7: Lapis' place

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Lapis' POV

It's been one months since Peridot and I are together. I'm happy with her. And she seems to be too. So i'm glad. I knew it will work out well.
We were in my room, studying.
"Uughh I don't wanna study..." i said.
"We have to, tomorrow, there's a biology test and you didn't study!!"
I love how Peridot cares about my grades more than I do.
"Please, close that book."
She wasn't listening to me.
I suddenly had an idea.
She was laying on my bed, so I pushed her on the side and sit on her. She was blushing a lot. So I smiled. I was gonna kiss her but she pushed me away.
"Lapis. Study."
"Ugh i hate when you're right..."
I got up and took my biology notebook.

When we were passing the test, I realized that I barely studied and didn't even understand what I read. Argh i should've listened to Peridot. Girlfriends are always right.
"Peridot. Psssst peridot !" I whispered.
She was behind me.
"What do you need?"
But Mrs.Blue caught me before I could ask her.
"Ms. Lazuli, are you cheating ?"
"Uh... yea?"
"Ok...If you answer right to this question, I'll pretend I didn't see anything, if not, you'll get an F." My teacher said. "What does Sodium with O2 makes when they are mixed together?"
Everyone was staring at me.
I didn't know. I was panicking.
Peridot took my hand from behind.
"C'mon, I know you can do it, we studied that part." She whispered me.
"So...?" Mrs. Blue was waiting. Peridot believed in me. Everyone was staring.
"...a... toxic form?"
"Mhm... that's a great answer." The teacher said.
"That's my girl." Peridot smiled at me.
I smiled back.

It was break time and we were sitting in the hallway. Peridot was sitting on my knees.
"So, I thought we could go on a date this weekend, to spend some times together... we could either stay at your place or mine... or just go somewhere else? What do you think ?"
"Why don't you spend the weekend at my house, my mom isn't here all weekend."
"That isn't a cloddy idea ! Let's do that!"

Peridot's POV

It was Saturday afternoon and i was getting ready to head at Lapis' place.
"Bye Shane, i'm going at Lapis' for the weekend!"
"See y- wait what ? You're gonna sleep at her place? Oh em gee, are you guys gonna... do stuffs?"
"Ew stop, she's my girlfriend since a month and we never even kissed, we're not gonna 'do stuffs'"
"LOL k byeeee have fun!" He said and winked.
I closed the door.
As i was walking in the street, i heard my phone ringing. It was Lapis. I decided to not answer because I was almost there.
I knocked at her door.
"Hey baaaabe." She said, opening the door.
"Hey." She kissed me on the cheek. We went in her room.
" Do you wanna watch a movie or something?"
"Oh my stars, can i show you this amazing tv show im a fan of ?"
" Oh is it that Camp Pins heart something you've been talking about?"
"Yea, but it's actually camp pining hearts!"
"Yes we can watch that if you want, I'm finally gonna understand what you mean when you say that our relationship is like Percy and Pierre."
"Exactly!" I said.
I took her laptop and searched up the first episode that I probably saw a thousands of times.

Lapis' POV

As we were watching the first episode of her show that I was quite enjoying, Peridot seemed to know every words.
"It's the color war Paulette, doesn't that mean anything to you ?" She said, her eyes stuck on the screen.
I smiled at my cute dork.
Suddenly, she sighed.
"God, Paulette, I really hate you, you are SO USELESS!!"
"You're right."
"Yea!! Indeed, I'm right."
After a few episodes, I realized she was sleeping. I stared at her face for a couple seconds because she looked adorable when she was sleeping. Then, I turned my laptop off and put a blanket on us. And I clutched onto her.
"Lapis? Are you sleeping already?"
I turned towards her.
"Nope. Hey." I said.
Suddenly, I felt her lips against mine.
She removed her face, looked at me and then kissed me again. She climbed on me while we were kissing. We didn't stop kissing for many minutes. It felt... great.

Peridot's POV


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