Smile for Me

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I'm not one to start believing in the existence of occult rituals, cursed beings, and demonic forces, but if there was ever one who could have convinced me otherwise, it would have been my captor from all those years ago. I had met him at a carnival. He was working one of the performance tents and performed illusions for a passing crowd of carnival goers. I had gone to the carnival with my older cousin Gerald at the time. My mother thought that since he was sixteen, he would help make sure I got home safe. As irritated as I was at her for doubting my abilities to protect my own safety, I obeyed her. After all, it wasn't every day that you had a carnival like this in town.

Gerald and I decided to walk to the carnival rather than take his worn out bicycle. My mother had given us a little bit of money to get in and have fun. We paid for our tickets at the front and rushed in. I remember myself letting out screams of joy, running past the numerous booths and enjoying the glittering lights that shine bright and danced in the dark. After a few minutes of running around and looking for Gerald, we decided to head first to the ball tossing booth.

Gerald stepped forward to go first. "Let me have at it first, Alice! I need to practice my throwing arm."

Gerald paid the man a coin and was given three baseballs to throw at some bottles. He threw the first one with the great force and knocked over all of the bottles in one swing. He hopped up in the joy of having made a perfect shot.

"Yes! I got them all!"

The stand worker spoke to us before handing me a ball.

"You both won, but you have the opportunity to get the big prize now." The biggest prize the stand worker had was a large stuffed teddy bear. I wanted the teddy bear so much. "Will you take the challenge?"

I answered up quickly to the worker. "Yes! I'll take your challenge!"

Gerald pulled me aside before I could grab the baseball. "Hold up, Alice! You can't just rush into the throw. You need to warm up!"

He grabbed the ball from the worker's hand and began to show me how to warm up my arm and showed me how to throw the ball with the right amount of force and how to aim. After warming up a bit, I was ready to throw the ball. "I got it, Gerald." My mind focused as I aimed the ball. I swung my arm back and threw the ball directly down my line of sight and nailed the entire stack of bottles perfectly. I hopped in joy and happily took the prize from the worker. The bear was almost as big as me, but I loved it regardless. Gerald offered to carry it for me since I was only twelve at the time and struggled at first to handle the bear, but I held on to it tightly and refused the help. "No! It's my teddy bear, and I want to carry him myself." Gerald put up his hands to signal that he didn't want to fight over the bear with me and let me carry it.

We made our way over to a cotton candy stand and Gerald paid for both of our cotton candy sticks. I told him that I had money to pay for my own, but Gerald always wanted to be the gentleman. I accepted his offer and took the candy from him. We continued to walk through the carnival until we came by one tent that had a sign reading "Come one, come all, to see the world famous Trickster!" I wasn't quite as excited as Gerald, but his enthusiasm and firm grip convinced me to go in with him.

We paid the man a dime each for entry in, and Gerald signed for both of us. He didn't write my attendance name down but hurried me along with him before I could correct it. I'm glad now that he made that mistake. Gerald moved me towards the seats and we found our spots in the crowd to watch the world famous Trickster in action. It wasn't long before the lights dimmed and lights appeared on the stage. From beyond the curtain, we could hear the announcer detailing the stage backstory of the Trickster. "He has visited many nations and has seen the world. Some of the things you see tonight will make even the strongest skeptics question their previous ideas of reality! Some of you may call for help after what you witness tonight! Some of you may still call it all an act after tonight's performance, but I assure you, nothing could be further from the truth. Tonight, for his final performance in the United States, please welcome, the world famous, Trickster!"

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