Chapter 1

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I groaned and pulled the covers over my head as my alarm clock buzzed.

My mom knocked on my bedroom door.  "Come on Alan, get up!  We have to get going soon!"

I pushed the covers away and got out of bed.  Today is my first day at college, and it just so happens that we have a couple hours drive to get there since it's in California and we're in Nevada.  I got dressed and ready then put the last box in the truck and we left.  My mom was in the front talking about how excited she was for me and how much fun I was going to have.  This was going to be a long drive.  Finally I decoded to try to take a nap.


I woke up a few hours later, my mom was talking to my dad now and we were pulling into a big parking lot at the main building. 

"Here we are, the University of California."  My mom smiled and we got out of the car.  I yawned and stretched before we went inside.  There were a lot of tables everywhere.  I looked around wondering which one we were supposed to go to.  My mom and dad went to one of the tables and I wandered around.  I heard my mom call me and I walked over to her.

"Did you find the right table?"  I asked.  I saw one of the guys that were talking on the other side of the room walk towards us.

"Hello, my name is Alex."  He greeted us and picked up a clip board.  "Last name?"

"Ashby."  My mother replied.

He mumbled quietly and looked at the board.  "Ah here we are, Alan?"  I nodded.  "You're on the second floor in the north wing of the dorms.  Room 204.  I'm the RA for the north wing by the way."  He went through a small box and handed me a key.  "Okay, if you'll follow me I'll show you to your room."

We walked up the stairs to the second floor.  My room was only a few doors down.  Alex showed us where everything was then he left to go help other people.  My family and I began to bring the few boxes I had to the room. 

"I can't believe my baby's in college."  My mom smiled as we brought in the last few boxes.  "Do you want us to stay and help unpack?"

"No mom it's fine I can handle it."  I said and she kissed my cheek.

"Okay, well we will call you when we get home.  We love you sweetie!"  She said as they walked out the door.  I closed the door and began to unpack the boxes.  I put up my clothes in the dresser and I fixed up my bed.  I was too busy looking for the box with sheets in it to notice that Alex was back in the room with more people.

"Alan, this is your roommate Austin Carlile."  Alex said when I looked up from the box.

"Hey."  I smiled.  Austin was tall and had dark brown hair.  He also had tattoos down one arm, he was very handsome I have to admit.

"Hi."  He smiled and listened as Alex explained everything.  I found the sheets finally and finished fixing my bed.  Everything was unpacked now.  Austin and his dad brought in boxes of his stuff.  After everything was inside they said goodbye and his dad left.

"Do you need some help unpacking?"  I asked sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Uh, I can do it on my own, but you can help if you want to."  He smiled and pulled open one of the boxes.  I walked over and opened one of the boxes and helped him put stuff way.

When we finished, Austin went to look around and I stayed in the room.  I laid down on my bed and checked my phone, nothing new was happening.  I scrolled through Instagram for a while before my mom called letting me know they had made it home.  I hung up and plugged the phone into the charger.  Austin walked back in and sat on his bed.

"So, did you find anything interesting?"  I asked trying to make small talk.

"Well, I found the cafeteria, but it wasn't that interesting."  He said with a laugh.  I laughed too.  "The campus is really pretty though."

I smiled and nodded.  "Yeah?  Maybe I'll walk around a bit later."  We were both silent for a moment.

"So, do you play any sports?"  Austin asked.

"Not really."  I shook my head.  "Do you?"

"Baseball!"  He grinned.

"That sounds like fun.  I don't play sports, but I play guitar."  I smiled.

"You should let me hear sometime."  He said and I nodded.  We talked for a little while longer and I decided to finally get up and go for a walk.

"Mind if I come too?"  Austin asked when I got up.

"Sure."  I smiled.  "Walks are better with someone to talk to anyways."

"Yeah."  He smiled  and we walked out the door.  Maybe college would be fun after all.


So my first attempt of a Cashby.  What do you think so far?  Leave some feed back and vote! :3

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