless, A Instructor. not bad. i had been a instructer for 5 months so far. the choosing ceremony was yesterday i start my first day training today.

Me and the rest of the instructors walked outside around a well, with a net, hanging at the bottom. ***jump*** i hear max say from the roof.

a girl, blonde hair, like gold covered with bits of dust, pretty. She took off her abnegation outfit and threw it at someone at the top. She jumped down. A ABNEGATION?, FIRST TO JUMP DOWN? this was a mircale. not realy but yeah. i put my hand in the well hoping she grabbed my arm i wanted to make a good first impression to her... helping. i didnt want to be rude, i came from abnegation but, im dauntless now. "a stiff, first jumper? wow impressing".

not good enough, who cared.


"im..." she was hesitant i changed my name maybe shes changing hers. "im tris...Tris Prior".

what should i say... Tobias or Four? "name's Four" I said. "ill be your instructor".

"four as in the number? OH, and ill be your student i am guessing then..." " both"

I met more of the people im instructing

1: peter









how could i forget.

TRIS! rang in my head, how did i know she was coming i guess maybe that the fact being divergent maybe?

One of the born initiates-uriah- came up to the table were tris, will, and christina sat at he said hi to all of them i had watched my eye on tris is she what i am? Maybe?Maybe not?

Good thing im there for her simulations i know what being divergence means...

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