Part Four

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Romeo🇬🇧: So ur the girl Romeo has been talking about...
Emma🇺🇸: ?
Romeo🇬🇧: I'm his older brother Brooklyn
Emma🇺🇸: Oh hey!
Romeo🇬🇧: So are you and Romeo dating?
Emma🇺🇸: Nooooooooo
Emma🇺🇸: 😂😂😂😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Oh rly it sure sounds like it😏😂😂
Emma🇺🇸: we haven't even met and u guys live in London
Romeo🇬🇧: True haha😂 U seem chill
Emma🇺🇸: Thx😂 so do u
Romeo🇬🇧: Thx😂
Emma🇺🇸: So how old r u?
Romeo🇬🇧: Just turned 18
Emma🇺🇸: Congrats ur an adult😂👍
Romeo🇬🇧: And I can drink😏🍻
Emma🇺🇸: Whooooohoo party at Brooklyn's🍾
Emma🇺🇸: jk😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Haha🍾🍾🍾😂😂😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Ur Romeo's age right?
Emma🇺🇸: 14 yeah
Romeo🇬🇧: Ever been to London?
Emma🇺🇸: Nope but I rly want to!!
Romeo🇬🇧: I hear you play football
Emma🇺🇸: Yeah!! Been playing forever
Romeo🇬🇧: Football's really popular in my family
Emma🇺🇸: Really? Romeo said he plays tennis
Romeo🇬🇧: He does but we all used to play except for my mom😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Our dad is the big football player tho
Emma🇺🇸: That's so cool
Romeo🇬🇧: Yeah haha
Emma🇺🇸: Why did u text me haha
Romeo🇬🇧: Romeo has been talking about u and he left his phone in the movie room so I took it and wanted to text you haha😂
Emma🇺🇸: Oh ok lol
Emma🇺🇸: Romeo has talked about me?
Romeo🇬🇧: Oh god yes all the time
Emma🇺🇸: geez I haven't told anyone about him
Emma🇺🇸: What has he said?
Romeo🇬🇧: Only nice things don't worry
Romeo🇬🇧: Like how ur rly nice and rly pretty
Emma🇺🇸: Aw😊😂😂😂 thank you Romeo ig🤷‍♀️😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Hahaha😂 You have to come to London!!!!
Emma🇺🇸: I REALLY want to and really wish I could...!!!!
Emma🇺🇸: Now I have even more reasons to go
Romeo🇬🇧: I totally ship you guys👌
Emma🇺🇸: Pls stop Brooklyn
Romeo🇬🇧: #Remma
Emma🇺🇸: STOP!!!!
Romeo🇬🇧: I will calm down😂
Romeo🇬🇧: Here text me at 123-098-3456
Emma🇺🇸: Okay😜 bye
Romeo🇬🇧: I deleted these texts bc Romeo will get mad if he knows I told u that he talks about u 24/7
Emma🇺🇸: haha okay
Romeo🇬🇧: I am so sorry, Brooklyn took my phone
Emma🇺🇸: It's totally fine! He's cool
Romeo🇬🇧: I'm cooler😎
Emma🇺🇸: Sureeeeeee
Romeo🇬🇧: I have to go to tennis now but I'll text you later!
Emma🇺🇸: K bye Romeo👋 have fun at tennis!!

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