••• Fifty •••

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My boots sink into the mud, the fresh rain falling down to the earth as I walk through the forest, a few of my men lingering behind as they check the area. Looking out upon the open field, I watch warriors train for the battle, tackling one another as others critique them on their form and decisions between life and death. The witches are in their own area, practicing their spells as Fiona inspects her coven, walking around the spell casters as she often corrects their form. 

Fiona glances to me, eyes meeting mine as her hair blows in the wind, a small smile creeping up upon her face. I can still remember her words from the other day, telling me to never truly trust anyone but myself. I have offered Quinn and Terrance the chance to raise my daughter as their own, outside of Crimson Lock, and to keep her safe if I die. Do I trust them? I barely trust myself in this decision? Terrance was always loyal, speaking from his heart about what I was doing...even when I pushed him away. I trust that my daughter will be safe with them...perhaps even safer than she would be with me. 

Looking back to the forest, I can recall Nixon running through the trees for his morning run, sweat running down his face as his face would light up the moment he spotted me when I would come outside to greet him. I can recall the sweet moments with him out here, how he promised he would build our daughter a playground next to the garden he would grow, and how he would play with our children when they could run around. I missed out on so many sweet moments with him. 

"Alpha," Fiona greets, walking up beside me as I notice her scent still lingering from the night before. Her coven celebrated a night of magic under the moonlight just yesterday, surrounding the flames as they climbed high into the sky. Fiona informed me just the other day that Zion released the curse from her coven a couple of weeks ago, allowing her coven to use magic without fear of their souls decaying. I gave her a piece of my mind for keeping that from me, for that is a large amount of news. For Zion to lift the curse, he must have thought he is safe and Sybil has all of who she once was back. "I hear we are to head out by the end of the week for the palace." 

"Correct," I reply, glancing up to the witch. "Is your coven prepared?" 

"We are. The spell protecting the palace will be hard to break, but we can untangle the magic if you are able to give us enough time on the battlefield." 

Taking in a deep breath, I lead the two of us  closer towards the house. "Much of your coven has perished over the years, are you sure you are willing to risk the rest of their lives in this battle?" 

Fiona seems tense as she pushes her shoulders back. "I will follow you deep into the halls of the palace. It was not just Zion's ancestors who placed this curse on my coven, but the ancestors of every royal and noble who still lives and breathes. To tear down a symbol of their strength and unity will be worth fighting a war. We have already lost so many lives, the rest of them are prepared to be lost as well. Besides, most of us have been fearful of death since birth as our magic has cursed our souls, but not we are free." Fiona pauses, looking at me as we reach the entrance of the house. "We do not fear death." 

"I wish my men could say the same thing." 

"But you can say the same," Fiona points out, opening the door for me as we enter into the house. My lips purse together as I think over her words. "No offense, Alpha, but after knowing you for the past few weeks, I have noticed how you are so willing to give up your life and future for this war."

"That is what all leaders and soldiers should be prepared to do when they go off to fight," I snap, taking offense to her words as we climb the stairs. 

Shaking her head, Fiona takes hold of my arm, stopping me at the top step. "Most soldiers tell their children that they will see them at the end of everything, giving their children hope. You are preparing to send your child to another family in another pack. You are giving up your future." 

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