You will be judging out of 10:
Spelling: 0/10
Grammar: 0/10
Addicting: 0/10
Good Plot: 0/10
Unique Characters: 0/10Ex:
Spelling: 10/10
- O means absolute mess
- 10 means no spelling mistakesGrammar: 9/10
- 0 means using non of the correct words (they're instead of their; stuff like that)
- 10 means they used proper grammarAddicting: 7/10
- 0 means not interesting
- 10 means you don't want to stop readingGood Plot: 9/10
- 0 means there is no plot/is very confusing of what's going on
- 10 means there is a very good plot and you can tell exactly what is going on in the storyUnique Characters: 6/10
- 0 means the characters are all the same and aren't "unique"
- 10 means the characters all have different traits and are "unique"The way you will turn in this information will be posted later.
P.S. Please do not read the books in your category until told so.
Judges Dates, News, and Updates
De TodoThis is a book with all the information and news for The Purple Heart Awards judges. If you are a judge, you MUST read.