3: Reckless

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"Rainbow Dash!" A country voice behind me yelled.
Rarity and Applejack are the only one's who don't belong here. They work here. They just came along with me and the gang. No on left behind. Friends stick together.
"Hey, AJ," I turned around and smiled.
These 5 are the only people I care about. Everyone else means nothing to me.
"I saw you talking to Soarin Skies..." She trailed off.
Ugh! This has to come up AGAIN!
Believe it or not, That's the 4th person to mention Soarin and Me
(Once again, that is proper grammar)
"Do you guys-" Applejack stopped when Fluttershy walked up.
"Hey, Dashie," Fluttershy said softly to me.
"Hey, AJ."
Fluttershy looked at me a bit then blushed.
Everyone in Trenton Academy knew Fluttershy had a thing for me. She isn't very good at hiding it.
Applejack smirked.
"I'll leave you two alone," She Insisted.
She sped-walked off leaving me and Flutters alone.
"So, Rainbow..." Fluttershy looked down to push a bit if her light pink mane away from her face.
"Who are you taking to the dance?" She smiled a little, looking up at me.
Her face was practically begging me to invite her.
"Well...I was thinking..." I started to trail off again.
Do I like Fluttershy?
OF COURSE!!! She's one if my best friends and part of the only 5 people I care about.
But, Do I have a CRUSH on Fluttershy?
HECK NO!!!!! No offense to het but she's ONLY a friend and it should stay like that. I mean, i did have a LITTLE crush on her in Middle School but that died quick.
"Well..." I kept stuttering.
I was never like this! Why am I like this now?
"Dashie, I know there has been a unspoken thing lately and I just wanted to clear it up."
She kept staring down and playing with her own hands.
"D-Do You..." she stopped to look up at me, her cheeks a dark shade if crimson.
"Still have feelings for Soarin?"
I stood, Dumbfounded.
Still? Wha-? I felt dizzy. All the memories rushed back.
Soarin and I playing tag, tackling each other, Basketball, soccer, baseball, Street Hockey. When Flutters and Soarin were my only friends we'd all have sleepovers and talk all night. I admitted to Fluttershy that I had a crush on Soarin but I was 10 and dumb. Everything changed after Elementary school and I barley saw Soarin after that.
I was always trouble and Soarin knew it. He went on his way to become a celebrity by the age of 13. He left cantorlot and went on to pursue his dreams as a pro soccer player and musician.
Me? Well I flunked pretty much every class. I gave up on my dreams and just became a trouble maker. But, I have a HUGE secret. If any found out that I-
"Dashie?" Fluttershy snapped me back to reality.
"I- Uh- No. I don't have feelings for Soarin," I hardened back up. How could I put down my defense like that? Did I just go soft?
"Oh really!" Fluttershy lit up.
The bell sounded.
"I gotta go, Fluttershy," I told her, quickly shoving past her.
"I can't deal with people like you right now," I added, quickly regretting it.
I shoved her away and sped away fast.
She wobbled and fell straight to the ground.
I left her there crying, To be trampled by the hustle of moving people in a rush to their next class.
That's just me.
I'm reckless.
Reckless Rainbow Dash.

Hey y'all!! How are all my Oreos doin? Just wanted you all to go check out 'You Wish' if you haven't all ready. All be doing some fixes to it so go check it out!!

Q: Have you seen Guardians Of the Galaxy Vol. 2 yet?

A: Yup! Three times! I'm 
thinking about throwing a reference in this book to it😁

How about you guys? Have you seen it yet?

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