••• Fifty-Three •••

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My mind is fuzzy, eyes scanning over the massacre before me as the heat grows within the palace, sweat rolling down my face. Bodies lay across the room before me, both from the witches and warriors who followed me here and from another pack. Zion and Sybil led men in here too and none of the bodies here are the two people I want dead most. Fiona was with this group of men and women, yet her body remains to be found. 

Looking to the left, I notice the entrance to another hallway, yet it is closed off, parts of the marble pillars around it and the walls brought in around it as it closes off the area. Smoke seeps out of the rubble, flames slowly leaking out as I walk forward. The closer I get, the warmer it becomes, my mind flooding with questions as I wonder what could have set off this fire. I did not see many men with Zion, perhaps a few less than what I brought. Almost every person he brought can be accounted for in this room, laying in a pool of their own blood, their bodies either mutilated from the witches, strung over the balcony railing above, or with nasty wounds from fellow werewolves. 

I am left unprotected except for the gun I took from Elijah, my own way of getting out of here and fighting off whoever comes at me. 

Taking in a deep and shaky breath, I try and concentrate on what to do now. How could I find Zion and Sybil in this large palace if they are still alive? How can I make my way out of here as a human who has just killed the Alpha King? What would Nixon do? 

Nixon accepted his fate when he killed Sybil years ago, he knew when he pulled that trigger that he would not be able to make it out of that room. He was outnumbered, for Zion had his royal guards with him and my husband had no one...just as I do. 

I stumble back, hitting the body of one of the witches, an arrow having pierced her neck, my legs giving out as her blood upon the marble floor causes me to sip. The wet blood gets onto my hands once again as I panic, getting up as I try and wipe her blood off onto my shirt. Tears begin to stream down my face, a mixture of the dried blood and salt water tears, landing on my shirt as I try and hold back the sobs which follow. 

Laraxis was right. 

Laraxis was right. He knew I did not come here to just avenge Nixon...I came here to die. 

How else could I be so foolish? I came here with witches, with beings notorious for betraying other species for their own greedy needs. I did not bring my best warriors, for I sent them out onto the battlefield. I brought only a handful of men to take down the palace. I trusted Elijah, someone who was willing to betray Zion, the man he was supposedly best friends with for ages yet somehow hated all at the same time.  

I need to find Zion, even if it is just his damn body. I want to finish this, I want to make sure it is finished. 

Walking out of the room, I try and think of the only place where Zion could be now, all he would have left to run back to with the palace being set on fire. The hallway leads me down that way, giving me a view of the battlefield across the lake as I can see the battle dwindling, bodies scattered across as it seems like Crimson Lock is winning the battle. I continue my walk, getting closer to the room as the smell of smoke grows stronger. I can hear the walls of the palace beginning to fall apart as the fire consumes what was made of wood. 

The hallway leads to the opening of the palace I expected to find Zion in, the great throne room laying before me with a marble throne for the Alpha King placed upon a set of marble steps, decorated with some exotic fur across the seat. A large masterpiece of stained glass is placed behind the throne, detailing the creation of the werewolf with the Moon Goddess depicted as a radiant woman, her hair milk white as the moon is placed behind her like a halo, her dress light blue as it has a movement to it, her arms reaching out as a werewolf is born. 

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