Part Eighteen

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Experiment 164, Cole Alvaréz

The fucker stole my arm, he took the damn right to cut it off and replace it with a metal arm that I wouldn't have control off. If I wouldn't be on these drugs I'm sure I'd break free and snap his neck and then feed on him. But no, why should it go the way I want it to go?

The fucktard who stole my arm left the room soon after he asked what he should do with it, and I couldn't block the feeling of humiliation. This was the worst "pain" I've ever dealt with, no wonder why everyone here loses their mind. And now I could understand the female-experiments here, this i how they must feel when they are abused and raped all day long.. Ugh.

It would be much better if I actually was one of them, one of the monsters. I enjoy hurting people, but I hate getting hurt myself. But most of all I want to leave this place, I want to live like I used to do. Careless and free is how I should be, but no. Here I am, tied down to a metal stretcher without my biological arm.

The room was quite small, with the standard equipment a hospital room has. The only difference is that the room isn't as light and warming as a regular hospital room is, this room is dirty, the walls are almost a brownish color and the room haven't been cleaned for weeks if I would guess. The leather straps that holds me down is pretty strong for being this old, but they would break if I was as strong as I usually is without their drugs in my system.

I mumbled silent prayers to the Lord about Michelle and my sister. My twin sister and I got separated while hunting and I got caught by the guards from this lab. I hope she is okay and safe, because I wouldn't forgive myself if she in any way gets harmed.

"Daydreaming, aren't we?" The same Doctor came in with another stretcher with a white blanket covering what's under it. "Check this out, 164. This is what your arm and other body parts is making," He said as he uncovered the mysterious thing on the stretcher. And to my surprise there was a body, with body parts from different persons. The only thing that was missing was an arm..

"Scared, huh? You should be, y'know. This is a new experiment of mine, it's a she-male, just like Experiment 078. Or should I say that it is his clone? Because this kinda is.

This she-male is made of body parts from six experiments in total. Your arm will be this clones new arm, because what would a clone be without his arm? When I'm done attaching your arm to the clone I will wake this one up and this will begin to live,"

"...What have you done with the experiments?" I couldn't help to think of it, did he do the same to them as he did to me?

"Awh, you're worrying about 'em. But don't you worry, there alive and healthy, just like you will be. We did some tests on every experiments, and those who got the best test results ended up here.

They all got a replacement for their missing body parts. The one who lost its head and brain got a new one in metal, but instead of a brain she got a chip that computerized her living. Sounds fun, eh?"

"You belong in the psych ward, that's for sure.. Disgusting is what you are,"

"I surely do. But do I care? Nah, I do not," he answered and picked up my arm and started to attach it to the clone of his, making me want to puke in disgust.

"You'll meet your new robot friends soon, 164. They're awaiting your present. Just wait until I'm done, aye?"

I didn't listen to him anymore, I just wanted to get out of here. I tried my best to move under the leather straps and realized that they had forgot to give me the drugs, so I was slightly stronger now than I was for fifteen minutes ago, but still too weak to break the straps.

"Aaand done, puuuurrfect," the Doctor said with a satisfied smile on his face. He covered up the clone with the white blanket again and looked at me. "Let's get you to your new friends, shall we?" He said as he stood in the top of the stretcher, looking me in the eyes and in a second he began to push the stretcher forward out of the room and he continued down the hallway until we reached a area I have never heard of before. But I guess they have all kind of areas in this place, it wouldn't surprise me.

He opened the gate and continued to push the stretcher with me on until we reached a metallic like home, almost like a gigantic mouse house. And like he said, there was five persons waiting for me, everyone had their own robot part, making each one of them more or less special.

"We're here, 164. Get up with ya'," The doctor muttered as he took the straps and untied me. He then pushed me down to the floor; making me fall on the robot arm. When the arm connected with the floor I shut my eyes and did my best to not make a sound because of the sudden pain that went through my upper body. Shit, this really hurt.

The five experiments looked at me, their eyes was completely dead and without any signs of life in them as they went back to what they was doing before I got there.

"Have fun with your new life, 164. I hope you enjoy your new arm as much as I do, because I'll meet you again in just a few days,"

"Go kill yourself, fucker,"

"Maybe I will, but that doesn't stop me from seeing you, or am I wrong?"

I rolled my eyes at this pathetic Doc now, not caring what he says anymore. I stood up on my feet and began walking forward to the girl he was talking about earlier.

"See you later. At your wedding, 164,"
Unedited like every part in this book. Sorry for the late and slow update.

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~ Ame

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