Chapter 1

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A/N below. Please check it out.


Emily's POV

Right now, I am at the bunker with Charlie and Kevin researching a case for us and my brothers to do later this week. My brothers are helping Bobby with vamps nest. "Hey guys I think I found something?" I called out to Kevin and Charlie.

"What did you find?" asked Kevin looking up from the book he was reading.

"Well, I found some sightings of weird activities happening in Starling City. Have you guys heard of this City?" I asked them.

"Yeah" said Charlie "I read online that there is some vigilante with a green hood and a bow and arrow protecting 'His' City from criminal activity.

"Ok, we talk to your brothers about this and see if we can check it out. And can you please ask your brothers if I can come with? This place gets really boring really quick when you guys are on a case" Kevin asked. He sort of has a point my brothers rarely let him out of the Bunker because they are afraid that it will attract demons.

"Alright I'll ask them. More like beg them because they are more stubborn then me sometimes" I replied to Kevin while closing my laptop to rest my eyes a little bit.

After two hours of us three playing board games the Bunker door opened and my brothers came climbing down the stairs with huge grins playing on their faces. "Guys we're back" Dean shouted when they were on the last few steps of the stairs. "Yes, we noticed" I repaid sarcastically without removing my focus from my plating cards.

"How was the hunt?" Charlie asked my brothers looking at them while they put their stuff on one of the empty tables.

"Oh, it was awesome" Dean said in a happy voice.

Sam then said "The vampires were newbies so they were really messy and easy to catch. Luckily no one was caught on crossfire" Sam concluded and looked at me with a look that said "If you found a case you better tell us".

After the boys settled down and we concluded are card game I looked at the boys and told them about the case I fund in Starling City. "And also" I continued "Kevin and Charlie are coming with us on this case" Dean made a face that clearly shown that he was the boss but it wasn't going to affect me while Sam just stood there to see how this whole scene was going to play out.

"Alright fine" He said after an intense silent staring contest that I had just won "They are going to stay inside the motel room all day and we need to discuss the sleeping arrangements because I am not going to rent two rooms. Understood?" he finished his little speech and looked at the three of us dead in the eyes.

"Understood" We all said in at the same time. I even heard Sam say it because he knew that even if Dean wasn't looking at him he still meant for him as well.

"Alright then, go pack up we leave tomorrow first thing in the morning" he said satisfied that everyone had listened to him. "Wow!" I thought I had never seen Dean agree to something like this really fast without an argument.

Meanwhile in Starling City

Oliver's POV

I was doing my usual rounds at night across Star City when I noticed that the criminal activity in the last few days was decreased by a big percentage but, now I am watching a gang of people, they reeked of sulfur for some reason. They are discussing something very heated and by the looks of it they are being very secretive.

I walked a little closer to hear better and the first one said to the others "listen to me. The Winchesters will be here any day now, so if we're planning to do something we better do it fast".

Once he finished talking the second one said "The Winchesters are capable of a lot of things and can stop us easily especially the little girl. Um, what's her name?". "Emily. Her name is Emily" the third one said while the fourth and fifth person had a look in there eyed that can only be described as fear.

When they were done talking they hopped into a car and drove off. So I went back to our HQ to think on what I just heard and to tell the others what I just have seen and heard.

Time skip to when Oliver arrived at his HQ

"Alright guys listen" I said once I was back and was placing my bow on one of the tables "I heard a gang of people talking about a plan and they are going to set it to motion in the next few days before the Winchesters arrive in the City to stop them. They seem to be really afraid of them especially the girl her name is Emily. Felicity see what you can find on Emily and the Winchesters" I concluded.

"On it" is all Felicity said. "Alright so what are we going to do when these Winchesters arrive here?" Thea asked "I don't know yet but let's hope for are sake and of others that they are on our side" I finished saying so I could go change out of my suit.

"Hey guys, I found something" Felicity said after a few minutes of searching on the internet. "I found a mugshot of two guys and a girl they seem to be related to the girl and by the looks of it they look that they are really dangerous" she concluded. The girl has a long scar starting from her right ear to the middle of her chin and it looks like a fighting scar.

"You found something else?" I asked Felicity after I saw that everyone had a look at the picture. "No. everything else is a dead end, these guys sure know how to hide themselves well" she finished while turning her chair to face us.

"These guys are not someone you should mess with. I wouldn't want to be on opposite team to these guys" said Laurel "I mean have you seen the scar the girl has on her face?" she continued.

"Well I think that we better call it a night because it already three in the morning" Diggle said after he processed everything.

"Yeah, Dig's right" I agreed with Diggle.


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HalePackWinchester out.


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