Chapter 9

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Hello my patient readers,

I know that it has been awhile since I have posted anything but I have finished a chapter a few weeks ago and had no time to post it. I will try and post at least once a week but no promises.

I don't know if there's any repetition of the chapters before  its been so long since I read it. If there's any repetitions feel free to tell me.

Here is the chapter. Have fun and let me know what you think. ⬇️⬇️⬇️



Emily’s POV.

Blood. There’s blood everywhere. Everywhere I look, the only thing I see is the crimson red of blood everywhere. Bodies shattered everywhere children, adults, elders. I know that this real but I don’t know how to snap out of it. I look around and saw figures walking towards me. As they come closer I notice their black eyes. Once they’re close enough for me to notice who they are I see that they’re my friends and family.

I can see that they’re saying something, their mouths are moving but I can’t hear anything that they’re saying. Sam hold out his hands and I’m thrust into the air, my back hitting a brick wall behind me. I can feel my back already stating to bruise. They all advance towards me, I can feel my bones crushing. I start to scream. I start to hear someone yell my name, “Emily? Emily wake up”.  After a few seconds all I see is black then the face of my older brother Dean.


3rd POV

“Emily? Emily wake up!” Yelled Dean.

Dean woke up to Emily tossing and turning in her sleep. By the looks of it, she was having a nightmare.

“What?” Emily said to Dean as she woke up. “ What happened?” She asked confused.

“It looked like you were having a nightmare, are you alright?” Dean asked worriedly.

“I don’t think it was a nightmare.” Emily responded tears welling in her eyes. “I think it was more of a premonition.” She continued.

“A premonition. Like a vision?” Dean asked confused.

“Yes, like the ones Sam used to have.” Emily answered  starting to panic.

“Hey hey, look at me” Dean said to Emily holding her head to face him “Whatever you saw, we’ll figure it out and try to prevent anything bad from happening.” Dean reassured.

“Thanks Dean.” Emily said while giving her older brother a hug.

“Any time baby sister.” Dean said back to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Going back to sleep.


Time skip, next morning.

Emily’s POV

“Emily! Emily wake up, it’s time to go.” I hear as I start to wake up.

“Where’s Dean?” I ask Sam since he was the only one in the room.

“He went to get breakfast so go take a shower, he’ll be here any minute." he said.

After I took a shower Dean arrived to the motel room with breakfast from the diner we ate at the first time we got to Star City. “I dropped off breakfast to Charlie and Kevin, they’ll meet us by the car in 15 minutes so eat up.” Dean said as he put the bag on the table.

After we ate we met up with Charlie and Kevin and started out way to the ‘Arrow bunker’.

“So guys, what’s on today’s agenda?” Charlie askes.

“Well,” Sam starts “Kevin, you’re going to continue with translating the Demon Tablet. Charlie, you’re going to help me and Felicity with finding more about the Demons and their plans and Dean and Emily look around the city with Oliver and his team.” Sam said while everyone listened to him agreeing with what he’s saying.

As we arrived at the ‘bunker’ we started work immediately.

“hey Emily, mind getting some weapons from the car?” Dean asked.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I answered already turning on my heels walking towards the door.

“Mind if I come with?” Laurel asked me.

“Not at all.” I replied back.

As we arrived next to the car, I opened the trunk and pulled out two big duffel bags.

“Wow,” Laurel says in disbelief “those are a lot of weapons.

“This car has anything we need to kill any type of monster we might face” I respond back rummaging through the weapons to find more Demon Bullets.

“Is this a grenade launcher?” she asks.

“Yeah, it’s Dean’s favourite.” I respond back finally finding more demon Bullets.

“So, how long have you been a hunter?” she asks.

“Ever since I was born.” I replied back placing guns, salt and holy water into the duffel bags.

“Has it been hard, training to become a hunter?” she askes a horrifying look on her face as i answered her previous answer.

“It was hard, especially since dad made me train more than my brothers. But the most hard thing is the loss of your friends and family, not knowing that they can die on the next hunt” I answered starting to remember the death of Ellen, Jo and Ash.

“It sounds like you lost a lot of people.” She said looking sad.

“Yeah I lost 3 people last year, they were like my family.” I said looking back towards the trunk of the car placing more gear into the duffel bags.

After I put everything into the two duffel bags, I hand one to Laurel and I shut the trunk of the car.


As we enter the ‘bunker' Dean calls me over to revise with Team Arrow about the different weapons we can use on Demons. We start showing them the salt and holy water to weaken the Demons, the Demon Knife and Angel Blade to kill them, the pentagram to capture a Demon and block their powers and the exorcism.

“So,” I continue to explain “We can also use the Demon Trap bullets to block their powers but it is still possible for the Demons to remove the bullet themselves so, it is always safe to tie them up and draw a pentagram where we can cage them in.”  I end my explanation.

“It is also safe for us to tattoo a pentagram on your bodies,” Dean concludes for me “So, we can go and get you guys tattooed tonight.”

“What about you?” Thea asks.

As she sais that Dean pulls down his shirt to show his tattoo and I show my hip bone where my tattoo is located.

“Ok well,” I start after I put my shirt back down “Where are with finding the Demons?” I ask Sam, Felicity and Charlie.

“Well,” Felicity starts “ we found out that someone just bought another warehouse down by the docks, another warehouse next to the airport and the train stations. They’re blocking every way in and out of the City.” She finishes.

“Then lets divide into three groups and have a steak out.” Oliver concludes everything.


Don't be silent readers. Tell me what you think. Should I keep this story going?

HalePackWinchester out.


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