Chapter Two

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     Zane was jolted awake by a sudden noise down the hall that his mind didn't register. He sat up and sighed, smiling a little at the sight of Travis's room. He was happy that he was finally with Travis again... or.. that he was.
He looked down at the other side of the bed, expecting to see a sleeping Travis, but instead saw the blankets thrown to the side and the pillow laying sideways. Confused, Zane climbed out of bed and walked out of the room.
Once he was out in the hall, he realized what woke him up and took in a sharp breath. He heard Travis.. getting sick.. in the bathroom.
Why's he throwing up?! Is that normal?!
"Dante?!" Zane called, walking hurriedly down the hall to Dante's room. Without knocking, he opened Dante's door and said his name again.
Dante turned away from his computer and blinked. "What's wrong? Something with Travis?" Then, he groaned and rubbed his eyes. "If he went downstairs and got hurt, I swear-"
"No, Dante, he's sick."
"Yes! Why is he sick?! I thought he was healing!"
Dante stood up and walked past him, remaining silent was he speed-walked down the hall. Zane walked close behind but didn't follow him through the open bathroom door. He couldn't stand seeing other people getting sick, even if it was Travis.
He leaned back against the wall by the doorway and sighed. Irene, let him be okay...
A while later, Zane heard the sink running, and a few moments later Dante walked out, leading Travis behind him. His hair was ruffled from sleeping, his eyes were bloodshot... Zane followed them down the hall, walking beside Travis in case he stumbled- which, he did once.
They took him to his bed and helped him lay down, and then Dante rushed to his room to get his phone. Zane sat on the edge of Travis's bed beside him and sighed.
"Are you okay now?" Zane asked quietly, tapping his fingers anxiously beside him.
Travis mumbled a reply, then put his hand over Zane's.
"Do you know why you got sick..?"
Travis shook his head and squeezed Zane's hand, closing his eyes.
"Do you want me to help you get a drink of water? You don't want to get dehydrated."
Travis grumbled something and turned his head away, sighing.
     Zane sighed. "I wish I knew what was wrong so I could help."
     "Nothing's wrong."
     "Something is wrong... Or else you wouldn't be laying in bed right now being miserable."
     Dante walked into the room and put his phone in his pocket. "I called the hospital he was just at. They're coming to check on him."
     "I don't need checked on.." Travis sat up slowly, leaning back against the headboard. Zane grabbed his cup of water and held it up to him, turning the straw to his mouth. Travis sighed and took a small sip, then pushed the cup away.
     "Better than nothing..." Zane sighed to himself.
     Dante pulled a chair up to Travis's bed from the desk and sat down. "I hope they get here soon. I want to make sure this has nothing to do with anything werewolf related."
Putting his hand back over Travis's, Zane looked at Dante. "So what if it does?"
"If it does, then that means he isn't completely healed."
Travis cleared his throat as if he was going to talk, but then broke into a small coughing fit. Zane winced and squeezed his hand.
"They'll be here soon, Travis," Dante said reassuringly, and, as if on queue, there were several loud knocks on the door. Dante stood up and rushed out of the bedroom.
Travis sighed and closed his eyes, tilting his head back. "I don't need doctors..."
"Travis, they're just coming here to check on you. You'll be fine.." Zane turned his head and passed his gaze over Travis's face. It seemed paler than normal.
Travis didn't react when Dante, followed by three people, walked into the room. One of them was a werewolf.
"Hello, Travis! How are you doing today?" one of them asked cheerfully, walking over beside the bed. Zane tightened his grip on Travis's hand to show that he was not moving, and the doctor nodded in understanding.
Travis didn't respond, but let out a quiet sigh.
"How do you feel, Travis?"
Still no response.
The doctor went through a series of different tests, like checking his pulse and everything else, and then frowned. "Travis, you have to tell us how you feel."
Zane looked at the doctor. "He was talking a minute ago.."
"Do you know what happened?"
"He threw up earlier, and he was coughing a little, but that's.. that's all."
"Has he been taking any medication?"
"Just pills for pain.." Dante nodded.
Travis sighed again, and his eyes flew open.
"Good, you're awake!" The doctor smiled at him, but Travis paid no attention to him. His eyes were glued to the werewolf at the end of the bed.
"Hello." the werewolf nodded politely.
Zane frowned as Travis let go of his hand and narrowed his eyes, leaning forward.
"Travis..?" Zane said in confusion. What is he doing?
Travis kicked his feet over the side of the bed and stood up slowly.
"Sit back down, Travis. You don't want to hurt yourself," the doctor by the bed said nervously, stepping towards him. Travis ignored him and took a slow step forward.
Zane stood up and reached for Travis's hand again to pull him back, but Travis kept his hands at his side.
"Uhm... Is something wrong, Travis?" The werewolf looked at him and took a tiny step back.
"Stay.. away.. from.. him," Travis growled, putting himself between the werewolf and Zane.
"Travis, it's okay! That's a nice werewolf. He's not here to hurt you or anyone else," Zane tried to reassure him, but was ignored.
"Sit down," the doctor said more sternly, walking after Travis.
Travis glared at him. Zane took a few steps back when Travis swung his arm out towards the doctor. The doctor stumbled backwards and leaned against the wall, staring wide-eyed at Travis.
He didn't even touch him...
"Sit down!" the werewolf commanded. Travis held both of his hands out towards the werewolf and walked forward. The werewolf backed up, although it looked like he was resisting.
"Travis, what are you doing?!" Zane asked, frozen in fear.
Suddenly, Travis lunged forward at the werewolf and growled. Zane jumped after him and grabbed one of his arms, jerking him backwards. "Stop!"
Dante grabbed his other arm and helped Zane pull him away from the werewolf.
The doctor seemed to have recovered, because he walked forward quickly. "Is this normal for him?!"
"No!" Zane tightened his grip when Travis tried to jump at the werewolf again.
The two other doctors stepped forward to help keep Travis still.
Zane's head spun as they all tried to hold him back. He looked at the werewolf and tried to think of a reason Travis would be trying to attack him.
     The werewolf had silver-white hair and pale blue eyes.
     His heart skipped a beat.
     Those were the colors of the wolf that bit him.

     Zanvis: Together, but Alone (BOOK TWO!) *PAUSED*Where stories live. Discover now