Part Seventeen

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Emma: We landed!
Romeo: Yayyayayayayayay
Emma: Mom is texting your mom rn... they are besties 4 sho
Romeo: Hahahahaha
Emma: I'm so excited to finally meet you!
Romeo: I bet I'm more excited😊😂😘
Emma: We are starting to walk off the plane
Romeo: We are almost at the airport to pick you up!
Emma: Yay
Romeo: It will be really chaotic at the airport
Emma: It doesn't seem that bad
Romeo: Just wait.....
Emma: Ummm ok😂😂
Romeo: What are you doing rn
Emma: We have to go through immigration and customs
Romeo: Ohhh yeah
Romeo: Is the line long?
Emma: It looks average😒
Romeo: How long do they usually take?
Emma: You said you've been to LA? Didn't you go through these?
Romeo: No we got to cut
Emma: OMG HOW??!??!!
Romeo: You can ask my dad😅😂
Emma: Hahaha I will bc I hate lines lol
Romeo: Yeah... please don't 😂
Emma: I won't, don't worry
Romeo: We are about 5 minutes away
Emma: You will be waiting for awhile
Romeo: Hahaha yeah
Emma: Andrew FaceTimed me, I'll text you with updates
Romeo: Oh ok
Romeo: We just arrived at the airport.
Romeo: Can't wait to see you❤️
Romeo: Whoa who???
Emma: Some guy named Mark
Romeo: Dark brown hair, blue eyes, glasses?
Emma: Yeah...
Romeo: He helps us out at this airport whenever we have to go any where
Emma: Wait does he know we are meeting you?
Romeo: Probably, my dad probably told him
Emma: Cool!
Emma: See you sooner than I thought!!
Romeo: Yay😄😄
Emma: We are headed to baggage claim
Romeo: What did you and Andrew talk about?
Emma: It was pretty short by he just said that he misses me and hope I have the best trip ever and stuff like that
Romeo: Cool
Emma: Eh
Emma: My mom said I have to stop texting you but see you in like 5 minutes!!
Romeo: See you💕

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