Chapter 3 - Restaurant Crisis

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Saturday nights were always the same for me - sitting in my room with my lava lamp on, doodling random stuff in my spiral notebook which i was gifted a year ago by my aunt on my birthday. It was 8 o'clock, my favourite time of day. I sprang up and turned on my portable DVD player to break the silence. 'The Faith I Have In You' began playing by my favourite band, Wishes Of A Rockstar. I sat back down in my beanbag and began scribbling away again, drawing all sorts of weird and wacky stuff. 

After half an hour or so, I yawned loudly, half-asleep, daydreaming (well, technically nightdreaming) about that Charlie boy. I wanted to keep dreaming, so I managed to hop into my PJ's and jump into my cosy, floral bed. I was knocked out in no time. 

SPLAT! I woke up to the sound of... something hitting the windows? I got out of bed and tiptoed over to the front windows, which I saw were covered in white and orange. I realized - someone had just egged our house! What the heck? I expected to get some attention from our neighbours, but not negative attention! The worst part was that they had hit the high windows, which meant I couldn't just go outside and wipe it up before it dried and hardened. The good thing was that my mum was free, so she could pull out the ladder and scrape it off later. I glanced at my watch and.. 


Quickly, I bolted out of my bed and jumped into the bathroom to brush my teeth. 

When I was done, I ran down the stairs, nearly twisting my ankle. I went into the dining room to find Mum and Dad reading a catalogue. Dad looked up. 

"So, Sleeping Beauty is finally awake!" he smiled. 

"Uh-huh." I replied grumpily. I had fallen into such a deep sleep that I lost track of time. I had NEVER woken up this late before! 

"Honey, quickly whip up some breakfast and get dressed. We're going out to a new sushi bar that just opened up in town." 

"Awesome." I rushed into the kitchen and decided to make egg and cheese tacos. I scoffed thenm down and hurried into my bedroom, deciding on what to wear. I opened my wardrobe and hunted through old dresses, skinnies and tops which I would have worn when I was eight.  I finally found a something suitable to wear. I threw on a nautical stripy jumper and a pair of rolled-up chinos with a thin brown leather belt. I put on my old Oxfords which looked sort of scruffy, but i didn't have the time or the money to go out and buy a new pair of shoes. It was slightly chilly, so i grabbed a cashmere scarf and tied it around my nack. I wasn't bothered to make the effort to look good, so I just applied some Shimmer Gloss to sparkle up my lips and put on some eyeliner. I grabbed my leather jacket and purse and slowly walked down. 

"Are you ready hun?" Mum called from the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yeah!" I walked towards her. 

"Aah, this is going to be fun honey! We can finally enjoy a nice family dinner at a nice cosy bar in this beautiful city. You deserve it love, you've had to put up with such a drastic change. " Mum exclaimed, bursting with happiness.

Wow. Seeing Mum this happy really made me glow inside. It was nice to finally spend some quality time with my parents after a huge renovation. 

It was a 45 minute drive to get to Sushi City but it was worth it! The traffic was INSANE but I slept my way through it. I couldn't believe it, I had spent most of my day sleeping! And i HATED sleeping! This was unexpected... But that wasn't the only surprise of the day. 

As we walked in to get a table, I saw someone I was not quite sure was really before my eyes. But I rubbed my eyes hard and the figure was still standing a few feet away from me. Oh My God! It was CHARLIE! His face looked even more gorgeous from a distance. He was wearing a blue Lacoste t-shirt and blue jeans. I was happily staring at him, but was snapped out of my trance when I saw a monstrous creature standing next to him. It was ARIANA! She was wearing a pair of extra short shorts that were riding up her backside. Not a pretty sight. She was also wearing a Hollister off the shoulder top, huge hoop earrings, chunky pearl bracelets and Nine West glitter heels. Man, those heels were high! I had to admit, the outfit was pretty great, but on her, it looked, well, trampy. To make things worse, her lips were so ruby red that it looked like she had cut her finger open and smeared the blood over her lips as lipstick. 

Atleast my fashion magazines were working for me. I felt like a stylist guru. 

We sat down at our table, across from the table Charlie's family and Ariana's family were sitting at. Hmm.. So they were family friends, huh. Interesting. 

"What would you like, young lady?" said the waiter who was taking down our orders. I was so busy staring at Charlie that I didn't even notice the waiter had appeared! Just when I was turning around, Ariana caught sight of me. And boy, if looks could kill, I'd be dead.

"Um, I'll have the Chicken Soup and the Rainbow Roll, please." I ordered, feeling embarrassed. I could just sense Ariana's laser eyes watching my every move and her bat ears listening to every word coming out of my mouth. 

"That'll be $9.95, madam." smiled the waiter, pouring me a glass of water. 

"Oh, um.." I scrabbled around in my purse, hunting for any spare change or notes. I didn't realise it would amount to this! I was used to ordering a 2 for £2 fried chicken bucket and splitting the money with my old friend back in London. And I was planning on ordering some more afterwards.. 

"Don't worry hun, I'll pay for this," winked my Dad, handing the waiter a cheque. 

"Thanks Dad! I promise I'll pay you back." 

As I was waiting for the food to be prepared, I heard Ariana murmuring to Charlie. "Hah! Look at her, can't even afford to pay for her own food!" Charlie looked over at me and gave me a guilty look. He shrugged and I smiled gently. I shot Ariana a deadly look, but she seemed to think there was something wrong with my eye and began cackling loudly. Stupid witch. 

I looked away and found a plate of sushi and a bowl of soup waiting for me on the table. I dug in to my rainbow-coloured sushi roll which tasted heavenly, even though i wasn't very fond of fish. I wasn't going to let anything, especially this Ariana chick, spoil my lovely evening with my amazing parents. 

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