7: Lights out Part 1

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A/N: Hey Streamers. I've been hiding away on my practice writing account for awhile just for practice but I'm back on my REAL account ready to take the world by storm! Haha I wish. Anyway, sorry for the wait but, heres the next chapter.


I got back to my dorm and
sighed. I chucked my bags on the mini couch we have. I flopped down on my bed in my shared-bedroom. I share this room with Flutters...Oh crap. Flutters.
I felt awful all of a sudden. My best friend!! One of the only people I allowed to let myself care about. I rushed out of my bedroom to see Sunset shimmer and Twilight on the couch. Sunset is also one of my friends. She stays in our dorm a lot...Mostly with Twilight. It's crazy how close they're willing to get to each other. Hmm oh well I don't really have time to worry about that.
I rushed out of the dorm. Twi, Sunset and I were the only ones there so that quickly eliminated our dorm for where Flutters might be.
I ran into a dark hallway to find Applejack shoving Rarity against a locker. I thought they got along! Oh well no time to worry about that either.
I heard slight whimpers in a locker. I walked over to that certain locker but It had a lock on it and the air holes we're tightly sealed. My heart skipped a beat. Not much oxygen could enter this locker and it has a lock on it! The poor person would starve.
I broke open the lock using some plyers I got from the office quick.
I quickly opened the locker to see a beat, tied and moth-duct taped fluttershy.
She fell right in my arms.
"Fluttershy!!" I gasped.
She weakly opened her eyes. One was black and had a gash mark underneath it.
"Fluttershy no!!" I held her while on my knees.
I removed the duct tape from her mouth.
"Fluttershy, speak to me."
She seemed like she was slowly dying.
It was silent for a moment before she drily spoke, "You're my hero, Dashie."
I smiled, letting my guard fall billions of miles away.
She smiled back and coughed a bit of blood.
I hate to admit it but I had a INSTY WINTST TINNNNNY WHINY LITTLE TAD of feelings for Fluttershy. I loved her a little bit more than just a friend.
Out of all my friends it hurt me the most to see Fluttershy in this state.
"Oh Fluttershy! I'm so sorry this happened to you!"
Her clothes were ripped, her skin was scarred and her cheeks were tear-stained.
Instantly I went cold, scaring Flutters a little bit.
I frowned and my face went dark, "Who did this to you?" I asked
She teared up, "Renegade, Charlie and Soarin."
My heart stopped for a good 5 seconds.
"S-S-S-Soarin?" I stuttered.
She nodded weakly.
She cringed a little at the movement of her head.
She must be in so much pain.
Princess-style I carried her back to our dorm.
I got her all tucked in and asked Twilight, who all of a sudden had lip marks all over her face, to make some warm soup.
She was kinda stunned and enchanted but she did it anyway.
I flew out the door and found Soarin in the hallway with flowers.
I punched it the moment I saw him and he fell to the floor.
"OWW, DASHIE!!" He yelped.
The flowers got all crunched from the fall and that seemed to worry him.
I looked at the flowers.
He noticed I was noticed them and he smiled.
"If those are for Rarity she's not here right now."
"Actually," He said while getting up and rubbing his cheek. He held them out, "They're for you."
I laughed and then blew him to the floor with another punch.
She yelped again and I stepped down really hard on his stomach .
"Dash! OW! I'm sorry I won't give you the flowers," He whined.
"Shut up!" I yelled.
I kicked him about 500 times and blood started staining the carpet.
He was so weak all of a sudden.
I jumped all the way in the air and came down on top of him.
Kicking, punching, slapping, jumping, whipping, biting, elbowing and yelling.
Blood, cuts, bruises, gashes, he just sat there while I ranted and beat him up.
I gritted my teeth, "How could you beat up my flutters?" I concluded with one last blow.
"Beat..up..Flutters?" He questioned.
I was tuckered out and I fell down beside him.
"I never beat her up." He said.
"Yes, Flutters said you beat her up.
He managed to laugh a bit. (With blood of course.)
"Did it occurred to you that maybe she was a little jealous that I like you and she was afraid I would steal you from her."
My world seem to crash in one sentence.
Soarin likes me? Fluttershy wouldn't do that would she? It makes since tho. Why would she? Was it just renegade that beat her up? Or did she beat herself up? Is soarin lying? Is he really trustworthy? Fluttershy wouldn't lie to me! Would she? Everything became very confusing.
I sat up and opened my mouth to speak but a rough, painful, ringing blow to the back of my head hit me and I blacked out
Little did I know that once I woke up nothing would ever be the same.

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