Chapter One

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Travis's eyes shot open. Tall trees stretched overhead, blocking out any sort of light from the sky above. He saw nothing but shadows around his feet and the slight difference in darkness between trees and shadows.
Although he couldn't see them, he could smell hundreds of shadowy wolves, all moving around him in unnatural silence.
He blinked, and the trees opened up overhead, revealing a bright full moon. Travis could see around him better now and felt a sudden pressure on his wrists and ankles. He looked down, seeing chains binding his hands and feet to the ground with no room to move around. The wolves moved just past the shadows, still invisible to Travis, but their individual scents taunted him.
"Let me go!" he called, unsure of why he needed to be released so desperately.
A chorus of barking, howling, and yipping met his cry. They all surged forward, a cluster of shadows moving as one to bring him down.

Travis gasped for air as he shot up out of bed, sitting up with his hand pressed to his forehead. More darkness met his eyes, but this time, it was just the lack of light in his bedroom casting shadows across his bed.
He took long, deep breaths to calm himself. Nightmares were becoming a normal thing for him since he'd been released from the hospital. It probably would have helped to have Zane visiting him frequently, but Zane was almost always busy with his family's business. He rarely visited.
     Travis felt the normal dull throbbing in his arm and chest as he looked around the room. His throat felt dry- normally, Dante brought him whatever he needed so he wasn't running around the house and hurting himself. Dante was asleep now, though.
     Travis kicked the blanket off of his legs and stood slowly, wincing as the pain in his chest, arm, and stomach increased. He walked cautiously to his door and pulled it open, cringing as it creaked loudly. Even without werewolf ears, the sound seemed ten times as loud as it normally was.
     Holding his stomach, he crept out of the room and into the hallway, looking back and forth before walking down the creaky stairs. The further down he went, the harder it was to see. His nightmare came flooding back to him, so vivid and jarring he almost tripped down the stairs.
     He quickly righted himself, sighed heavily, and continued.
     By the time he reached the kitchen, his eyes were adjusted to the darkness. He pulled a glass out of the cabinet and filled it with water, chugging it quickly and filling it up again before turning and heading back to the staircase.
     Although it was much harder while he was carrying a full glass of water, he managed to creep silently back up the stairs without making much noise.
     "What are you doing?!" Dante flicked on the hallway light, staring at Travis with a stern but concerned expression. "You could have asked me for a cup of water."
     Travis, recovering from the shock of being caught so suddenly, shrugged. "I... you were sleeping..."
     "Why are you up so late..? Another nightmare?"
     Travis hesitantly nodded. Dante sighed and took the glass, walking into Travis's room and putting it on the nightstand by his bed.
     "Oh, by the way," Dante yawned, "Zane texted me after you went to sleep and said that the thing they were working on is finally finished, so he won't be nearly as busy now."
     Travis shuffled into his room and collapsed onto his bed, watching Dante and sighing. "When'll he be over..?"
     Dante opened the drawer of his nightstand and pulled out the pain medicine he was supposed to be taking. He put a pill next to Travis's water and put the container back, shutting the drawer and finally answering him. "I think i'm going to text him right now and make him come over. You haven't been getting nearly enough sleep and I think being with Zane will make it easier to fall asleep."
     "But isn't he sleeping..?"
     "Aphmau says he hasn't been sleeping well either. I'll go..." he yawned again, cutting himself off, "text him. You just... take the pill if you need it and try to get some sleep. Next time, don't go downstairs when i'm not with you."
     Travis nodded and sighed. "Okay... but if he doesn't answer, don't keep calling him.. Don't wake him up."
     "I know. Now, try to go to sleep."
     Travis nodded again and sat up. He took a small drink of water, as well as the pill, and then laid back down and burrowed under the blankets. He watched Dante look out the window, smile, and then leave the room. Travis looked at the window as well.
     "IT'S SNOWING!"
     Travis grinned and put his head down on the pillow.
     I hope Zane does come over, so we can go out into the snow. That is, if Dante let's me.

     After a while, he did fall asleep. He had the same nightmare as before- or, at least, started to.
     He heard his door creak open.
     No one answered. He heard slow, creeping footsteps going around his bed and stop beside him. Travis stayed completely still, not opening his eyes to see who it was.
     He heard quiet laughter and immediately realized who it was.
     "Shh. Dante's trying to sleep."
     Travis sat up and grinned. Zane watched him fearfully. "Don't hurt yourself..."
     Pushing himself up and out of his bed, Travis stood up and was happy he took the pain pill earlier. The second he was standing, Zane threw his arms around him and hugged him tightly. Travis hugged him back just as tightly.
     "I missed you so much," Zane murmured, his voice muffled by Travis's shoulder.
     "I missed you, too."
    "How have your wounds been?" Zane pulled his head back to look up at him.
     "Better. I don't think i'll be turning back into a werewolf again."
     Travis shuddered as his dream flashed back to him. Thankfully, Zane didn't seem to notice.
     "That's good. Although... you were kinda cute as a werewolf."
     He frowned and pretended to be hurt. "So i'm not cute now?"
     Zane giggled. "I didn't say that."
     "I think that's what you were implying."
     Zane tugged his mask down and stood on his toes. "I wasn't implying anything." Travis closed the distance between them and kissed him.

     (A/N) The first chapter is finished! Be sure to leave whatever suggestions you have for this story! Also, tell me what you think of this chapter. I can't wait to keep writing!

     Zanvis: Together, but Alone (BOOK TWO!) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now