Come Back To Me

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Come back to me


I scanned the ocean of moving bodies as they swayed in time to the heavy beat. I took a swig of my beer as my eyes locked with a cute little brunette. She was definitely coming home with me tonight. I smirked as she seemed to become mesmerised by me. I quickly hit my friend on the shoulder, as I nodded to where the girl who would be coming home with me tonight was standing with her group of friends and started walking towards her.

"The brunette is mine," I chuckled as I leaned towards my friend Jamie.

"Blonde," Jamie called as the rest of the guys split up the girls between them. This was our usual way of dividing girls between us; the first one to call gets the girl. My smirk grew more pronounced as we neared the girls. This was going to be a good night.

"Hello there," I grinned when I finally reached the brunette. Her cheeks instantly reddened. This was getting too easy.

"Hi," she giggled as she played with the end of her hair. This was going to be easier than I thought.

"Jonah," I said as I stuck out my hand towards her.

"Daisy," she responded as he took my hand in hers and held on to it for a bit longer than necessary, she was already melting at my every word. I would probably have her home within the next hour.

"Nice name," I lied. It was actually a pretty stupid name, who named their child after a flower anyway?

"Thanks," she giggled as she shifted towards me, pushing her chest out. Wow this girl seriously was desperate.

"So what do you do Daisy?" I asked as I pretended to be interested in her. All I wanted really was to get in her pants. I didn't care about her, she was hot that was all that mattered to me.

"I'm a shop assistant," she whispered as she looked at me through her eyelashes, probably trying to be seductive.

"Wow, you must be good. If I saw you in a shop I would never leave," I smirked as I leant a little closer than need. I honestly couldn't believe half the stuff that came out of my mouth, it all worked though. She giggled as if I had just told the funniest joke in the world; I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"I'm ok, I guess," she said with a small shrug and a playful smile. "What about you?" She asked as her hand moved, no so subtly, to my chest.

"I'm in the army," I grinned - this always got the girls.

"Really?" She asked as her eyes glazed over slightly. Yep, she was definitely imagining me in uniform.

"Yeah, I'm on leave right now," I said as my smile faded from my lips.

"When do you go back?" She asked as her arm moved to my arm sympathetically.

"In a couple of days," I lied, in fact I had a week left until I had to return.

"Oh my gosh," she whispered under her breath as she literally seemed to melt into a puddle at my every word. This seriously was becoming way too easy, maybe even a little boring. I almost laughed out loud at my last thought, this would never be boring.

I nodded my head as my eyes dropped to the ground, trying to give the impression that I was scared of going back. Girls loved it when guys got all emotional.

"It'll be ok," she whispered as soothingly as possible as she inched forward again so her body was pressing against mine. I was nearly there now, I just has to play my cards right. "I'll make one of your last night's worthwhile," she cooed and actually winked at me. Who does that?

Come Back To Me (Very slowly editing)Where stories live. Discover now