erudite compound

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After i found out that Alex is not safe i had ran outside the silver car with 2 black panels on the roof was far away i cant catch up to the wheezing solar-car. i hopped onto the car of the train to the erudite compound to go tell Alex about the war of abnegation, And that serum about divergence. I see alex because the erudite see me, im dauntless, they clear a path for me and i walk right through it. "Alex" i say approaching her "i did it, and, and, You are in danger..." i say panting. "jeanine...she, she is starting War... With Abnegai-abnegaition..." i say studdering over my words. Alex walks slowly and graves my arm and pulls me out the erudite compound's Main room. I dont stop her i was in front of dozens of erudite and i was panting so i had to talk a bit louder 1/100000 (one out of a million) erudite were there. "how am i in danger...Tobias?" she says "its four..." i blurt "i dont care four-tobias-marcus-mr. eaton... i dont care we are not in the dauntless compound and i know about it all...I know about the war the hooligans and what-whats." i know what she means, i mean, she did see it all first. "I know Alex. I know that you know that i know about it all..." "but, You are not safe and Kasha Is probably studying you..." i say "like they did for me...It isnt easy to figure these things out you have to maintain a safe status." i say again.

"you're right but im not you, Four...Im Five,i know whats going to happen..." and it is right she does know whats going to happen.

"I...I CANT STAY ANY LONG ALEX!" i shouted And i stormed out the compound.

i thought about what alex had said. Shes 5? what the hell... My little sister is a 5?

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