Part Nine

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Romeo🇬🇧: Brooklyn told me you have a math exam today. GOOD LUCK EM!!! IK YOU WILL DO GREAT😘😘😘
Emma☺️: Thank you Roro!! 💕💕💕

Brooklyn: Good luck on your final!!
Emma: Thank you! :)

Romeo🇬🇧: How was ur final???
Emma☺️: It was long but went rly well. I think I did good!
Emma☺️: Well hopefully...
Romeo🇬🇧: I bet you did amazing❤️
Emma☺️: Aw thanks Romeo😊😊😘😘
Emma😘: How was ur day?
Romeo🇬🇧: Pretty good! How's was urs besides the exam?
Emma😘: It was good!
Romeo🇬🇧: That's good:)
Emma😘: Did you have tennis today?
Romeo🇬🇧: yeah
Emma😘: How was it?
Romeo🇬🇧: Good! There's just one rly annoying girl who thinks we are rly close but I don't like her at all and she knows nothing about me...
Emma😘: Geez that sounds horrible
Romeo🇬🇧: It is... on her Instagram live streams she always makes it sound like we are dating even though we aren't and never will😡
Emma😘: That must be so annoying
Romeo🇬🇧: yep
Romeo🇬🇧: What's ur best friend like?
Emma😘: Her names Sophie and I've known her since pre-k
Romeo🇬🇧: Wow that's a long time
Emma😘: What's ur best friend like
Romeo🇬🇧: His name is Ben and I've known him since 3rd grade
Emma😘: Noice👍
Romeo🇬🇧: Yay you said noice!!
Emma😘: Just for you Romes😘😘😘😂😂
Romeo🇬🇧: You have so many nicknames for me😂
Emma😘: I guess I do😂
Emma😘: Brooklyn said you are nervous about me coming. Why's that?
Romeo🇬🇧: My family isn't like every other family.
Emma😘: Oh come on! How different can ur family be? You have a mom,dad and 3 siblings.
Romeo🇬🇧: Yeah I guess your right
Emma😘: Well I have to go, ttyl👋
Romeo🇬🇧: 👋👋😘

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